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Tenancy Application Form For Landlords

Tenancy Application Form

Getting prospective tenants to complete an application form is one of the best ways to avoid time-wasting (for both tenants and landlords), because it allows landlords to quickly assess whether applicants meet the prerequisites (e.g. employment status, salary etc) before going too far down the rabbit hole. Moreover, it allows landlords to efficiently compare all applicants and determine which is the best suited out of the bunch!

In short, every landlord that is looking to fill an vacancy should be handing out tenancy application forms!

Table of contents

What is a Tenancy Application Form?

It’s essentially a form which prospective tenants are asked to complete either before or during a viewing (I personally recommend doing it before viewings, because it provides an early opportunity to dismiss unsuitable applicants and therefore prevents time-wasting).

Here is a list of details requested for in a tenancy application form:

  • Tenancy details: number of applicants, proposed tenancy start date.
  • Tenant’s personal details: tenant(s) name, contact details.
  • Current Landlord: details of current landlord.
  • Referee / Guarantor Details: details of Guarantor.
  • Employment details: current and past employment details, and salary.
  • Occupants: Details of all the people that will occupy the property.
  • Other details: details such as smoking status, pet status.

Why landlords should use Tenancy Application Forms

  • If I have a vacant property which is receiving interest from several prospective tenants, I will have a neat list of all applicants with all their details. It makes it much easier to manage the applicants details.
  • The completed forms make it much easier to determine which applicant is most desirable, which will effectively help me choose the better tenant. For example, I can easily see which applicant has a greater salary and stronger rental history.
  • Some of the details on the Tenancy Application Form aren’t always found in Tenancy Agreements, but may be useful even after a tenancy has been created. For example, next of kin details maybe useful in case of an emergency.
  • Assuming the application form is completed before scheduling a viewing, it can quickly eliminate tenants from the queue if they don’t meet specific requirements e.g. lack of Guarantor. This saves a buttload of time!
  • You can build a directory of people to contact if a similar property becomes available. This is probably more useful for letting agents, or landlords with a portfolio of properties.
  • You can use the tenant’s employment and current/previous landlords details for references, to ensure they’re legitimate and have a good track record.

When should tenants complete the application form?

Almost all experienced landlords require applicants to complete a tenancy application form before scheduling a viewing in order to quickly separate the wheat from the chaff, and they’ll usually do it in one of two ways:

  • Conduct a phone interview with all applicants. I say “interview” for lack of a better word, but it’s usually just a friendly chat. You can then run through the relevant questions over the phone and fill in the application yourself.

    This is probably the most telling method, as you can tell so much by how someone conducts themselves on the phone.

  • Email each applicant the same tenancy application form, and get them to complete it.

Trust me, construct a screening process before you take viewings, and you’ll be surprised and overjoyed by how many idiots and unsuitable applicants you almost met.

In the past, some applicants have actually been disgruntled by the screening process, and it’s sent them running for the hills. That only means the pre-viewing screening process is working, because any reasonable person will understand and happily assist with answering the reasonable questions.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with meeting every applicant and getting them to complete the form during the viewings, and that will certainly help with the process of elimination. However, it will certainly mean you’ll be more prone to mingling with a whole heap of time-wasters/unsuitable applicants.

I want to clarify that Tenancy Application Forms are NOT legally required, although they make sense because of the points listed above.

Can I edit the Tenancy Application Form?

The application form can be tailored to a landlord’s preference. Landlords are entitled to ask prospective tenants any appropriate question that they see fit. However, I would advise to avoid asking too many questions, sticking to questions which have a direct relation to letting the property, and personal questions that may seem “too personal” Crossing those lines could act as a repellent.

I’ve seen a few Tenancy Application Forms which require bank details from the applicant. I’m not entirely convinced details like that are necessary at such early stages, so I removed that section. I know if I was a prospective tenant, I wouldn’t want to give up my bank details to a private landlord if I wasn’t even sure I wanted the property. However, I’d be more comfortable giving a letting agent those kinds of details.

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YesAdam 13th April, 2011 @ 15:47

Tenancy Application Forms have many uses.
(1) To compare potential tenants
(2) An directory of people to contact if its available again (or other properties).
(3) A quick reference instead of digging out Lease.

If we are sharing, here is one I created (a bit better no?):

If you are going to apply for insurance from no rent payment, then you will need simular information to supply insurance company.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 13th April, 2011 @ 16:26

Hey YesAdam,

Yup, yours definitely looks better. Thanks for the link. However, some of the questions seem a bit too intrusive e.g. Passport number. Is something like that necessary? I usually just ask for proof of ID e.g. photo driving license.

I've added point #2 to the list :)

Many thanks.

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YesAdam 13th April, 2011 @ 16:38

A bit more pretty perhaps.
I have never asked for passport number people normally use national insurance number or provide Driving Licence number. I'd only ever presume it would be used via police in case of incident, as long as one of the three is recorded I am happy.

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Lauren 14th April, 2011 @ 07:50

I've always used them as I'm still a novice and was concerned I may miss something.

It's also a great way to find out gritty details without sounding to prying and it's nice to have a simple record of the tenants details etc!

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 14th April, 2011 @ 09:44

Hey Lauren,

I definitely agree with the gritty details part- I think that's the main basis of its appeal to me :)

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YesAdam 14th April, 2011 @ 12:25

I was going trough documents sent to me via the "Residential Landlords Association" titled "10 Tips for Landlords".

At number one it says "Use a tenancy application form that requests details of the last 3 years residences, dob, nI and next of kin"

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jane currie 24th April, 2015 @ 10:36

Hi there, I have been a private landlord for 20 years. I am now introducing my son to work with me. This blog site with forms looks encouraging. thank you jane

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Linda Whyborn 20th September, 2016 @ 11:28

My tenant has, I think, vacated the property but he is coming back to let his cat out!!! Im in the process of doing an eviction order. He changed the locks on the flat, without my permission, and installed a cat, again without permission, and which is strictly forbidden by the Lease hold Landlord. He did not give me a set of keys, which I believe, by law he doesnt have to, so I cant enter the flat plus hes pulled all the blinds down so I can see in. He three months in arrears too. What can I do? Feel hes using the flat as a Cattery!!!

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Lisa 15th December, 2020 @ 18:03

Hi Landlord, Love your blog and your ebook which I am just reading now. You are an absolute life saver to Virgin Landlords like me.
Please don't be offended but the above link for the Tenency Application form (brilliant) for some reason is taking me to a black screen. I have downloaded another one of your forms and that was fine so not sure why this one is not working. Like I said not complaining, just thought you should know.
You really are a star. Thanks (god I am being such a creep I am making myself vomit!)

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 15th December, 2020 @ 20:52

Hi Lisa!

Oh man, stop it!

No, I'm joking, say more nice things, you big ol' creep!

Really glad to hear my blog has been useful! Makes it all worthwhile (genuinely)! Many thanks.

I just tested the form and it worked fine for me. I tried it a few times as well, just to ensure I didn't fluke it the first time round. Are you using the same email address you used to download the other form(s) (you should be)?

















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