Landlords Guide On Tenants & Pets

Guide On Landlords And Pets


The issue of pets in rental properties is always such a sensitive and polarizing topic that I know, no matter what I say or how carefully I try to tread, I’ll inevitably end up rubbing someone the wrong way.

I’m not an animal lover per se, but I completely understand the profound bond many people develop with animals. I’ve always been a strong advocate for animal welfare, and, like any reasonable person, I get just as emotional and outraged when I encounter any form of abuse.

But I also understand the rental business and how challenging it can be for landlords to distinguish responsible pet owners from irresponsible ones, and the risks that come with getting that judgment wrong. That’s why I believe every landlord has the right to decide what’s best for them and their property. No landlord should be pressured or guilt-tripped into allowing pets. I know not everyone will agree with that.

The goal is to provide landlords with an objectively useful blog post discussing the key considerations and factors involved when dealing with tenants who have pets, while also addressing common FAQs. Being a pet-friendly landlord isn’t all smooth sailing, so it’s important to cover the potential pitfalls as well. However, I might be setting myself up for trouble by highlighting some of the harsher realities – I know how passionate tenants people can be about this issue (no judgement).

But f*ck it, I’m going to go full throttle and speak my mind. Let the chips fall where they may. I do want to clarify that my intention isn’t to encourage or discourage anyone from being a pet-friendly landlord. Rather, my goal is to provide landlords with useful information to help them navigate the situation effectively.

Well, shit. Let’s bloody do this!

Page contents:

A practical disclaimer: the definition of a pet in a rental property

I guess I should start here so we’re all on a level playing field.

While a “pet” is, by definition, any animal kept by human beings as a source of companionship and pleasure, in the context of renting, landlords are generally only concerned about dogs, cats, large in-door rabbits, and essentially any other creature that’s uncaged, can be described as a “malting bag of fleas”, and is able to cause damage and leave behind a funky scent.

Technically, while fish and hamsters are pets and likely policed under the same pet specific rental laws we currently have available (which is virtually none), I don’t think any sane landlord is basing an anti-pet stance around them. That would be mental.

So for the purpose of having a practical discussion, the remainder of this blog post will make the presumption that we’re talking about dogs and cats (and other large mammals) in a rental setting, because that’s certainly where the bone of contention always lies on this topic.

Ain’t no landlord shitting the bed over a caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis project.

Are landlords allowed to refuse tenants with pets?

I think this might be the most common asked question, and I feel like there’s a lot of confusion surrounding it. So I’ll tackle this question first.

In short, there is currently no legal obligation for landlords to accept tenants with pets. In fact, there are no specific laws in place at all when it comes to renting with pets.

But that hasn’t stopped many people/tenants from believing landlords are not allowed to refuse pets without breaking some kind of discrimination law (only exception being guide or assistance dogs under the Equality Act 2010).

Yeah, I’m afraid that’s not a real thing.

I think the confusion stems from sloppy reporting by a lot of news outlets that suggested, after the Government issued a “pet-friendly” model tenancy agreement, that landlords are no longer allowed to refuse pets anymore.

When actually, that isn’t the case at all. But rather, if a landlord chooses to use the Government’s issued tenancy agreement (which few landlord do, and rightly so, because it’s garbage across the board, in my opinion) then they are offering the following tenancy terms:

  • The Landlord is prohibited from exercising a blanket ban on pets.
  • The Tenant must seek the prior written consent of the Landlord should they wish to keep pets or other animals at the Property.
  • The Landlord must not unreasonably withhold or delay a written request from a Tenant without considering the request on its own merits.
  • Consent is deemed to be granted unless the written request is turned down by a Landlord with good reason in writing within 28 days of receiving the request (e.g. it would be reasonable and with “good reason” to refuse a tenant that wants to keep a Great Dane in a one bedroom studio apartment, because the horse is obviously too big for the property).

So for all intents and purposes, it’s a tenancy agreement that contains a pet-friendly position.

However, the important point is that the Gov issued Model Tenancy Agreement is an optional tenancy agreement! Landlords don’t have to use it and be bound by those terms.

Either way, the stone-cold reality is, whatever the law is, landlords are mostly in control of the situation (rightly or wrongly so). I say that because it’s going to be incredibly difficult to police any law that forces landlords to be pet-friendly. How will anyone able to prove that a landlord discriminated against a pet-owner?

So actually, I believe it’s far more practical for each landlord to decide their own position on pet-friendliness, rather than force it upon them and then not actually be able to police it. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

Advantages of Landlords allowing pets

  • Many landlords don’t allow pets, so finding one that does can often be a challenge, which means pet-friendly landlords can usually demand more rent.
  • Allowing pets opens up a wider pool of prospective tenants, which can reduce void periods. According to a recent survey by the Dogs Trust, 78% of pet owners have experienced difficulty finding accommodation which accepts pets. And according to ‘Pet Friendly Rentals’ by not accepting pets, landlords decrease their potential market by 50%.
  • Tenants that are fortunate enough to find a pet-friendly landlord often make every effort to be exemplary occupants so their tenancy agreement can be renewed (because they know how difficult it can be to find pet-friendly landlords). So pet-owner tenants can make incredibly good long-term tenants.
  • Dogs tend not to respond well to strangers, so they can add additional security.

Disadvantages of Landlords allowing pets

  • Pets can be destructive and messy, especially under irresponsible owners. This became an added concern after the Tenant Fees Act was introduced in 2019, because it capped tenancy deposits to 5-6 weeks’ worth of rent (for landlords in England).
  • Pets can smell, especially if their hygiene is neglected. Many dogs and cats can leave behind a stench that is incredibly difficult to get rid of. Alas, the owners are usually conditioned and immune to the smell.
  • Pets can be disturbing to neighbours (e.g. dogs barking at unsocial hours). It’s important for landlords to keep healthy relationships with neighbours.
  • Many landlords are hesitant to allow pets as they may affect subsequent tenants that might have allergies.
  • Pets that don’t receive regular treatment are at high risk of catching fleas, which can quickly infest the property.
  • Fully furnished rental properties are exposed to extra risk of damage.
  • Pets like dogs and cats can create more “fair wear and tear” (which the tenant can’t be held accountable for, so it’s an added expense to the landlord).

Am I personally a pet-friendly landlord?

I’m a very reluctant pet-friendly landlord.

Put it this way, I’d prefer a tenant not to have pets, but I’m not entirely opposed to it, and I need a lot of convincing before giving the green light.

The truth is, I was way more pet-friendly once upon a time, but I got burnt one too many times. I’ve realised the system is against landlords when things go wrong.

The 5 week deposit restriction imposed by the Tenant Fees Act was the kill shot. Well, almost. It certainly drained away a lot my incentive.

I don’t want to harp on, but the crux of it is this:

  • I’ve had seemingly amazing long-term tenants bring a dog into the home, only to then quickly transform into tenants from hell. I think it was a classic case of underestimating how much responsibility comes with a dog – and they buckled. Hard.

    The property ended up getting trashed and smelt like a kennel long after the tenants vacated.

    It’s incredibly difficult to spot responsible pet-owners from a crowd. Or at least, it is for me. I’ve heard the whole “I’m a responsible pet-owner” line so many times, and it turns out it’s all rather hit or miss to whether that’s really the case.

  • On multiple occasions I’ve had so much damage caused to my rental property by a pet (e.g. chewed up carpets and cables, holes in walls, irreparable skirting boards etc) that the deposit didn’t come close to covering the costs of repair. In order to recoup the money I would have had to file a court claim. I ended up taking the costs on the chin.

The added exposure to risk that comes with pets makes it an incredibly difficult sell for me personally. If it was easier for landlords to recoup the damage costs, then I’d have a much different outlook. Probably.

Before accepting a tenant with pets

  • I recommend that landlords ask applicants to bring their dog to the viewing, especially if the pet is a dog. This allows landlords to observe how the dog behaves around its owner and assess its temperament, manners, and overall health.
  • You may want to request copies of your tenant’s pet’s veterinary records to ensure the animal is well cared for. This can help prevent issues such as infestations and other health-related concerns.
  • If the tenant has a rental history, try to obtain a reference from a previous landlord where they lived with their pet(s). This can provide insight into how responsible they are as a pet owner and tenant.
  • Consider whether the pet is suitable for the living environment your rental property offers. Some properties are naturally better suited for certain types of pets than others.
  • Take the tenant’s lifestyle into account; if they work long hours or night shifts, the pet will likely be left home alone for extended periods. This could impact the pet’s behaviour and the property’s condition.

How much deposit should landlords take from tenants with pets?

As mentioned, for landlords in England, the tenancy deposit is capped: five weeks’ rent where the annual rent is less than £50,000, and six weeks’ rent where the total annual rent is £50,000 or above. There are no provisions or exceptions when pets are involved.

However, for everyone else, based on my experience, the typical rates are as follows:

  • Non pet-friendly landlords will demand anywhere between 4 – 6 weeks’ rent for a deposit.
  • Pet-friendly landlords will demand anywhere between 6 – 8 weeks’ rent for a deposit.

Tenancy Agreements & pet clauses

  • I’m a big fan of 6 month tenancy agreements for new tenancies (and then allowing it roll onto and remain a periodic tenancy) – I think all landlords/tenants should initially strike up a 6 month deal to “see how it goes”, especially if pets are involved.

    That way, dog shit ends up hitting the fan, you can at least end the tenancy on “no fault” grounds relatively quickly without too much hassle.

  • Whether you’re a pet-friendly landlord or not, it’s recommended to use a Tenancy Agreement contract that best represents your position.

    The issue of pet clauses in tenancy agreements is deserving of a blog post to its self, to be honest, because there’s quite a bit of ground to cover.

    (Update: here you go, my blog post on Tenancy Agreements and Pet Clauses, which goes into more detail, and written to help landlords use the correct clauses to represent their position, whichever that is).

  • If your tenant’s pet is creating problems (i.e. causing damage or causing a nuisance to the neighbours) and consequently breaching the terms of the tenancy agreement, then a Section 8 Form can be served to evict the tenant.
  • Do a thorough Property Inventory so there’s no confusion about what kind of state the property is in before the tenant/pet moved in. This is crucial.

Marketing your property as pet-friendly

  • It’s becoming increasingly difficult for tenants to find pet-friendly landlords. So if you are one, it’s advantageous to clarify your position clearly when marketing your property for rent. This can turbo-charge the level of interest received.
  • Since cats and dogs are the most common household pets in the UK, make sure you specify that you accept cats and dogs, and any other type of animal which you think will improve your campaign.
  • If you have any strict conditions (e.g. you require proof that the pet gets regular check-ups at the vets), it’s worth mentioning it so you filter unwanted applicants.

My tenant has a pet/dog without my permission, what can I do?

Common scenario, and it can be tricky to deal with.

Many tenants ignore the pet clauseboth intentionally and unintentionally – which states that they must request permission before dragging in a new furball member into the household.

First, you need to decide if you’re willing to accept the change in circumstances. While many tenants do sneak in pets through the backdoor, it isn’t always a disaster, and many landlords just accept the reality of the situation and manage to walk away relatively unscathed. But that’s usually only the case when the tenant has a proven track record of paying rent on time, keeping the property clean and maintained etc.

Landlords also need to bear in the mind the cost of replacing the tenant, while contending with the thought of how much damage and/or wear and tear the new family member might create.

If the pet literally seems unsuitable for the property, then there’s a strong and real argument to make a request for the pet to be removed from the property.

In any case, decide whether you’re down with the change in circumstances or not.

If you want out (i.e. you’re unhappy with the situation)
Before raging like a bull in a china shop, it’s advised to try the diplomatic approach. If you want the pet gone, it might be worth kindly requesting the tenant to remove the pet from the premises. It probably won’t go down well either way (just being honest), but diplomacy is always the best approach nonetheless.

Your gentle prodding might be enough to get the result you want (but unlikely).

If not, you then need to decide on whether you want to end the tenancy – you have a few options available at your disposal. But issuing a Section 21 notice to terminate the tenancy at the end of the fixed term is the cleanest.

Points to consider when dealing with tenants with pets

  • If a tenant leaves behind their pet after they vacate, it is the landlord’s responsibility to deal with it.
  • It’s important to make routine property inspections whether you allow pets or not, but especially if your tenant has a pet.
  • Tenants are required to return the property in the state they received it in (minis wear and tear), and landlords can still recoup any repair costs from the deposit.
  • Most standard landlord building and content insurance policies don’t cover pet damage, so you may want to get additional cover/insurance.
  • Whatever the animal in question, do your own research on the breed, including their genetic personality and behavioural characteristics.
  • If you have a leasehold property, check the T&C’s of the lease, because some state that animals are prohibited from residing in the property.


I firmly believe in the cliché – a dog/pet is only as good as its owner. If there’s a misbehaved dog, then there’s likely to be an irresponsible human at the other end of the lead. That’s why it’s extremely important for landlords to meet the pet and its owner as part of the due diligence. Judge for yourself.

If landlords are careful and stringent enough – and they get it right – it can result in an incredibly fruitful tenancy for years to come. However, as stated, I think making the right judgement can be incredibly hit or miss. It really has been a coin-flip experience for me.

Ultimately, I think it really boils down to whether landlords want to take the risk of being pet-friendly (because pets do expose landlords to extra risks, that can’t be disputed) or whether landlords need to take the risk (some landlords find it difficult to fill vacancies for certain properties, so they need to open the doors to pets).

As I said from the offset, I believe every landlord has the right to choose their position even though that’s often not a popular opinion. But the reality is, it’s really easy to say “landlords are scum, they should all accept pets” when you’re not the one taking on all the risk.

Do you allow pets?

Do you, don’t you, or would you ever accept pets?

Are you a tenant with a pet? Feel free to share your story i.e. how difficult/easy was it to find a landlord that accepts pets?

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Showing 44 - 94 comments (out of 94)
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Haggy 26th November, 2014 @ 18:45

Lived in the same rented house for 13 years. Landlord happy for us to have cats, hens, pheasant. Landlord has agreed to us decorating house as we want and he will pay us back, which he has number of times. He lets us do what we want in the garden. Hubby fixes stuff in the house which saves him money. Rent is cheap and very much settled here with our 6yr old daughter. Previous tenants had 2 dogs. Asked if we can have a dog and the answer is no!! I have challenged this asking for the reason which I have had no reply as yet. Gutted and very confused. Surely a cat can cause more damage than a dog and more likely to bring in fleas etc. Have to accept his decision but finding it hard when he hasnt given a reason. We were due to go and see a dog this weekend too :-(

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Shelly 17th December, 2014 @ 13:03

Hi - I'm hoping to become a landlord soon - for the first time, and have just joined the site today! My house is in the SK14 area, and my house was put on the rental market last month. No takers as yet, but I believe it is a slow time of year for new tenants. I am an animal lover, and would have no objection at all to a well behaved pet. Hopefully this is the right attitude?

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zee 27th December, 2014 @ 21:15

Iv just re-rented the same property I did 16yrs ago with the same landlord. nothing on tenancy about having pets, so didn't think it was a problem. He has now found iv got a pup and is freakin out, im now having to have monthly inspections even though he has inspected the property since iv been here sept 27th moved in inspection 10th dec...said I had property lovely. But has now said he wants to do monthly inspections is this allowed?? and he ahs added another clause in the tenancy ???

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kelly 14th January, 2015 @ 21:55

I have to say, some people are dirtier and less behaved than pets. As a landlord I had a family with children, and the condition they left the flat was shocking, I had to throw away the sofa and carpets, paint the walls and redo the wooden flooring. Now I have family with a dog, I come around occasionaly and the place is spotless. So the message to all landlords, please consider pets, it is not necessary them that cause the damages!

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Jayney 28th January, 2015 @ 14:40

Echoing most of what I've heard here!
Looking for a pet friendly landlord / letting / managing agent in Crawley.
Found a lovely flat, landlady loves cats but managing agents dont and she is fearful of a £1k fine or something if they find out we've got a cat.
Anyone know of anywhere I can go?

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Miguel 10th February, 2015 @ 21:12

I'm a future tennant finding it very hard to find a flat where I can bring my cat in. What I find most surprising is that is not even a decision of the landlord. It because the landlord is really subleting and that no-pet rule is on the master lease and he can´t do anything about it. I can't believe that in a 5 or 6 story building with dozens of flats NO ONE has a pet. It can´t just be true.

I would be OK with a scheme that will not allow pets as default, but the tennant would have to get a pet license on a case by case basis, even if a special fee for that was needes. But just not allowing pets at all in the entire building just out of legal lazyness or just because I can't understand.

I just quit my job in my country whre I have my own house and moved in to the UK by professional reasons. My wife and our cat will move in later as soon as I find a suitable flat. We love our pet and it will cost us about £1K just to bring our cat together with us rather then ship it as cargo. Our kitten is part of the family is not cargo the way we see it.

I defo don't want to sneak the cat in so I want it to be clear on my tennacy agreement. but i never imagined this could be such a exausting process.

The UK is a great country and I love being here, but on some aspects, especially the letting market its just air pulling.

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Zara M. 30th April, 2015 @ 13:53

My partner and I are ideal tenants, both reliable, considerate professionals - but - we have a dog. It is so frustrating. Last weekend my partner travelled from London to East Grinstead in West Sussex to view a flat we had fallen in love with in Tobias Place, which is a very interesting eco-friendly community-vibe set-up. We were very excited about it.

We were told that the landlady was eager to have a dog in the community, which was why we travelled down to view the flat. We were informed a few days later that she had done a u-turn, despite expressing that we were the preferred tenants out of those who had viewed the flat, and had decided against pets. We didn't understand it, because she hadn't met us or our dog, or even spoken to us, it was all done through an agent who had been very positive about the whole thing. We discovered afterwards that the landlady had then moved to another agency, which we thought was a little odd, stating no pets :( So something, or someone over the weekend must have told her some kind of horror story about allowing pets, or else she did some research on the dreaded net and was put off.

We are moving out of London because my partner has accepting a new teaching position in the Ardingly College, but it's not looking good. Every place we have contacted so far has been anti-pets.

I do understand of course from the landlords' perspective, it's risky business allowing pets because of damage to the property and problems with neighbours - but isn't that what tenancy agreements and deposits are for?

The most annoying thing is that our dog is the sweetest little thing, non-destructive, sleeps most of the time, is pretty much supervised constantly anyway because I work from home, and is unusually clean for a dog - she doesn't smell, she's toilet trained, she's not noisy, she's well trained, we keep up to date with all worming and de-flea treatments... I could go on and on.

I don't feel that prospective tenants with pets are given a fair chance, which is a real shame because animals bring so much joy and purpose to people's lives, and they can have a really positive affect on the mental and physical health of human beings.

We still have some time, but living so far from where we need to move makes it very difficult to view places immediately as it is expensive and we work during the week. Properties go so quickly! Aargh...

Wish us luck...

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Benji 30th April, 2015 @ 19:27


I sympathise with your situation.

A possible reason for your prospective landlady suddenly doing a U turn is nothing at all to do with you.

The properties on that unique development are all leasehold.

Within many leases there is a clause stating clear restrictions on keeping dogs.

"the landlady was eager to have a dog in the community"

Implies there are no dogs already in the community- for the reason that they are restricted within the lease.

Perhaps she only just found that out over the weekend.

I have not seen the lease and could well be wrong but it would make sense.

In fairness, given how difficult it is to evict a bad tenant, it would be a reasonable restriction as that eco-community vibe could easily be destroyed by a rogue tenant with an unruly staffy.

Most houses (as opposed to flats) are freehold and it is entirely up to the landlord whether they take dogs or not. Best to concentrate your efforts there.

Good luck.

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Benji 30th April, 2015 @ 19:45


One other thought.

I'm presuming the teaching job starts in September? End of the holiday season. There are quite a few holiday lets that accept dogs in that area. An out of season let might appeal to those owners.

Before approaching them, thoroughly read up on the law about out of season lettings so you can put an offer to them. They might not be aware of the possibilities. Clearly you will be out on your ear when the holiday season starts again at Easter but it might give you some breathing space.

Good luck.

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Zara M. 30th April, 2015 @ 20:48


My partner has just informed me that the lady (agent) who showed us around was actually the wife of the guy who owns the freehold, and she expressed that he was keen on the idea of having a dog within the community, which makes more sense seeing as he designed the complex. The landlady who has bought the flat and initially said she was happy with the dog then changed her mind without giving a reason, and then changed agents. All very odd. Otherwise, yes, it would have made sense what you have said about leaseholds and freeholds.

We do understand of course that it is the landlady's prerogative to change her mind, I have just found it frustrating because I don't understand why she changed her mind about the dog after we travelled down from London to view it under the impression it wasn't a problem, and also frustrated that we haven't had the opportunity to see if we could have an effect on her decision. I am trying to make contact through the new letting agents but i don't feel we will get very far. It's just a shame. And of course I am probably coming across as far too persistent - But perhaps you have to be when you are a dog owner, because it is so difficult to find rental property, it feels like you really have to fight for opportunities and make them happen.

Anyway, thank you very much for your suggestions regarding holiday lets - it is also something that I have been looking into (I have literally been racking my brains and looking for loopholes). We'll get there :)

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jen 7th July, 2015 @ 01:36

I am devastated. I am preagnant 25 weeks me and my partner have a 11 years old staffie and we have been told to leave property in August ! He gave us less then 2 months notice and we can not find anything since ! We are in Bristol. Paying rent on time make a house look better over year and half and now we need to leave ! And I am pregnant but I will not get rid off my best friend ! I have the dog from her 2 months and just think about to give her away is just heartbraking ! And there is no one who can help. I dont know what to do but I guess we become homeless and my unborn child will have to be homless too.

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Azzie 8th July, 2015 @ 18:45

So much easier in USA. In USA we had places which charge you an extra pet fee and hold you responsible for damage. Most don't care if you have a pet. We moved to Belfast and had a horrible time finding a place for our 2 small cats and us. We paid this LL a double deposit and we adore and take care of our inside only cats with scratching posts and plenty of play and exercise and the house is spotless and good as new.

We pay our rent early each month and go out of of way to never bother our LL. Now, we have to look for a place in Dublin due to job move and my head is spinning. This is a deal breaker for us, our cats have been with us for 3 countries now and we would pick them over any place. If forced in the end, I will lie, I don't want to, but we will need a roof over our heads and our budget of 1200 Euros should find something, but I won't lose our beloved cats. I really hope to find someone who likes good tenants with solid pay and no hassle,and with pets. Fingers crossed.

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Nicole 18th July, 2015 @ 10:58

We are going to move to England in about one and a half years time. Since we wanted to have an overview about the costs to expect when moving we already took a look at properties and so on and were very shocked that it is even legal to forbid pets, smokers and even children! We are coming from Germany and if a landlord tried to forbid a tenant to rent his flat, because he brings a cat with him, this would have gone to court because it collides with rights of the tenant. We have a lovely well-behaved 6 year old cat (a Norwegian Forest Cat, so a rather big one) and are thinking about getting a second one when we will be full-time workers (we are master students at the moment), but I came across your comments and experiences and now we are so shocked and unsure about finding a landlord who allows our cats.
Why do the estate agencies have so much power? It is the decision of the landlord who is allowed to rent his property or? We are a bit confused by the legal position in the UK would you be so kind to explain what the estate agencies have to do with this process?

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Afonso 18th July, 2015 @ 11:41

Hi Nicole,
I can feel you pain. I also moved to the UK recently and we have a cat. It took me almost 3 months to find a flat that both we liked and we could legally bring our cat in.
It is more complicated in London than in the rest of the UK really. The London market is really twisted.

I finally found a good inteligent landlords that allowed the cat. I moved to the UK first to secure the place before and I suggest you do the same. Don't just land here with the cat and try to find a place. You or your husband come in first, secure the flat and then move the family.

It is not entirely legal to blanket forbid pets or kids in most cases, but some landlords push it. But they can not legally write that in the agreement as it would not stand in court.
Although sometimes (especially the case with flats) flats are under a leasehold tenure, and the headlease contract does not allow pets in the entire building even if the landlord does. Both the landlord and you would be in breach of contract.

Its easier to be allowed a cat with freehold properties, because then its just the landlord´s decision. It helps to offer two extra weeks of security deposit and a professional cleaning of the flat/house when you leave.

But yes, the renting market in the UK, specially London is totally twisted. And I tell you a story I had while looking for a flat so that you can see what to expect.

I called an agency about a flat and booked a viewing. During the viewing I (as always) mentioned that I intended to bring a cat into the flat legally and asked them to check the headlease and the landlord if it was ok. And immediately offered the two extra weeks deposit and a professional cleaning in the end and offered the full asking rent price. Holding deposit was payed and credit and reference checks came out OK. We proceded to the agreement drafting and even got a pet licence from the building manager. 2 weeks into the process now. I was ready to sign the agreement and had flights and pet relocation services booked so that my wife and cat could join me and the landlord decided not to have the pet a could of days before the move in date. What a wordless SoB. I had to starting looking for another flat from scratch and had extra costs rescheduling flights.

In my home country and most of european countries if one the parties pulls back he is due to compensate the other. The tennant/buyer losses the holding deposit, and the landlord/seller has to return the deposit in double (the amount received inicially plus an equal sum, so that the stake is the same for both sides) Looks like here they can just turn arround.

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Nicole 18th July, 2015 @ 13:07

Hi Alfonso,

thank you very much for your fast reply! I heard a lot about the London house market in general and we have already decided that we will not go there anyway. We put an eye on the area around Bristol and Bath, because everything seems to be so beautiful there. Nevertheless, one can hardly find any property on the internet stating explicitely that they will consider tenants with pets, even if we are willing (and can afford) to pay a lot of money for a house there (we would be able to pay as much as £2000 per month on our rent), but it seems landlords are not interested to have tenants with a pet, they rather have no tenant at all.

What you are saying about your experience is horrible! How are they even allowed to cancel a contract two days before the moving? I really do not understand common law, I mean my husband to be is studying business law, but he is just shocked about the British legal system. It seems nothing is regulated by the government in detail.

It would be probably a lot easier just to buy a house instead of renting, but we do not know whether we will like our jobs or whether we have to move again, which is why we actually want to rent a house.

Do you think it is easier to make an appointment at an agency and let them search for a house or is it not common? We will definitely offer the landlord a payment such as you suggested, maybe they are more willing to accept our cat or cats.

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Thunderballs 18th July, 2015 @ 14:50


Now take my advice and dont tell the landlord you have pets.

Don't bring your pets along until you actually have the keys to the house and have moved in.

The law has to be enforced. And landlords are in a lot more trouble than Tenants if Tenants decide to shaft their Landlord, which you are nto about to do.

My partner told her last landlord she had a dog, and there were some neogitions before she signed the contract and paid him. No issues during Tenancy, but the landlord tried to claim damages after she left. Saying he hadnt given permission fora dog and the dog stained carpets. This cost my partner £30/$50 in total. The landlord had given permission, didnt cough up the letter he said hed write her when she moved in, but despite all that he only got $50 in total from the deposit when my partner left after 2 years.

So stop worrying about it and listening to idiots that don't have the experience to know you gain posession, look after the property and argue/stay sorry afterwards.

You are going to cost yourself thousands of $$$ and/or time and stress doing it any other way.

I have rented hosues in the UK for over 25 years, owned propertty and rented property. I am currently taking an ex landlord to court for $10,000 plus of damages.

I know the score , a lot of these worriers on here dont.

They think they are going to be sent to prison for using a bit of common sense dealing with neurotic landlords and the cretins and crooks most agencies employ.

Contract law is on your side. Use it after you have moved in.

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Bell 19th August, 2015 @ 17:17

Hi I have been living in my rented private house for five years with a dog and we did have five cats. We moved in with three cats and one died, which left two who had three kittens. The landlord knew and it was never a issue.
Six weeks ago the kitchen floor collapsed in one corner with dry rot and the landlord was beyond mad. We have six small children and he discovered that its actually dry rot that's caused it so we asked that it be fixed as my son has asthma. His response was to the next day demand that we get rid of all the cats or he would serve us notice. Gave no reason why the cats just that they had to be gone. We tried to find a house within two days aand we realised that was impossible and so had no choice but to give up our beloved cats. Six weeks later the floors still caved. He hasent fixed it and has no plans too either. He hasent even been back round. He punished us for the dry rot that he admitted when he lived there he knew about as his foot went through the floor because of it but he never fixed it properly.
tomorrow we are looking at a new house and if we are accepted then we are going to get our last cat that hasent been rehomed yet. The others are all gone so its too late to get them back.
There are no deposits on this house he needed tenants quick and at the time we were happy with that but hes turned into a nightmare.
He knows our cats never did any harm and we took care of them yet did this anyway.

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Chelsea 6th October, 2015 @ 16:43

Hi there, any dog friendly landlord required in London. Been looking for over 2months now. Her name is Asia 4year old cross whippet. Friendly, has her own dog house. Please contact Asia and I if you are a landlord wanting to rent. There are plenty of us out here but we won't part with our pets just charge us pet disclaimer fee, additional rent or deposit because this in England and us Brits love our pets to the core! Lol :)

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The Landlord 6th October, 2015 @ 17:20

Have you looked on Gumtree?

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Chelsea 6th October, 2015 @ 17:28

@The Landlord. Yes I am, still looking but it's a little strange how some will allow pets on Gumtree but don't have a garden?! And still want £3,000 deposits just like open rent. I'm waiting a reply on two properties at the moment. I would advice anyone in same boat as me to look on zoopla ive had more response and don't give up!

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 6th October, 2015 @ 17:31

£3000 seems excessive (unless it equates to 2 x month's rent).

But at least the deposit will be protected by a deposit scheme.

My advice is, if you're going to put down a 3k deposit make sure a thorough inventory is done, which includes pictures!!

Good luck :)

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Margaret 9th January, 2016 @ 07:08

I want to re home a house cat that is very clean, quiet and old. I live in Italy, my long term rental contract does not mention cats, but I have overheard one of the agents tell someone pets are not allowed. How do I stand? If I approach the agents I am sure it will be no, despite no mention re pets as mentioned. Any advice welcome.

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Mike 4th February, 2016 @ 10:40

I don't understand why all the Dog/Cat owners on here think there is no problem having animals living in the house . I have never ever entered a house with Dogs/Cats in and not been amazed by the horrible smell inside. The owners noses have adapted to the smell no they don't notice it themselves.
Some desperate Landlords will allow Pets but they are most likely Landlords who are suffering financial hardship and are desperate to have anyone in their property to get some money in their pockets so guess what's going to happen when you have maintenance issues ?Yes they are unlikely have any money to speedily fix your boiler/toilet etc

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Chris 13th February, 2016 @ 15:11

My job has recently relocated from east to central Suffolk and I am therefore looking for a rental property closer to my office. I am a dog-owner and have been renting for almost 8 years with no problems whatsoever (my dog is a mature lab with all vaccinations, flea/worm treatments, etc. and a friendly, gentle disposition). When I first started looking for rental properties, I would estimate that approximately 2 out of 3 landlords would not accept pets: from my recent attempts to find a pet-friendly property I would estimate it to be closer to 5 out of 6 who will not accept pets, possibly more.

From my conversations with several lettings agents, the attitude seems to be that as there is a far higher proportion of people who want to rent these days (rising property costs, larger deposits required, etc.) then landlords can pick and choose, e.g. no pets, no smokers, no kids, no DSS, and still get a tenant very easily. In reality I suspect this is exaggerated, as I have seen several properties I expressed an interest in and was informed by the agent had a'no pets' policy which are still on the market several months after my initial enquiries. Although the agents I spoke with insisted they try to persuade landlords to accept pets I am not convinced by this and suspect there is a knee-jerk 'no pets' ethos on the dubious principle that 'there will be another tenant along in a minute'! What I find particularly galling is that the sort of properties that would be ideal for dogs, e.g. hard wood/laminate/tile flooring, low-maintenance garden, barn conversion, etc. are invariably in the 'no pets' camp - Why? From a commercial viewpoint excluding pets is ludicrous - you are automatically excluding between a third and a half of your potential market (imagine an entrepreneur who opened a plush new restaurant and then banned people with brown eyes!)

As the landlord notes in the main article above, good pet owners tend to make good tenants. Without wishing to blow my own trumpet, I pay my rent on time, take excellent care of the property and must be pretty close to a model tenant. Once a dog is out of the puppy stage, is house-trained, well cared for and has all vaccinations, etc. then what damage is it likely to do? When you sign a tenancy agreement these days you pretty much sign your life away - they are often 20 pages or so long, require each page to be initialled to show you have accepted the requirements and cover virtually every eventuality - rest assured that in the unlikely event that a tenant's dog does some significant damage the tenancy agreement will see to it that the tenant restores your property to its original condition!

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Mel 3rd March, 2016 @ 19:09

In London the rental market is bad in general, landlords can already charge a fortune for a closet or garage space and they will still find tenants. People are so desperate that landlords don't even have to redecorate, paint or replace carpets to increase rent every year. So what exactly is their problem with pets? Are there any landlords here that could clarify what issues they've had that made them so pet-unfriendly?!! My flat was unfurnished so no sofas to be destroyed, the tenancy agreement clearly states that I am responsible for fixing any damages caused by my dog, as well as pay for professional cleaning after we move out. On top of that there is a £1500 security deposit that would be enough to replace all the doors, trimmings and cheap laminate flooring in the tiny one bedroom that I rent. If the neighbours complain, I am also obligated to remove the dog from the property. What is it exactly that he could do that would cause any inconvenience to a potential landlord?

I guess I was lucky to find a nice landlady that allowed me to move in with my dog. And even though the flat is a bit damp, mouldy and falling apart in places, I feel so grateful that I fix and maintain things on my own just to be able to live here. But I already worry about our future in London :(

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Debbie 31st March, 2016 @ 12:46

I wouldn't have dreamed of owning a pet whilst I was renting when I was younger for this very reason. Landlords don't like having pets in their homes, so whenever you move you are going to find it difficult getting a new place. I think, to be very responsible, it's best not to get a pet until you life is settled. Renting means you can be given 2 months notice at any point, that's not stable enough for my liking to own a dog or a cat.

It's a bit different though if you had your own home, and now don't, i.e. through marriage break-up; for those people I'm truly sorry. But for young students who just fancy getting a puppy, even though they don't know where they're going to live? Sorry, but that's irresponsible,(and landlords don't want a tenant they see as irresponsible - it's not just about the dog). It's also not fair on the dog, who will probably wind up with the parents of the tenant, or being rehomed.

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Suzanne 10th April, 2016 @ 21:16

I was a lettings agent for about ten years and I actively encouraged landlords to consider accepting pets. Most families with pets were so grateful to find homes that would accommodate them that they were more than happy to agree professional cleaning terms and additional deposits. I can honestly say that I never experienced any problems as a result of accepting pets. In fact, there were far more problems caused by young children. I've also been a landlord and every tenant has had either dogs, cats or both and again there were no problems. In most cases tenants with pets are very careful to be especially clean and meticulous so that there are no problems and their references won't be affected. In my experience the people with pets often were cleaner than the ones without! No-one should have to consider losing their pet in order to find a home. Moving is stressful enough without having to think about re-homing your pets. I am just in the early stages of setting up my own small letting agency and will definitely be encouraging Landlords to be positive about pets rather than assuming they will cause problems. The important thing is to make sure all the correct checks are made and that includes meeting the animal, getting to know the prospective tenants properly and their circumstances. I also won't be charging Landlords and Tenants for every time they sneeze...which seems to be the case with some of the bigger agents these days..better not start me on that one!

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Bette 20th April, 2016 @ 12:39

We are in the process of finding a new rent only because our landlord is selling the property. We have been rejected from almost everywhere so far because we have a (an indoor) cat. I can provide his vaccination reports, reference from the present landlord, pay higher deposit etc. (we even have our own carpet cleaner machine what we haven't used because the cat but to clean the dirty carpet after previous tenants) but agents shake us off with the usual explanation that it is not just the landlord's choice but the leasehold management's prohibition. I feel like a third grade citizen, we haven't even got the right to see these sacred properties.
I think it is always the owner's responsibility how a pet behaves. If the owner does not keep a pet well and clean he/she does not keep the whole household tidy. NO MATTER AN IRRESPONSIBLE PERSON HAS OR HAS NOT A PET IT WILL PUT A STAMP ON THE HOUSE.
It is not fair to turn us down without the chance to prove our suitability.
It is silly to reject a middle aged professional couple with one indoor cat. We have added and not removed value from rental properties so far by cleaning and demoulding them, changing dated, dirty carpets, fixing dripping water taps...
I wish all the best luck to people in similar situation.

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Julie 20th April, 2016 @ 22:39

My landlord has told me that I have to get rid of my two rabbits and I live on a farm he tells me that I am not aloud to have any animals but he is going to bring a cat where I rent from.

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Elaine Rutland-Smith 17th May, 2016 @ 15:28

Our landlord has just sold the house we live in, 6 weeks after telling us he was selling all his properties (recent budget tax changes). Due to personal reasons we had to sell and rent back and already had dog(s) and landlord wrote it in the agreement. I appreciate the issues landlords have with pets, but we have had our dogs between 2-9 years and they are no trouble - but do you think in this nation of animal lovers we can find a rental property in our area (lived here 25 years, 9 years as tenants) that takes pets. I read somewhere that by not allowing well behaved/trained dogs in rental properties they are reducing their profits by up to 50%, although actually do not see many rental properties available these day suitable and affordable. The only pet friendly rentals agencies are mainly in London, Oxford etc (via letswithpets website). Why haven't other agents etc registered?

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maria 14th June, 2016 @ 15:45

My daugther has rented a house in London and her land lord told her there was not problems to bring her dog to London.

I had her dog living with me for a few months and i can tell it is an extremely well behaived dog. Finaly I sent the dog with her about one month ago.

she is having problems because it seems there is a policy in her building (she did not know that) that does not allow dogs witouth an special permission, Now She has been told to put her dog out in 20 days, the land lord did not ask for that permission and does not care about the situation, my daugther has been living in the flat 5 months , paint it , change the flour ,and fix many things to make it a look very nice flat, because she sign for two years.

It seems that there is a neighbour that has complain about the dog, but they dont want to tell her who was that person, there are more dogs living in the building with that special permission that she didnt get because her landlord didnt give her that information, and now with that anonimous complain the neigbours comunity denies her that permission, what can she do , she is young and I fell they are taking avance on her....please help!!!

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Jules 18th June, 2016 @ 14:08

A similar thing happened to a dear friend of mine and his wife. They sold their immaculate house and move to a smaller 2 bed flat with patio which they purchased it was not even rented. My friend has many serious health issues and although their dog is not registered as a helper dog, the dog is vital for his mental wellbeing coping with illness. The estate agent, failed to inform them after they asked "are pets allowed' in this flat I am intending to 'buy'. The agent assured them that was no problem to get the sale. Then to their horror, once contracts exchanged, it came to light this was not the case. I can tell you all, it nearly finished my friend off. The stress on him and his wife was appalling. The dog in question was elderly and required ongoing medication and the thought of it going to a rehoming centre was horrific and deeply upsetting for my poor sick friend. They wanted to do everything by the books but ridiculous unfair policies are inflicting terrible suffering on elderly, sick people and their pets. This has to change.

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Ravi D 14th December, 2016 @ 04:52

The situation in India is so much worse. Most of the home owners and apartment associations have a strict no pets policy. This is a major problem for people already having pets in India, even in cosmopolitan cities. In case you're a pet owner/lover, try convincing your landlord with these points

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Rebecca 24th January, 2017 @ 19:50

It's such a shame. We are renting a gorgeous 7 bed barn conversion with our four German shepherds. Up on the North Yorkshire moors.
After having our first child, I no longer work as much as I used too. I work from home anyway, and my partner works full time. The rent is 1700 a month! And the landlord has been brilliant. Leaves us well alone, house is immaculate. We only moved here because of the location and of course, so many dogs, no where cheap would have us. After my lower wages and losing two of our dogs to old age. We are stuck as after 6 years, the landlord wants to sell the property due to retirement and wanting a nice bonus. We don't blame him. And there's no hard feelings. But we've descovered clearly the lack of properties available. No way will we get rid of our dogs. And two big dogs, a child, and even offering six months up front rent, extra bond, agreeing to sign any documents to pay for professional cleaning and show proof once we leave, a letter from currently landlord to explain how excellent the property condition is even when we had four dogs! Nope, not one property will have us. And we don't really want to rent something so pricey again. But the only properties that the landlords even coincided is are large expenseives lines again. Due to lack of people to afford them, we can no longer afford them now! We are given permission to live here until it sells, and it's already been 7 months. A house so pricey won't sell fast the landlord knows that. And it's very remote! And thankfully it's giving us plenty of time. But I'm 7 months, and even a budget up to 1400, and up north where we are that's a lot. We are still disregarded. We are stuck, this house could sell any moment, we are living on edge upset to leave, and nothing from a 1 bed flat to another like this will have us. We offer everything. Yet, feel discriminated because we have pets. Especially large, energetic 'bully breeds'. We have even applied to the council, as they accept two pets, but because of partners earnings, aren't able to help us. But, we would be regarded as emergency due to being 'kicked out' so to speak. And having a child. We either get rid of two cherished family members. Or continue on a road to stress and loss of money fast. And endless rejection and disappointment. And we do not want to leave Yorkshire with having both our families here. Stress stress and more stress.

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Marlene cornforth 12th March, 2017 @ 14:57

I live next door to a rented property and the front which is box shaped not much room is full of dog poo I've spoken to the agents they clear it up that day and leave it again for months it absolutely stinks. It's alright having these agents but do they tell the landlord no they don't.ive asked them on numerous occasions I've posted a letter. If it's not dealt with I'm going to tell the agents that i am going to sue the landlord I'm trying to sell my house fgs.

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Benji 12th March, 2017 @ 20:24

@Marlene cornforth,

I know it isn't fair but clean up their shit yourself.
If the front is grassed over, smile and offer to mow it when you are doing yours- and clean up the shit.
If the front is paved over, smile and offer to pressure wash it when you are doing yours- and clean up the shit.
Be the bigger person. Life is too short. Move on.
(but if it makes you feel better, have a dump on their front yard when you leave.)

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cassie 11th April, 2017 @ 21:46

I have a small dog. She is extremely well trained and behaved. I have been looking for a rental property for a year now and cannot get one. Every single one I find is 'No Pets'. It is crazy how landlords can get away with not allowing pets. I have even been told to sell my dog by a landlord of a property I went to look at. What gives him the right to tell me that. I have offered to pay more of a deposit and monthly rent. The majority of pet owners are responsible and yet it is still so difficult to find some where to live. I have been stuck living in a B&B for a year because of this.

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Christabel 8th July, 2017 @ 12:33

As depressing as the situation is it's nice to hear I'm not the only one going through this situation.

It's so frustrating making call after call after call, be it a private landlord or an agency and always getting the same reply: NO! How can it be LEGAL to officially be able to say "sorry, no pets" (sorry, not sorry) and even to children?! are we going to have to start making shelters to keep children because no flat will accept them? its ludicrous.

I phoned a private landlord regarding a 3 bed house with a garden, his crappy excuse was that the garden is paved, not grass, and wouldn't be suitable for our dog. He doesn't know that we walk our dog 3 times a day in a PARK, because he needs to run.

It just makes me angry that I can't pick and choose where I WANT to live, and I'm going to have to accept a house in an area I don't like, in bad conditions....basically make do with whoever will be happy to accept dogs.

Good luck to all tenants with pets! there must be some rational people left in the world to help us find a home!

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Jenni Maija Helena 10th October, 2017 @ 11:26

I live in London, and before I moved in my current flat, I was sleeping in friends’ living rooms for 4 MONTHS because I couldn’t find a flat that would allow my dog. It was the most stressful time of my life and I was in absolute tears over it, looking at ads and calling agents becoming compareable to a full time job. Wasted so much time with agents who would lie to you, telling you that they have a property for you and only when you are ready to sign a contract, revealing that it does not actually allow pets and try to get you to give up your pet. Happened to me multiple times!

In the end I found a flat with a two hour commute to my job, £200 over my budget. I only accepted it because I was desperate and it was in a good condition. Some of the places I was shown before were unlivable.

I made a contract for 2 years just because I didn’t want to do the same again so soon. I’ve hated living here because of the commute and being so broke because of the high rent (£1400 for a two bed, one single one double), but now I’m having sleepless nights because the tenancy is ending in 4 months so I’ll have to start looking again very soon. We’ve already been told our current landlord will raise the rent after our contract is up so there is no hope in staying here.

It’s not fair to treat people like this just because we have pets. I’ve always been an exceptional tenant and paid my rent on time and looked after the property. And I’m not giving up on my best friend of 9 years, even if it means I’ll have to go homeless again.

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Sooze 14th November, 2017 @ 12:35

I've been a tenant for years and have recently just become a landlord after putting my savings into a small 2 up, 2 down. As a tenant previously, I willingly paid an additional deposit as cats can do damage, particularly to carpets. I have always got my deposit back in full without any questions (due to the fact we bought a couple of extra scratching posts). Now as a first time landlord our tenants are fostering cats hoping we wouldn't find out to avoid paying the additional deposit. We aren't altering their rent and are registered with the TDS (which is there to protect all parties). The fact that they aren't forthcoming with the deposit, suggests that they aren't willing to pay for any damage the cats they foster may do (the risk of damage considerably increased with foster cats where they generally will not know the history of the cat). As landlords we make sure all maintenance is carried out straight away and that they have a nice home to live in. That shouldn't mean we should have to fund replacing carpets because our tenants have knowingly accepted the risk of damage to the property in choosing to foster cats. There are a few bad landlords out there, just as there are some bad tenants.

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Stan 1st March, 2018 @ 15:19

On the issue of which pets are likely to cause the most damage I have a tenant let the estate cat into the flat and it distroyed the leather sofa. Needless to say I never got enough to cover it as I was unrepairable and any compensation would not be enough to replace.
I also read recently that The Consumer rights act 2015 limits Landlords right to refuse pets. Does anyone know what section that is?

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Maxine Warts 19th May, 2018 @ 22:21

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Jaime 28th May, 2018 @ 09:28

I work for a multinational company and got transferred from Portugal to the UK for a few years. The company was to provide temporary accommodation and I had limited time to sort a more permanent solution for me.
I live alone and have a Persian cat... and was not prepared for what I'd face here.

Every interaction with letting agencies would result in a straight inflexible "NO PETS". I wanted them and the landlords to know me, my circumnstacies, to see my cat, to do my best in reassuring them that there is no need for concern about this.
They wouldn't event allow for a simple chat: It was always No, No, No, No....

Months passed!! and I hadn't any tenancy sorted!!!
Miracoulasly, one agency AGREED to organise a chat with a prospect landlord on a "No Pets" property. We liked each other. I am now renting his property and living there with my cat.
He pops in 2 times a year (I invite him), so he can see how well his property is being taken care of.
I also bring him a nice bottle of Port every time I go to Portugal. Win-win for him!

I completely understand that there are risks on renting with pets. It's the inflexibility and uninsterest in personal circumstances that makes me sad. There are responsible people out there that feel a huge responsability about living on someone else's property, and are not even given a chance to show that!

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Steve T 28th May, 2018 @ 22:09

After going through the same hoops that others have gone through I finally found 2 landlords that were willing to accept my 3 small dogs. First house I viewed was, to be polite, unsuitable. The second one is a dream and the landlord said that he wasn't the least bit concerned about 3 small dogs. He asked very politely if he could visit us to check that the house renovations had been done properly and he loved the dogs. Being in a rural area he was quite happy that the presence of 3 terriers would keep any vermin at bay or at least under control. Fantastic landlord. The agent, on the other hand, wasn't happy about the dogs and initially told us the no pets were allowed. I suspect that it is often the case that letting agents have their own rules regardless of what the landlord might be willing to accept.

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Rebecca 19th August, 2018 @ 02:58

A new tenant has 3 dogs she wants to introduce into the tenancy. How many pet would you recommend I allow. I am up all night thinking. Any help greatly appreciated

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Sue 5th September, 2018 @ 11:29

We rent and have 2 dogs. Trying to find accommodation is a nightmare. However, each property we have moved into has had proof of children having lived there i.e. glue and glitter stuck on doors, plasticine in the carpet, small bits of toy in the garden etc, dirty handprints on the walls, kicks and scuffs etc. Our dogs are well trained, washed regularly so no odour and are cage trained so put away when we are out. At inspections there is always a comment about no doggy smells etc and how clean everywhere is. I think like having children, having pets and how they are raised is entirely down to the owners. If there are rules to follow both are fine but left to run riot both can destroy. It is hard to find accommodation and unfair pet owners are discriminated against and with such a shortage of affordable housing things need to change. There should be a good tenant liability cover you can offer to take out to allay any destruction fears.

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Octopus 18th December, 2019 @ 10:47

I appreciate the value of pets and would personally like to see a more flexible attitude in terms of accepting animals on a case by case basis. I have been quite pleased to see that my local council housing does mostly allow pets unless the property is deemed unsuitable (flats are generally deemed unsuitable for dogs and cats in the UK, as far as I can see. I'm not sure what the logic is but personally I would have thought that it was unwise to keep dogs without a private garden).

However, I feel this isn't a one sided issue. I have had a series of problems with neighbours with noisy dogs, either waking me up at unearthy hours, or barking and howling all day - hours and hours of it without pause - when left alone in the property while her owners were at work (she was a lovely little dog, too: it doesn't require a hatred of dogs or for the dog to be a bad pet, for the dog to cause problems). Fortunately our mutual landlord and the neighbour took it seriously.

I have friends who had trouble with their neighbour's cats leaving droppings all over their lawn, which was a play area for pre-school children. That's positively dangerous given what you can catch from cat droppings. Dogs which aren't well disciplined - in the bouncy rather than destructive sense - can be an absolute menace to young children and people with disabilities. What landlord wants to risk their elderly tenant being knocked over in the hallway by a large dog? Or insisting on finding alternative accommodation because they don't feel safe going out any more due to falling over wandering cats on the stairs? While I appreciate that many pet owners are responsible about not allowing their dogs to bother or cause difficulties for people, the number who respond to protests about a dog bothering people with "he's just being friendly" is really quite absurd. I'm sure he's a lovely dog, but that he intends to be friendly isn't going to stop him knocking my granny off her feet with his lack of discretion!

If pet owners in general took the difficulties their animals could cause others more seriously, I think it would increase the willingness to accept them, not just in accommodation, but in places like public parks. While there are still problems, some of which are silly and some genuine (such as allergies), most people are genuinely happy around assistance dogs - for the simple reason that they know these animals are extremely well trained and behaved. If most dogs were that well trained and behaved, I suspect no-one would ever turn them down unless the accommodation was straightforwardly unsuitable.

I appreciate this must be really frustrating for all the dog owners who wouldn't dream of allowing their dog to be indiscreetly friendly or to foul in the wrong place. Perhaps someone should start a certification scheme for pet owners who can be trusted not to allow their animals to cause problems?!

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Jay Range 22nd December, 2019 @ 12:36

My Tenants are breeding and selling small dogs and now have 17 in total. They haven’t asked permission to breed, but I’d agreed originally to let them rent with only 2 dogs. They seem to be running a business without any permission too !
What can we do ? we are both elderly, and depend on the rent and don’t want hassle
Any suggestions? We would prefer just the 2 dogs as agreed !

Mr and Mrs Range

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The good tenant 8th September, 2020 @ 20:47

I am absolutely shocked at how you speak of your tenant and how many of you landlords think is ok to treat people like second class human beings. People have to work long hours these days and even if they do have a good salary, the chances of owning a property are in its majority out of their reach. I understand that many people may have wrecked a place and left for the landlord to pay the broken pieces. A bad owner will have a bad behaved pet. But the fact that many of you are unwilling to even consider giving consent to a good tenant who has been paying their rent in time, has maintained the property clean in a consistent way makes me sick. For many tenants, their pets are their motivation and their support to keep going. If a tenant commits themselves to pay an extra amount of rent, pay for example a deep cleaning after they leave, why not? In my case I have been working non stop for the past 8 months because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am a nurse. And believe me, my mental health has been greatly affected, I have no family here and I have not been able to go back home for an entire year because of this pandemic. What has kept me going was the thought of perhaps owning a cat to give me some company and support, as I am suffering with a lot of anxiety from the things I have seen in hospital. I have been renting my place for two years, never missed a payment, kept the place spotless and even cleaner than it was when I first moved in. Only to receive a resounding NO and a threat of eviction for requesting to keep a cat (which by the way has also been prescribed by my doctor). I only hope, that the day you end up in hospital (and believe me you all will end up in one at some point in your life) and you see yourself helpless and in need of care, the nurse that will look after you has the consideration, kindness and empathy that you never extended towards your tenants. Only then you will realise the importance of being kind and empathetic towards others. You may be a landlord and believe that you are entitled to treat people like you do, but you are in fact a prejudiced and opinionated person who clearly hasn’t got much of a clue of what people go through these days. I wish for you to never be treated as a number rather than a human being.

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Bronwyn Campbell 26th September, 2020 @ 08:38

Hya I really need a two bedroom house with no bond and who is alound to have pet I have two kids and a rabbit can you please help me

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jeanmworthington66@g 25th February, 2021 @ 17:22

As a responsible cat owner and currently renting and could get a reference and demonstrate regular preventative treatments are up to date, I'm trying without success as every place I have enquired with since this new ruling are still disregarding this and was told a few moments ago that it's not true, there is no blanket ban. Very frustrated at this. Where do you go to challenge these decisions? Thanks.

















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