Best UK Rent Guarantor Companies (For Tenants)

UK Rent Guarantor Companies

Every tenant deserves a fair opportunity to rent a home and every landlord deserves the right to choose tenants that provide confidence.

Unfortunately, neither demand is satisfied when a tenant is unable to provide a personal guarantor (usually in the form of a family member or close friend), to vouch for them and ultimately accept financial responsibility if any debt incurs (e.g. rent arrears).

Getting someone to accept the potentially heavy financial burden is a tall ask for anybody, so it’s no surprise that many tenants struggle to get past the front doors, as a personal guarantor is often a prerequisite for landlords.

In come… Rent Guarantor Companies! Consider them your new best friend, potentially!

What is a Rent Guarantor Company?

In short, they’re a solution for anyone that can’t get a family or friend to be their guarantor.

These companies acts as a personal guarantor for tenants, so tenants no longer need to rely on a family member or any other person.

For all intents and purposes, a Rent Guarantor Company will take on the same responsibility as any normal guarantor would, meaning they will accept the financial responsibility of the tenant in the event that they default on rent.

Their service is available to students, people who are employed, self-employed, retired or those in receipt of benefits.

Below is a list of the best rated and most reputable Rent Guarantor Companies in the UK.

UK Rent Guarantor Companies
Guarantor ServiceRatingNotesPrice From


TrustPilot Reviews

  • Available to students and persons in employment
  • Available to people receiving benefits and/or with poor credit history
  • Online application
Per annum
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TrustPilot Reviews

  • Available to professionals, international and UK students.
  • Online application
  • Possible to secure a UK Guarantor on the same day you apply
Per annum
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TrustPilot Reviews

  • Available to working professionals and students
  • Online application
  • Only guarantor company that accepts monthly payments
  • 98% of applicants approved
Per annum
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TrustPilot Reviews

  • Available to students, internationals, self-employed and those on benefits
  • Online application
  • Possible to secure a UK Guarantor on the same day you apply
  • Claims to be “UK’s lowest rates… by far”
3 weeks rent
Per annum
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Please note, I try my best to keep the information of each service up-to-date, but you should read the T&C's from their website for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

How much does a Rent Guarantor Company cost?

There is no cost to the landlord, but tenants are typically charged 80% – 90% of a single month’s rent per year.

It’s free for tenants to apply to see if they can qualify and how much it will cost exactly. Applicants can be approved as quickly as 24 hours if all the paperwork is in order.

How do Rent Guarantor Companies work?

Typical journey includes:

  1. The first step is to apply and get a quote (which is quick and free).
  2. If you’re happy with the quote, you’ll be asked to answer a few questions, provide some documents and potentially go through a credit reference check.
  3. Submit your application.
  4. Get your application results.
  5. Once you’ve found a property and the contract has been signed by all parties, you’ll then be asked for full payment.

Please note, the journey may vary depending on which company you use.

Benefits for tenants

  • Helps secure tenancies
  • Gives landlords and agents confidence
  • Helps avoid potentially awkward conversions with family members and friends

Benefits for landlords

  • Guarantee of unpaid rent if the tenant falls into arrears
  • No cost to landlord
  • Better chance of recovering arrears than if the guarantor is an individual

Hope that helps!

Happy renting xo

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