Landlord Pet Policy & Pet Clauses For Tenancy Agreements

Tenant Pet Policy Schedule

I’ve already written a rather beefy Landlord guide on tenants with pets, which covers a lot of the commonly asked questions, including whether landlords are legally obligated to accept tenants with pets (spoiler: they’re not).

So this is essentially a continuation from that, where I drill into pet clauses and tenancy agreement contracts.

Whether you’re a “pet-friendly” landlord or not, you’ll want sensible clauses in your tenancy agreement to support your position the best way possible.

(needless to say, none of this is legal advice, especially the examples clause I’m going to provide in this post. You should defo contact a qualified specialist for advice before acting on anything that you read or download from here!)

Table of contents

Tenancy agreements that don’t contain pet clauses

If you have a tenancy agreement template in your hands that doesn’t make your position on pets clear – if it’s not too late – then I suggest throwing that puppy straight in the bin. It’s a dud.

You’d be better off sourcing for another one that does include pet clauses that represent your position (sit tight, I’ll plug my tenancy agreement contracts shortly).

Every half-decent tenancy agreement will contain pet clauses, whether they’re pet-friendly or not, and in-turn it should be made clear to the tenant what the terms are.

If it is too late – and you’re using a dud – then it’s possible that the tenant has been given free reign and it will likely be harder for landlords to argue that pets are not allowed.

If your tenant has a pet or wants to introduce one into the home, and you’re pet-friendly, then you might want them to agree to a pet policy.

Tenancy agreement clauses for pet-friendly landlords

This can work in one of two ways, depending on your current situation:

If your new tenant has a pet

If you’re in the midst of preparing a tenancy agreement for a new tenant that has a pet, then you could use a tenancy agreement that:

  1. Refers to a pet policy (find a downloadable template below), which outlines the conditions under which tenants may keep pets in the property

    For example, use a clause like this:

    The tenant agrees that they will abide by the pet policy as shown in Schedule 1 attached to this tenancy agreement.

  2. Restricts the number of pets, and defines the animal and breed that has been approved (this can either be done in the tenancy agreement and/or a separate pet policy.

    For example, this is the clause I use in my pet-friendly tenancy agreements:

    7.3 It is agreed between the Landlord and Tenant that the Landlord grants permission for the Tenant to keep a pet [INSERT ANIMAL TYPE(S) AND BREED(S)] named [INSERT ANIMAL NAME(S)] (“The Pet”) in The Property for the duration of the Tenancy. The Tenant agrees not to keep any further pets or animals of any description on the Property without the prior consent in writing of the Landlord.

If your new tenant doesn’t have a pet

If you’re in the midst of preparing a tenancy agreement for a new tenant that doesn’t have a pet, then you could use a tenancy agreement that:

  • states written consent is required first. For example, by using a clause like this:

    A Tenant must seek the prior written consent of the Landlord should they wish to keep pets or other animals at the Property.

Tenancy agreement clauses for non pet-friendly landlords

We need to be careful here (you’ll understand why once I explain the situation).

I think the best way to approach this is if I present what I believe to be the facts, and then I can leave it in your capable hands to do further due diligence and decide what you want to do. Fair? Cool.

Currently, there are no pet specific laws for landlords and rental properties. For example, there is nothing to say that landlords have a legal obligation to accept tenants with pets. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean other pieces of legislation can’t be used to form a position or a defence.

Option 1: Provide a no-pet position by default

This article on the website states it’s not advisable to blanket ban pets in a tenancy agreement as it could be considered to be an “unfair term” and challenged under The Consumer Rights Act 2015. So instead, they recommend using a clause that requires the landlord’s permission if the tenant wants to keep a pet (this way the tenant doesn’t have a default right to introduce pets into the property).

To reiterate, since there are no specific pet laws in renting, it’s hard to say how successful challenging a blanket pet ban would be under the “unfair term” defence. Using a permission based clause is just their suggestion, not legal advice or a citation of the law.

If you want to take on board the advice given, you can use a clause like this:

A Tenant must seek the prior written consent of the Landlord should they wish to keep pets or other animals at the Property.

If then the tenant moves a pet in without permission, they will be breaking the terms of the tenancy and therefore potential grounds for eviction.

If your tenant asks for permission as per the clause, you can then assess the situation. The likelihood is though, you’ll be expected to provide a fair and reasonable reason for why you refuse the request. For example, it might be reasonable to refuse permission to keep a large dog in a small flat.

Option 2: Provide a firm no-pet position

If you’re adamant on having a strong a no-pet policy (which many landlords are), you can use a clause like this (and hope it doesn’t breach any unfair terms):

7.3 The Tenant shall not keep any pets or any other animals on or in the Property.

Personally, this is what I use, but I use it as a deterrent more than anything else. While I’m not entirely against tenants having pets, I don’t want to encourage it either. Some tenants have read the clause and asked if they can have pets anyways, which I think is perfectly reasonable.

And actually, I had my tenancy agreements drawn up by solicitors that have a specialist landlord law division, and they included the clause in my contracts (I ordered a variation of pet-friendly and non-friendly agreements), so make of that what you will.

Tenancy agreement clauses that cover damages by pets

You don’t actually need any.

In the event of any damage caused by pets, with or without any specific pet clauses, the tenant will be held liable. The tenant has an obligation to return the property in the same condition as they received it in (minus wear and tear).

Damage is damage, it doesn’t matter if it’s caused by a tenant, their friend or their dog. Simply, if it happens on their watch, it’s their responsibility. The security deposit can be used to cover damages caused by pets.

Tenancy Agreement Pet Clause

Tenancy agreements and professional cleaning clauses

Unfortunately, this is a no-go. At least, it is for landlords in England.

With the introduction of Tenant Fees Act 2019, landlords in England are prohibited from charging tenants for a professional end of tenancy cleaning service or demand the tenant to pay for one.

The requirement for tenants to pay for end of tenancy cleaning services were commonly found in tenancy agreements – and they still are – but those clauses are now unenforceable. I would remove them if they’re present, or get an up-to-date tenancy agreement.

But as mentioned, tenants will still be required to return the property in the state they received it in, and landlords can still recoup any repair costs from the deposit

Download Tenancy Agreements with pet clauses

Here it is, my shameless plug.

If you’re interested in downloading tenancy agreements with pet clauses, I have a couple of variations available:

  • My pet-friendly tenancy agreements – this requires the tenant to ask for permission first.
  • My non pet-friendly tenancy agreements – this uses “The Tenant shall not keep any pets or any other animals on or in the Property” clause.
Tenancy Agreement Contract

Download Your Tenancy Agreement

  • Only £4.99 - download once and unlimited use
  • All of our Tenancy Agreements were originally drafted by specialist landlord law solicitors
  • Provided in .doc format so fully editable
  • Written in "plain English" with easy to understand terms and conditions
  • GDPR updated

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Download your landlord pet policy schedule

If you do have tenants with pets – as already mentioned – I recommend using a pet policy to supplement your Tenancy Agreement – this will outline relevant conditions under which tenants may keep pets in the property. For example, the policy can contain the following conditions:

Tenants must not leave their pets in the property when they are away unless clear arrangements have been made for their care.

Any dog listed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 may not be kept at the property with the exception of dogs registered on the Index of Exempted Dogs.

If you do want to use a pet policy, you can reference it in the tenancy agreement or write a separate covering letter, which requires the tenant’s name, signature and date, to confirm that they agree to the terms.

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Shari 1st September, 2014 @ 14:57

My daughter signed a rental agreement with states ,"There will be a $35 fee per month for pets." When she attempted to adopt a dog, the landlord told her he had changed the policy (rescue called him, he told them, they called my daughter)...anyway, is this legal in the US? He stated he was tired of the flea issues in some of his other properties. Can we do anything? My daughter is extremely depressed because she was looking forward to having a companion. He even stated she could have a pet when she toured the property. What is your advice?

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Aimee 27th October, 2014 @ 22:23

Rudely worded one sided article surely this should be un biased! I so in find process of buying my first flat. Saw a dog in a building when looking round assumed as I am buying not renting having a dog to stay when my dad works abroad is okay. Then a few people said I need to ask permission! They said know so now is a big issue as all fees bar deposit send land tax are paid. She is old and sleeps all days and won't be there all the time. Can I appeal?

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Woody 10th November, 2014 @ 15:40

I am a good landlord and I happily accept pets, children and tenants own decoration in my properties. I do not charge extra deposits for pets and my expectation will be that any damage that takes place will be taken from the DPS, all pet tenants have worked well and the tenants tend to stay longer as they are unable to find tenancies elsewhere.

I do however have a tenant who will be leaving in spring. I have received a complaint about the tenants dog which is a very large breed and it concludes that it is in everyone's best interest that the dog goes. I have put this in writing to the tenant and they are refusing to remove the dog or leave. The tenancy has now ended but because they are paying their rent I have to give them 2 months notice. My insurance on the property is only effective when my tenancy agreement is effective and I am worried that something may happen. I have cancelled the pets clause with the tenant in writing and set a date for the dog to be removed. this date has passed.

It will not put me off being an agreeable landlord for tenants with pets but it is an unwanted headache. No one seems to be able to offer any concrete advice on what I can do next. Any ideas?

The tenant has put in writing to me that she will use delaying tactics on me to stay in the property until her next one is ready and has confirmed to me that her dog is still at the property.

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Tenant 10th November, 2014 @ 19:47

Woody I absolutely commend you, there should be many more landlords like yourself and I hope this current experience does not put you off. I hope that you can get resolution to your problem very soon, you are being responsible and acting on a complaint your tenant should think herself lucky and she should have dealt with the complaint responsibly.

I only wish my own landlord was like yourself.

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JohnTabick 2nd January, 2015 @ 23:10

Hi all,
I have a problem with my current tenants. I have rented the property through a estate agency. When the tenants moved in they had no pets. However, when I visited the house to fix one damaged window I saw a dog inside the house, and I have talked with a neighbour who confirmed that the animal was living there.
What can I do in this situation? Does anyone vcan give me any help?

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alfred katona 3rd January, 2015 @ 10:34

I have now tenants he is my son fried ?he got a girl friend she had a dog now she is gone but the dog stayed and I have ask he to get rid of the dog ?he have not ?What can I do?Help? Thank u?

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Kirstie Lee-watson 3rd January, 2015 @ 11:11

Hi John Tabick/Alfred Katona

Rather than ask the people to get rid of the pets (it's not fair on the pets and the likely hood is the could be destroyed and left to fend for themselves if pressure is put on them), why not tell the tenants that they need to sign another agreement that if the animal does any damage they have to pay, in addition they must have the carpets in the house professionally cleaned if they are to vacate.

Is the house a mess? Or well looked after? If it is the latter they are good owners and it's a shame for a family not to have a pet (if they look after it). Many problems today for tenants are that landlords won't take pets maybe because they have had problems in the past, personally I would take it on an individual basis.

I am a tenant with animals, my house is well cared and very clean. The animals have never caused any damage.

Of course you could go the other way and tell the people you wish to end the tenancy agreement because they are in breach. The choice is yours. Good luck.

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Asthmatic, with Cats 3rd January, 2015 @ 11:19

As a Landlady and a Tenant with pets, I would only contemplate getting rid of the dog if there are complaints from the neighbours, say because of noise. If the pets behave they should be a lesser risk to your property that children or students, let's be honest.

Other than that, I would only worry about the carpets if your house still have those horrid things, and would tell the tenants that they are going to have to pay for a professional cleaning and disinfestation of the carpets, so they cannot expect a full refund of their deposit.

OR I would take this chance to replace the carpets with laminate and ask them to contribute towards this expense if they want to keep their unauthorised and undeclared pets.

With laminate you will find far less problems with pets.

Actually in our new place I agreed with the Landlords to change the flooring of a couple rooms with old dirty awful carpets and put laminated instead at our own expense before we moved in, so they agreed to allow us to keep our pets.

Really Landlords are losing extremely good Tenants with their small thinking about pets.

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JohnTabick 3rd January, 2015 @ 11:24

Thanks for your answers, but my concern is that they broke the contract once that they have a pet and they did not told me anything. Am I protected by law or something?

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Asthmatic, with Cats 3rd January, 2015 @ 13:11

Yes, of course you could tell them that due to their breaking the contract you are going to evict them.Understanding that you actually made it very clear in writing that bringing a pet to the house is a reason to terminate the contract. Obviously you have to do this legally.

They will normally refuse to go and things will end in Courts. If you have not had any problems with them paying the rent, normally the Judges will say that the right of the Tenants to stay is more important than the right of the Landlord to throw them away only because of a pet that has not proved to be a risk for your property and will also say that this is against their human rights and similar to telling them that they cannot have children while renting.

In practicality by trying to evict them you are not going to go anywhere and spend quite a lot of money and time in the way. Something different is if they have already completed their contract and are in a rolling contract. You can simply give them notice.

But of course it might be completely possible -and I bet this is the case- that you are unfairly prejudging a perfectly well behaved pet that is not actually a risk to your property. If you get rid of the current Tenants, assuming that they are not giving any problem and are paying timely, you might end up with a complete nightmare of a Tenant, even without a pet.

Best thing is just making sure that you are protected against possible damages caused by the pets, and in any case, make sure that they are going to cover a professional cleaning service when they vacate as they did not declare their pet to start with. Even proof that they are using anti flea treatments. You just have to get them to sign a document at this effect. They will normally be happy to do so and be careful as they will want to keep the house as well as the pet.

But really, I still think that children and students are by far more of a risk to your property than a pet. As per carpets, I simply hate them and think they are impractical, with or without pets

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Benji 3rd January, 2015 @ 19:59

It is not what you agreed to, they have acted underhandedly.
If they've broken this part of the agreement, chances are they are breaking it in other ways.
Serve a section 21.
Inspect regularly.
Put the rent up.
Collate evidence for claiming any damage at the end of tenancy.
Evict if it becomes necessary.

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Tenant 4th January, 2015 @ 11:22

Benji, I do think your response is a little harsh. Ok they have got a pet, but as long as the house is well kept and agreements can be put in place shouldn't this be fine. As a tenant (and a very good tenant at that) I think a sit down and discussion would be better than issuing an eviction notice, from what you say it looks like you have had a bad experience, but remember there are many good tenants like myself, I pay my rent a week in advance every month, any small repairs I've done myself. The house is well kept and I treat it like I owned it. If I was served with an eviction notice after living here for 5 years with no problems because I had a pet, I would be distressed, two months to find a new home with a pet, but wait, I could have my beloved pet destroyed. I've seen student accommodation in a worse state than a house with a pet. Inspect regularly so the tenant no longer feels comfortable and moves on, then the next tenant may not be as good.

It's very sad in todays society that people can treat others like this, the reasons I can't get a mortgage are ludicrous given that I can afford a hefty rent. All I'm saying is a little humanity and compassion go a long way, treat people with respect and they will respect you. By all means if there are under lying issues it must be dealt with. But don't treat tenants like second class citizens.

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Bewildered 28th March, 2015 @ 17:13

My current tenants have been renting from me for 3 years. Our contract has a no pets clause without prior consent. I have just found out, (from viewing their facebook profile of all places!) that they have 2 dogs, a cat, a lizard and a tortoise in the home. My facebook stalking then delivered me even worse news, they are running a dog crèche and boarding business from the home and have been running this business from my house for over 2 years. We have agents who do 'try' to inspect the property regularly but these tenants have always been difficult when it came to arranging the visits, now we know why! They have kept evidence of the business hidden from the agents when they have visited the property but their dog boarding business has its own facebook page showing many photographs of the interior of my house filled with numerous dogs (I counted up to 6 in one photo), the property address and fees are also listed on the page!
Having this many animals in the home has been be detrimental to the condition of the property!
Do you have any recommendations on what action I should take?

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john the landlord 28th March, 2015 @ 17:22

They are in breach of the AST in two areas, having pets at the property and running a business from your property as well. you can give them 2 months notice and ask them to leave. personally, i would demand a face to face discussion with them and formally tell them what you want from them to carry on renting your property. if they pay their rent on time and are generally good tenants-request that the dog businesses ceases immediately and they can keep their own pets with a slight increase on the deposit. or if you don't want any pets whatsoever, tell them they can stay without any pets and if they no-give notice. whatever they agree to-also inform them that regular inspections are not optional

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Tenant 29th March, 2015 @ 09:06

From a tenants point of view I agree with John the Landlord, yes I have pets that I shouldn't have but my house is very well kept and I'm up to date with rent etc etc. But these tenants have gone a step further setting up a business like that, I would also say if the house is ok and rent up to date allow them to keep their pets, but the business has to stop, on another point even a dog creche or whatever it is, should be inspected by local authority, you could ask if they have done this as they will be operating illegally if not. Hope you get sorted.

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Bewildered 29th March, 2015 @ 12:29

Thanks John and tenant, good to get both points of view.
I am less concerned about their personal pets and would have probably agreed to let them stay on with those but..... they have recently become behind with their rent payments, which is actually what prompted me to look them up on facebook as they weren't responding to any calls/texts or emails from the agents who were chasing the late rent so I was doing a little investigating myself as to what was happening with these people (we live overseas so can't just drive by etc).
I basically had to email them myself and threaten that if they didn't respond within 24 hours regarding the rent arrears then we were going to serve a section 21. Their fixed term expired in February and so they are now on a periodic (monthly) contract. They did respond to that ultimatum but are refusing to agree to a payment plan I put together and have instead just 'told me' when they will pay back the money- surely that should be a negotiation?
In light of all this I know the answer is to serve the section 21 but the hassle of finding new tenants makes me hesitant and I feel bad forcing them out.

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john the landlord 29th March, 2015 @ 15:07

with what you have said i would not have any hesitation with serving them a section 21. running a dog business, not allowing inspections, avoiding communication and most crucially being behind with their rent all adds up to a poor show. their attitude of like or lump it is just not acceptable. serve the notice, re advertise the property and get new tenants. although you will be at a short-term loss and some hassle involved-the current situation looks like just getting worse. with your next tenants think about asking for a guarantor, free and easy to setup. i have them for all my properties

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Tenant 31st March, 2015 @ 16:28

I have to say that given the information you have received I would also be asking them to move out. I know it may be difficult for you at first to find a tenant, (where I live rented properties are snapped up as it's very difficult to get a mortgage, but long term I think it will be better than these tenants taking advantage. Sadly it's tenants like these that give us all bad names and stop us from renting with pets. If we were ever told to move out I dread to think what would happen, I can't just give up our much loved fur family. I wish you all the best Bewildered.

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Soda 21st April, 2015 @ 15:36

Hello To all the Propietary and Tenancys,

Expect to obtain help between all the community, have seen a lot of comments in reference to have or no Pets, Dogs, Rabbits, Children!Since I have arrived to United Kingdom have given me account that have very registered to the animals and seems me that this protects, takes care and improves the society but, do not agree in that in the grand of the Lettings and Landords in the contract Tenancy Agreement do not specify really YES or NON can have animal and that type of animal.

We find us that they have not respected the verbal agreement to be able to bring to our kitten and now to sign, pay and be inside living in the *flat from does a month communicate us that NON Cats!!! It seems me a fault of respect, dignity, discrimination and lies. We see protection Landorf but no to the Tenancys because now there is not form to negotiate neither speak with the Propietary the Agency Letting denies .

I expect your help, is very important because we have to leave the flat or can not bring the kitten, want to earn us of our deposit. We have the flat clean and orderly, instead, Inventory of the Agency Lettings no this correct!!!must problems...

Thank you very much For answering, to the lovers of the animals.

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Michelle 26th April, 2015 @ 16:08

We moved in a house back in November. At the time, we had a dog and asked if he would consider a pet. He said yes, for an addition $600 pet deposit. 2 weeks before we moved in, we got rid of the dog because he nipped at my 14 month old sons face. We called the landlord and told him we no longer had the dog, would he give our pet deposit back? He said no, the lease is already signed but we would get it back when we moved. So, we got a kitten a few weeks ago. When we first moved in, the basement had water pouring in during a hard rain. Called the landlord and he said he had instructed the property manager (who showed us the house) to inform everyone interested that the basement leaked. Well, mold was growing up one wall so I called him to tell him and he sent a guy over yesterday to tear down the moldy wall. The guy who did this saw our kitten and told the landlord. We got a call last night that we have to get rid of the kitten, which has my 6 yr old daughter highly upset. I am so confused on what to do...we put down a pet deposit for the dog, he refused to give it back so we got a kitten and now he wants us to get rid of it. I don't know what to do about this! Any suggestions?

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Swathy 25th June, 2015 @ 10:08


I recently moved out of my flat following 30 day notice to the end of tenancy.

However, there was never a written contract, only a verbal agreement. I always paid rent on time, kept the house clean and never bothered anyone as I was studying law.

At the beginning I had moved in with my dog (after receiving verbal consent from the live in landlord at the date of my viewing and had explained he was slightly older but usually well behaved when left alone at home). This was agreed to.

A few weeks in, my dog had vomited on the carpet top landing, and as I had tried to get him outside to avoid any mess, a little bit came onto the first top two stairs. However I had notified my landlord immediately and had gone to purchase carpet cleaning materials and cleaned it myself.

I had taken photos of the incident, then photos after I had cleaned it, showing no visible signs of impairment after the shampoo had dried and I had vacuumed it, except for a couple of small white patches. MY landlord saw all of this and had come back and said it was no big deal, nothing to worry about, giving me repeated assurances.

I also know that he had tried to contact a carpet repair service and one to replace the carpet to an identical one he had - i.e. replace ALL of the carpet through the house costing well into ££££ because it was a beige choir carpet. Nobody would come or agree to do this because of the type of carpet.

Yet, now 9 months later, he claims he is entitled to keep the deposit because of the "damage" - but note, he got a new tenant to move in the day I moved out, who came to view the property a couple of weeks before this and not once raised any comment on the carpet - also, another viewer never even seemed to notice any stains, because like I said, they are NOT visible from what happened almost a year ago.

He is now also claiming he should be entitled to more money due to "water damage" on the wall - nothing to do with me by the way, because I had actually called him a few months back when my parents came to visit, saying I had noticed water leaking from the boiler room coming onto the carpets and my room was just opposite, so I'm not really sure how he expects me to have been liable for any damage to the property not associated with my own actions?

Further still, I have rarely stayed at the property - I would leave early in the morning and be back some days at 10-11pm after studying at the library, then be away at my parents for the weekends, and the last couple of months preparing for exams from home.

I've always paid rent on time - even on one occasion he had asked for it early so he could pay for his holiday expenses and I said fine. Always kept the house clean, never been noisy, etc. I'm sure this would constitute overall good tenant-like manner? Aside from the one-off incident, which I myself paid for expenses of cleaning materials and cleaned myself - I do not think the cost of cleaning a couple of patches, which he insists are damages he has to live with until he can find someone to clean the carpet (as I'm sure he will be seeking the most costly), would be anywhere near £250.

I say this because my parents run a B&B which allows pets. We've had pets (and sometimes owners) ruin furniture, bedding, carpet etc, but never charged them for the cost of recovery. In one instance, a dog had urinated on our carpet which stunk up the whole corridor - the cost of cleaning the entire 50 m or so corridor was £200. Yet my landlord claims for a couple of tiny patches, he is entitled to keep £250.

I see this as being unreasonable - plus the fact he never made me sign or agree to any pet clauses, but even if they had been impliedly agreed to, there is no way he can keep the total amount.

He has only decided to make an issue of it AFTER I moved out, but never brought it up before - in fact the opposite, stating he himself has spilled drinks/ water on the carpet, it's no big deal, don't worry about it etc. He could have told me that he would get a quote from someone to clean it - a simple steam clean, or purchase of a shampoo hoover would do the job (I know because we've used this multiple times in our hotel, and it cleans the carpet spot on), rather than seek some elite service. This would in no way exceed or come near £250.

Plus, I'm not sure how the courts would find in favour of a landlord having done all of this, but being entirely ambiguous and not straightforward, neither by a written agreement nor by verbally telling me any of this until after I move out.

Please advise asap, so I can reply to his nasty email, thanks!

Kind regards

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New_T 15th September, 2015 @ 17:22

I'm a new tenant about to move into a flat of my own after splitting from my long term partner.

We have 2 cats together and he cannot take them where he is going so I am going to take them and look after them.

They are both 7 years old, COMPLETELY flea, tick and worm free, all up to date with vaccinations, litter trained and very well behaved.

They never make a mess or scratch anything they're not supposed to.

However - I have not declared this to my landlord. It is so difficult to find a place to live who accepts pets.

If my landlord found out I had 2 cats, I would explain the situation and offer to pay any damage that would be caused (which would be none - my cats are lovely).

I'm just scared that my landlord would kick me out if he found out - although I suppose it would be down to personal circumstance right?

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Morven 16th December, 2015 @ 11:55

I have rented several properties since graduating from my degree, and I am honestly shocked at how loud people let their children be and stay up late until! Sleep depriving two young individuals who are working solid 50 hour weeks!

I am sorry, animals are not the problem, people are, always have been always will be.

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anon 1st April, 2016 @ 15:36

This is so irritating! Humans are the problem not the animal! Just f***ing meet your potential tenants animal, see if it's looked after, do 6 monthly checks on the property. I guarantee if they are responsible owners they wouldn't refuse that taking place. I agree with the above comments, circumstances do change! I'm now desperately looking for a dog friendly landlord because my partner of 10 years is going to join the RAF and leaving me in a house I can't afford. So how annoying for me to come across a landlords website that refers to animals as "malting bags of fleas". What an absolute prick you are. Dogs trust get so many dogs handed in to them because of changing circumstances and people going into rented properties that refuse to take the dog on. We're a generation of renters... landlords need to change their attitudes towards pets because they will only get lied too by tenants instead.

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Izaale 27th May, 2016 @ 20:41

I've just signed a contract stating no pets. The family who lived in the flat had a dog. I'm moving in in a month. Should I tell the landlady that I have a dog or just go with the flow praying for the best? She'll know on day one, because she lives in the building... But I feel like I have no choice. Getting a place with a dog is impossible :(

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Mus 10th June, 2016 @ 15:22

I am deathly allergic to cats. What would my rights as a landlord be to ban cats from the property? Since I self manage and do all the repairs and cleaning myself, plus inspections - I've had serious reactions within 5 minutes before. What can I do?

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Jules 18th June, 2016 @ 13:47

Although perhaps describing all cats as 'bags of flea's' is a little harsh. I am very glad the Property Investment Project has brought this subject up and given landlord's and letting agents an alternative from just saying no no no to all pets.
Letting with pets only became a considerable problem when tv property programmes became popular ie location location. Since that time there has been a steep rise in letting agents/estate agents who, I have been informed routinely suggest would be landlords maximize their rental potential and ultimately acquire higher rents by replacing bathrooms, kitchens and presenting almost 'showroom type rental properties'. This, along with some media propaganda, caused letting agents to often advise landlords to say no to pets. The 'very real' consequence of this has been utterly heartbreaking for thousands of pets and their heartbroken (mostly very responsible owners) and a crushing pressure has been placed on rehoming charities, many of whom were forced to put waiting lists in place for incoming pets. I spoke to a cat rehoming centre who told me of daily cases, where people with tear streaked faces brought their often 'only' companion into a rehoming centre, utterly heartbroken. Many pets are 'put to sleep' especially if older animals or nervous because of the sheer numbers. To a pet owner, asking them to choose between a roof or their pet is like asking them to rehome their child or other close family member. It is a painfully cruel choice and ridiculously unfair with animal welfare implications.
Thankfully the wonderful Dogs Trust came up with Lets with Pets a website that allows landlords to download pet tenancy forms and agreements, where the tenant who loves their pet might be able to keep them with landlords permission, providing they agree terms and conditions, ie microchip, neuter (which helps stop backyard breeders and irresponsible tenants wanting to profit from breeding - a good thing for animal welfare with too many pets needing homes) they agree to deep clean, provide vet details and proof of regular worm and flea treatments and good care of their pet, respecting other tenants too. For this they pay an additional pet deposit. This is absolutely the way forward, any responsible owner would be happy to sign and comply to terms in order to secure a roof for them and their pet, weeding out those less responsible owners. Rather than saying no, no, no, I urge all letting agents to sign up with Lets For Pets on the Dogs Trust website and lets stop this huge strain on rehoming shelters, heartbreak for good responsible tenants and unnecessary euthanisation of perfectly healthy much loved pets. Promoting 'Good and Responsible Pet Ownership' is the way to go. If a tenant waves extra cash at you because they love their pet, it is commonsense to at least consider it.

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ddd 27th September, 2016 @ 14:27

when i moved into a rented property i had two dogs, but my mum was always adamant on looking after them for me, i tried and failed sadly the dogs have out lived my mum which wasnt expected. (dont know whats around the corner) now im left with two dogs that im not aloud at my property i can get one to my sisters but literally the old boy has no where to go his not got much more than year left him ! bless his heart surely my landlady must have a heart i would happily pay extra let more visits , all my rent is on time if not early i just dont want to have to give my dog of 11yers away to a home where noone is going to want him :( what can i do :(

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Asthmatic, with Cats 10th October, 2016 @ 15:45

Sorry for your loss. As per your old dog, I would explain the situation to your Landlady and offer to complete 2 months deposit so that she can be sure that if anything happens it will be covered, even though you are completely sure that nothing will actually happen to the house. Also make sure to offer a deep cleaning and flea treatment, as all dogs have to go outside. Even if she is so old that she is happy in the back garden with you still picking up and cleaning after herself, fleas go everywhere. Being old, make sure to mention that she's not noisy and that she's most happy just relaxing and sleeping in her favourite comfy place. I'm sure that your Landlady has a heart, but she needs to look after her property too. As long as you offer to make sure that her property will be fine there should not be any problem.

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Debbie 15th October, 2016 @ 10:08

Hi there can anyone help me please. I live in a a2dominion rented accommodation and on my tenancy agreement it says i can keep small cadge birds in a private garden which I the point is i have 4 chickens 2 Cockerells and 2 hens someone has complained about my cockerels making noise so the landlord said I have to get rid of all my rosters so I said I will and keep my hens they said know as it says in your tenancy know chickens which it doesn't so how can I go about this so I can keep my hens that don't make any noise at all and also there bantam chickens so there the size of a pigeon I would say not like the big chickens you see at farms so please if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it thank you x

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Asthmatic, with Cats 16th October, 2016 @ 17:11

Hi there, I have to say that it was quite irresponsible from your part to try to keep roosters in a rented property close to neighbours. You knew that they would be an annoyance and it was very clear that somebody was going to complain, and with a good reason. You knew this.

However, as per the rest of your birds, I would first get rid of the culprits, that is the roosters, and show the Landlords that you have taken steps to reduce the issue with the neighbours. After that I would also ask the Landlords to allow you to keep the hens as per your contract, with the condition that there are no more complains from your neighbours. If they really make no noise they won't complain. I imagine that you have then in a runner, with just a bit of outside space compared to the rest of the garden, and not all over the place?

It's a matter of talking and having a bit of head about what is acceptable. Roosters clearly are not. Anyway they are not needed for hens to lay eggs.

Good Luck.

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Debbie 17th October, 2016 @ 16:29

Hi there thanks for getting back to me as for the rosters I had him from a week old and I didn't know he was one as you can't tell. But I'm going to see what they say and go from there thanks again for getting back to me x

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roxanne 3rd January, 2017 @ 18:00

I can't even express the anger i felt just by reading this article. I came to this country to find a better life and i had total respect for most of what this country represents.. but after seeing how little people appreciate life is all it's forms... i was very disappointed... how is it that some people can't love animals as well as people? or maybe even more? how is it that people around here are so selfish and all they see is material stuff? a pet depends on you!!! it has done nothing wrong and as a human being with a potential BRAIN you should know that if in any case a pets does some damage in your house it's not on purpose!!!!! he is still an animal without capacity to thing like a human! so what if your carpet is a little damaged- you'll fix it!!! how about people who kill or steal or pedofiles?? with those you have no problem i bet, to let them use your house.and those are people who are able to chose right or wrong.. not like pets who...people who thing like you about pets make me angry and sad.. you have a cold heart and an empty life... to bad for people like you

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Asthmatic, with Cats 4th January, 2017 @ 11:55

Roxanne, unfortunately now lots of "people with a cold heart and an empty life" will only focus on telling you to go back to your country if you don't like them, rather than acknowledging the problem you are mentioning.

Shame on them. Yes, pet owners AND parents are responsible for their pets and kids to behave and therefore to fix whatever they break. I have had more damaged caused by spoilt brats without social education than by any pet. Their owners/parents should educate them not to destroy the house and to behave so that they will not annoy the neighbours. That includes noises, barks and play shouts and basic training. Pets and kids can and should be trained, sadly in many cases also their parents and owners should be trained.

I believe in personal responsibility and maturity. A tenant HAS TO take care of the rented house he lives in, and he is also responsible for other beings living with him, that is all. Unfortunately many people do not even know what that means. Equally, a Landlord HAS TO make sure that the house is safe and in good condition to start with. And BOTH parts have to be clear that some issues are his responsibility alone, before during and after the letting contract.

If we all keep some neurones going, this should be crystal clear. I would ask for more deposit if there are pets, and will be very happy to return it whole if there are no damages to my property. Unfortunately it seems that I cannot ask for more deposit if there are children...

As per the original issue of this thread, laminate or vinyl all the way, carpets are simply anti hygienic and are too easy to destroy or stain even without pets. Let the tenants put their own rugs and thick underlay if they prefer a soft walk.

Somebody mentioned noises with laminate... do not be cheap and put a proper inlay to absorb noises, they really work and will last forever. If you fear that people in flats are stupid or selfish enough as not to wear soft sole shoes indoors, put a noise absorbent subfloor, then plywood if needed, then good quality vinyl, better in planks so that you can replace them easily if your tenant is stupid enough as to smoke and mark them.

I used to presume intelligence in people... sadly that is no longer the case. Experience.

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Danni 2nd February, 2017 @ 17:21

I rent through a letting agent. Two years ago my mum moved in. before she did so I asked the letting agent if she was allowed to bring her dog with her. I had previously not been allowed pets. I was not sure if the landlord would be ok with this and I was prepared to find my mum a suitable alternative in case they said no. I was told verbally by the letting agent that I was allowed to keep a pet at the property and a section appeared in my contract reflecting this. Now however I am being told by my letting agent that they can find no evidence of the landlord giving permission for pets at the property and they are looking into it further. The woman also stated that she doesn't feel keeping a dog at my place is appropriate and that none of their other lets allow pets (I am in a flat but I also live on a park - you walk outside the building and you are literally in the park). I have been there for over 10 years. I don't know what to do and am really upset. I don't feel able to contact the landlords directly as they have not been very open to communication in the past and I am supposed to go through the letting agent.

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Edith 12th February, 2017 @ 11:03

In October 2014 I decided to live in London to accompany my 16 year old daughter who wanted to study dance in London. After a lot of precalcals and almost a year later I managed to get a 2-bedroom house and living room for 1350 pounds a month, the house seemed acceptable, the landlord said he would clean because the kitchen was too fat and needed painting. I signed the contract, the one who gave me the contract said that there was no harm in having my dogs. I realized English but not enough to realize some things, I was here alone with the daughters, I found it difficult to arrange school for the youngest who has Down Syndrome, my husband in Portugal with animals and a disabled brother waiting for a house. The landlords, besides not accepting dogs, did not want children either, in a country that speaks so much about protecting children and animals, it left me much to be desired. I still have not given up trying to find the house I need my family together and the animals tb one of the dogs has died a month now it's just two, all old, acylated, do not make noise or disturb anyone want to eat walking and sleeping. And I still can not get a house. I lived a family next to me with two children without rules, they wrote, they ran, they played the ball, they shouted from 7 in the morning they wrote on the walls and everything else you can imagine and the lady told me that in my house there did not seem to be anyone Never heard anyone Because of the country in which I come rules, extended to all adults, children or animals. Here the landlords only look at themselves but there is something called Karma who knows one day to repent. It is necessary to start changing attitudes and to know how to look at the tenants because I understand that everywhere is good and bad and the deposits must serve something, not specifically for adults.
I live alone in London with two daughters because the landlords so impose or I will have to find money to buy house. What here is unthinkable.

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Edith 12th February, 2017 @ 11:11

Forgot to say that the house had mice big and small bedbugs the oven does not work they did not send anyone to clean the fan of the bathroom does not work the main door had no key among other things smaller the wood furniture had to go to the trash Because my daughter has atopic skin and never any of us would lie in those beds said to remove bought everything again my husband comes almost every month that can a few days and fixed what is necessary I saw me distrates to clean and finish with The rats and bedbugs went to lawyers and nobody did anything nor the council of wandsworth ... tb should be punished the landlords and pay these expenses as they tell me that I could have animals and then in the contract put the clause of not animals.Now is a beautiful and clean home. but I did, not landlord.

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Kez 8th July, 2017 @ 08:35

We are about to let our property out, we have four lovely well behaved dogs ourselves and they reside in a purpose built room just off our kitchen, which has dog flap to the outside areas. I personally as a home owner do not want my dogs in the house for various reasons. When I spoke to a letting agent to say we would consider pets, but we would prefer that dogs stay in the purpose built room, she said we could not put that in a pet clause. I would reluctantly allow them in the downstairs but most definitely not upstairs, but again she said you are not allowed to specify that. I completely understand it's mainly down to the fact it cannot be policed and would work on a trust basis. However, considering how difficult it is to rent with pets, surely we can put clauses like 'not upstairs', even though I accept you cannot police it? Any advice at all please?

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millie todd 12th October, 2017 @ 14:45

I lived in elderely housing, there is a new pet policy(which I never saw) about another person being responsible to take care of your pet to come in with the landlord with a picture ID and sign paperes in case you or not able to care for your pet. I ask other tenants if they had to do this one said only had to have the other person sign, no picture I think the landlord is fixing just on me, what can I do I had issue with him in the past

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Jo S 6th November, 2017 @ 13:22

Hi everyone, I need some help please...

I have recently requested to have a cat in my rented flat (cat is a hairless, and will be indoors... no risk of fleas)
I’m a good tenant and always pay my rent on time, and I look after the flat as off it was my own and even do minor repairs myself.
My contact does say no pets allowed but I know off two tenants in our block that got permission to have the same sort of breed cat like mine...and another that has cats but no permission as he claims they are strays that comes into his flat...
My request has been denied but I feel it’s really unfair that other tenants can have cats or can get away with having cats without permission but an honest tenant like me that actually asked for permission just gets denied.
How can I challenge my landlord’s decision to get him to change his mind?

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Cheryl Unterseher 7th January, 2018 @ 15:42

I moved into NO PET because I hate the smell of piss & feces from others pets; however landlord allows the 'crazy people' who live with other human beings have pets for companionship? I don't get it...what about my rights to live i building with NO PETS?? Why someone needs a rat-sized animal, that licks is hind-end & eats it own feces to feel safe & happy is rather puzzling. Do I have to seek legal assistance to move & break my lease? their smug sense of entitlement is CRAZY!!

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Roxana 31st January, 2018 @ 21:51

Looking for a bit of advice and information. Me and my partner decided to buy a pet, But before doing so we asked our Landlord for permission (the contract stated No pets). We told him that it’s about a ferret and it would live in a cage that we would provide him. The landlord agreed, we kept asking him when he was going to let the agency know that he was okay with the change, Bu he said that he phoned them and all is good. A week ago the landlord came in unexpectedly and saw the ferret sleeping in the cage. We asked him again if he is alright with the pet, he said “Yes, No worries”. Today, i woke up with a letter from the agency that gives me 2 weeks notice to get rid of the pet. Is there something i can do??? This bloody landlord went behind our backs to the agency pretending to be fine with the pet when he Actually wasn’t... i wished he told me so before i purchased the animal.

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Nick howells 10th July, 2018 @ 13:15

Are you allow to keep pets in a rented house for children to come in and pet? What type of insurance would you need for this to happen, also would you need a clearance by a government body to allow children other than your own to come into your rented accommodation and pet these animals. Also do you need to have any kind of license to keep foresaid animals?

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Anneliese 23rd September, 2018 @ 01:02

First of all, Cheryl, you are a waste of space and lack empathy. I hope one day, when you surprisingly find yourself loving an animal, you remember your uptight uncaring comment here. Let me guess.. You are one of those people with money and a flash car who thinks they are superior to others.. These are usually the people who have a problem with and report neigh ours with pets.
I have a beautiful small, quiet, clean and old dog and I have picked up every single poop of his since he was 8 weeks old. He is now 13 years and is like my child. I've never been maternal for noisy, dirty, destructive kids which is why I choose to care for animals. How landlords group us responsible dog owners together with irresponsible ones is outrageous. Why should we have to pay more than a deposit that is already left for damage? My dog doesn't dig or scratch or rip off wallpaper or cause any damage at all?! I am naturally a very clean and hygienic person and get carpets cleaned professionally myself but I make sure I find people who use natural cleaners and ones not tested on animals. Stop judging us landlords, you are welcome to visit and meet the dog a few times to see how it behaves so why is it always a 'no'. I haven't been able to find anywhere to accept me and my dog for years and live with my parents - I'm nearly 40! There are always people with no dogs or cats in the queue so I never get a look in. Animals are not flea-bags, or dirty. And Cheryl.. My dog cannot kick his own ass so again, stop assuming all dogs do this. And stop imposing your cold hearted approach to life on everyone else with a heart who loves their pet. In a world where animals are treated like shit, people like you are the problem that keeps it going.

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Rebecca 16th October, 2018 @ 17:34

I hope someone can help!
When my partner and I agreed our new rental it was on the condition that we would be eventually getting a dog.
The estate agent at the time of drawing up the contract said we would deal with the pet clause when we actually decided to get a dog.
Well that time has now come and the agent has in their clause that they retain funds for 4 months past the tenancy agreement in case of fleas.
She said the contract they use charges £120.
We decided that this would be acceptable upon confirmation that those funds were protect in the deposit scheme and that we wanted the amount of the retainer to also be in writing, for obviously reasons that we don’t want to be hit with a £1000 bill (God forbid) there was a flea issue.
The agent has come back and said the deposit scheme won’t hold that money for 4 months past the tenancy and since our tenancy is 3 year term the price of their contractor might increase. Now I understand that with inflation the contractor’s prices might go up but surely there is a correct way of putting this into the agreement to be fair for both sides and ensures that my partner and I are protected from what feels like highly dodgy agents.
Please help! Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Carol 7th May, 2019 @ 12:48

We have been with our landlord for about 27 years now and he is brilliant. We have always had dogs and up until last year we looked after our daughters Staffie while she was at work. Sadly we lost our beautiful boy last March.
Our daughter now rents from the same landlord and has asked out of courtesy about getting a dog. He has said that we and our daughter can have another dog BUT NOT a STAFFIE as a friend of his had a staffie that attacked his boxer.
When I told him about our previous staffie, he said he didn't realise we had a staffie (although he had been round while the dog was there).
Staffies are the most wonderful dogs and there are a lot of them them need loving homes as they are living in kennels.
Can our landlord stipulate what sort of dog our daughter can have or is this against the law.
We don't want to make trouble as he is a great landlord but it seems so unfair to discriminate against a particular breed of dog and I wondered how we stood on this.
Thank you

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Irene 12th December, 2019 @ 00:30

I pay £25 a month to have my dog, even though it does not state that I do, and the tenants agreement it says I have to pay for the house to be fumigated and carpets cleaned on top of the amount I pay each month. I have no evidence that I pay this except for an email when paying the deposit was the £25 short and the agent sent me an email to pay this. Is that proof I am paying them every month for a dog

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Jfenn 4th March, 2020 @ 14:56

Hi Landlord,
quick question for you ... if the short hold tenancy agreement has lapsed to a rolling agreement, can you insist the tenant signs an updated/new agreement?
This particular property has a cess pit and I feel they should be paying for the emptying of said pit. All other maintenance of the pit is handled by me.
Also whilst I agreed to the dog, I didn't agree to the cat which is now in-situ and therefore am considering added a Pet Clause too ...


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The Landlord 4th March, 2020 @ 19:27

Hi @Jfenn,

You can't make them sign, if that's what you're asking.

But since you have a periodic tenancy, you can definitely offer a new contract with new T&C's (including new pet clauses), and they can choose to agree to it or not.

If they choose not, either one of you can terminate the tenancy with a minimum of one month's notice (assuming rent is paid monthly) from the date the rent is paid.

If you want decide to end it (because the tenant's don't agree to the new terms), you need to serve a Section 21 notice.

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jfenn 12th March, 2020 @ 10:49

Thanks for your help!

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Debbie 1st September, 2020 @ 19:30

Can a tenants dog have puppy’s ? In the property do you need to inform the owner of the property

















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