Landlord Property Inspection Guide & Notice Template

Landlord Property Inspection Notice

While conducting routine mid-tenancy inspections isn’t the most convenient of tasks for any landlord, it’s definitely one of the most important, and neglecting them is a reasonably reliable method of pissing money down the drain.

Something I’ve learned over the years is that even the best, well intentioned tenants don’t report everything.

Not only do routine inspections help landlords identify maintenance issues (that are better nipped in the bud sooner rather than later), but just as crucially, they can help identity misbehaving tenants!

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What is a landlord property inspection?

Let’s start with the basics.

The primary purpose of an inspection is to evaluate the overall condition of a rental property; specifically to check if everything is in good working order and reasonable state, both the interior and exterior. It’s also the perfect opportunity to ensure your tenants are behaving themselves, and not living like primates.

Inspections are typically conducted on a quarterly basis to start with, but often reduced to bi-yearly (or even annually) after frequent positive inspections are conducted for the same tenants.

While it’s important to make regularly inspections, it’s equally as important not to make too many inspections (e.g. once a month); not only will you be a complete weirdo and pain in the rectum, but you could also breach your tenant’s right to quiet enjoyment and trigger grounds for harassment. No, I’m serious! In most cases, there isn’t a practical reason to excessive inspections unless there are legitimate circumstances that warrant it (e.g. genuine repairs and maintenance issues that need attention).

If the tenant feels like you’re making unnecessary visits too frequently, they could file a complaint.

How to give tenants notice for a property inspection

Let’s cover some of the basic law so you know where you stand.

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 s11 gives the landlord the right to enter the premises to view the “condition and state of repair”.

This is the exact legislation:

In a lease in which the lessor’s repairing covenant is implied there is also implied a covenant by the lessee that the lessor, or any person authorised by him in writing, may at reasonable times of the day and on giving 24 hours’ notice in writing to the occupier, enter the premises comprised in the lease for the purpose of viewing their condition and state of repair.

In normal human talk, that essentially means the following:

  • The inspection must be conducted at “reasonable times of the day”
  • The landlord/agent must give 24 hours written notice (you can download an inspection notice template at the bottom of this blog post)
  • If someone other than the landlord or agent is going to do the inspection, then that person should be authorised in writing

Why inspections are necessary and required

This is mostly common sense, but some of my points may make for some “oh yeaaah” moments. Or they may not. Either way, here’s a list of reasons why inspections are necessary and often required…

  • Opportunity to spot any repairs & maintenance issues
    Obviously this is the primary objective, to spot any obvious cries for attention.

    But more crucially, it’s the perfect opportunity to repair any minor problems before they spiral out of control and transform into major repairs and money pits. It’s always easier and cheaper to repair problems at their early stages. Something simple as a small leak can transform into a catastrophic disaster if it’s neglected for long enough.

    It’s also worth noting that relying on tenants alone to report potential problems can be a recipe for disaster, because they often won’t. Granted, most tenants will report serious issues, but many won’t report the little ones until it’s too late… and expensive to repair. So annoying.

    Moreover, through no fault of your tenants, it’s often easy to be completely unaware of potential problems. For example, your tenant might be accustom to the smell of dampness, however, you might notice it as soon as you walk through the front door. A set of fresh eyes, ears and nose is extremely useful for picking out minor problems at their early stages.

  • Assess tenants’ living conditions
    While the condition of the property might be generally sound, it doesn’t necessarily mean your tenants are keeping the property in good order. If that’s the case, you may not have legal grounds to evict, but you may want to consider whether or not you wish to renew the tenancy when the fixed term comes to an end.
  • Spot illegal activities
    Unfortunately, it’s easy to slip into a mindset of a lazy relaxed landlord when money is coming in on time, every time. But complacency can be a dangerous trap.

    The reality is, some of the most destructive tenants are the best payers because they want to keep their landlord away from the property so they can conduct illegal activities (e.g. there have been an increasing amount of cases where tenants have transformed BTL properties into cannabis farms). So I urge landlords not to assume the best tenants come packaged as just timely payers.

  • Helps build a relation with your tenants
    Not enough landlords value the relationship with their tenant. They should though, because it can be the key to a profitable and stress-free relationship. There’s a lot to be said about a good tenant/landlord relationship- it makes everything easier, including the arrangement of inspections and repairs.

    Inspections are a perfect opportunity to simply “catch-up” with your tenant and discuss life in general.

    Tenants are less likely to pick up and move if they’re happy with their landlord, which ultimately equals long-term, reliable tenants.

  • New tenants & viewings
    It’s common practise for landlords to conduct an inspection before they start taking viewings with new prospective tenants before the current tenants are due to vacate (for whatever reason). It makes sense, as the landlord will want to ensure the property is presentable.

What you should be looking for during inspections

This can be quite subjective, and it really depends on how thorough you want to be.

I’m not overly thorough – at least, I’m not as thorough as I am with the final end of tenancy inspection – so I don’t collapse on my knees with a magnifying glass, but over the years I generally know which areas to check in particular, beyond the general cleanliness and condition of the interior and exterior of the property…

  • Dampness & mould
    Mould and dampness in a BTL is one of the main areas I focus on during my inspections, because they’re often overlooked.

    From my experience, most tenants ‘just live it’, the mould that is, because they don’t realise how dangerous and serious mould infestations can be. I always look around the windows and sinks, and pay special attention in rooms prone to moisture, such the bathrooms and kitchen. I also check all the pipe work hidden away in kitchen units.

    It’s also worth checking the extractor fans to ensure they’re all working and not clogged up with dirt, this will help prevent mould infestations occurring in the future.

  • Leaks & blockages
    I run all the taps and check for any leaks. Leaks can be one of the primary causes of mould infestations and rot. Absolute nightmare.

    It’s also worth checking the drainage outside for blockages and ensuring water is not overflowing. Drain blockages can often be detected by smell, because they can cause one hell of a stink.

    I once had a pair of stupid tenants’ that used to dispose of their cooking oil down the sink. It eventually caused a blockage in the outside drain; water was visibly overflowing every time they run the kitchen tap, but of course they never reported the problem. Why would they?

    Fortunately I spotted the problem during an inspection and called Dynorod the next day to clear up the mess, for a small fortune, mind you. Needless to say, the money was taken from their security deposit.

  • General condition of fittings
    I always give a patient once over all the fittings, including toilets, white goods and everything else that I provided with the property.
  • Condition of garden
    Generally speaking, most tenancy agreements do come with clauses specifying that it’s the tenant’s responsibly to maintain the garden(s).

    So I just check that the garden is neat and isn’t overgrowing. I also check for pile-ups of rubbish, because they can attract nasty rodents and other unwanted wildlife.

  • Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
    Very important to check all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

    It’s also worth noting that smoke alarms often get clogged with dust/dirt, so it’s worth opening them up and giving them a quick huff n’ puff.

  • Lofts & attics
    None of my properties actually have attics, but they do have lofts.

    I ALWAYS have a quick snoop around with a torch, looking for any leaks, holes and/or rodents. I’ve been lucky so far (*touches wood*), but I’ve heard of some nasty stories involving rats the size of donkeys.

  • Signs of unauthorised sub-letting
    Unauthorised subletting is quite a common issue landlords have to deal, and it’s also a ‘orrible one to manage.

    In worst case scenario, your tenant sub-lets an entire property, often cramming it with several different tenants, and effectively turning it into a HMO rental business. Horrendous situation.

    In less serious cases, your tenant will rent out the spare room without permission (usually to help cover the costs of the rent). Some landlords don’t mind, others do.

    In any case, look for signs of extra adults living in the premises e.g. extra mattresses, pillows, and bedding are indications of this.

A common dilemma with inspections is that there can be a very fine line between “fair” wear and tear and damage. I’m sure most of you already know, landlords can’t make tenants liable for fair wear and tear, only damage. So it’s important to recognise the difference during your inspections, otherwise you may end up making your tenants wrongfully responsible for certain repairs. For more information, he’s a more in-depth blog post on wear and tear in rental properties. Enjoy.

Inspections & inventory reports

If you have conducted an inventory during check-in (which is something all self-managing landlords and letting agents should do), you might be wondering why I haven’t mentioned it yet. The inventory should be a very detailed report, so it’s typically used during the final inspection, and not during routine mid-tenancy inspections.

The primary purpose of the inventory report is to help tenants and landlords restore the rental property to the original condition as when the tenancy began, while a routine inspection is to make sure the property is in good working order and the tenants are well-behaved.

Letting agents & inspections

For those of you that use property management services, quarterly/bi-annual inspections are typically included with the service agreement. Actually, I’d be very bewildered and disgruntled if it wasn’t part of the deal. Inspections are a major part of ‘managing’, so it would be mind-boggling if it wasn’t.

I have two thoughts when it comes to letting agents and inspections, neither all that positive, unfortunately.

Ensure the inspections are routinely being conducted

Firstly, it’s not uncommon for agents to say they have conducted an inspection even when they haven’t.

So my advice is to make sure your agent actually conducts the inspections (presuming it’s part of your management contract). Every competent agent will document inspections with a report and supplementary pictures. If not, they’re probably hacks and you’re pissing your money down the drain on a sub-par service.

Speaking of hacks, I recently read a Tweet by @landlord_secret:

Agent property inspections

Yes, you read correctly, the landlord’s management company had the audacity to outsource the inspection to the actual tenant.

Both hilarious and mortifying at the same time.

If that’s what your agent is doing and it’s not part of the agreement (or even if it is part of the agreement, to be honest), I would get rid ASAP. That’s fucking brutal service.

Tag along if you can

Secondly, if you can, and if have the inclination to ensure your property is being taken of properly, request to accompany your agent during the inspection. Yes, it beats the point of having an management service, but I find there are worthwhile advantages to the madness:

  • You’re likely to pick up on issues they won’t
  • If you’re not happy with something you’ve seen, you can pass on the feedback to the agent for them to manage directly with the occupants (therefore keeping your hands clean)
  • You’ll get first-hand insight into the quality of your tenants (which is 100% more reliable than third-party information)

Oh, and don’t act creepy or weird if you do attend, like you’re a homicide forensic scientist.

Landlord ad hoc inspection service!

While I generally always encourage landlords to conduct their own inspections, because the reality is, no one else is going to care about your property and your investment as much as you will, so self-managed inspections are likely to be more productive, I do also appreciate it’s not always possible.

Sadly, many landlords don’t conduct routine inspections at all because it’s inconvenient, and that’s particularly the case for long-distance landlords that self-manage their rental properties. From my experience, that’s not only careless, but also a very common reason for why so many landlords get royally screwed over by rogue tenants. Why do you think so many tenants get away with running illegal cannabis farms in rental properties for so long?

So if you can’t attend a routine inspection, my advice would be not to avoid it altogether, but rather, get someone else to do it. That’s when services provided by my affiliate partner Viewber can help.

Viewber provides a popular ad hoc hosted viewings and inspection services for landlords.

I’ve already written an in-depth review of Viewber’s service (which includes why and when I would use them), but here is a quick overview of their inspection service:

Property Visits & Checks Service
SupplierRatingNotes / IncludesPrice from


Google Reviews
Service details

Routine or one-off property condition check service.

  • UK-wide inspection service
  • Book a time and place online through your dashboard
  • Feedback including Photographs, Video and Opinion
  • Ensure your property is being kept in good condition
  • Professional property visit service - live or streamed
  • Routine Property Inspection report example

How Viewber Works

  • Book a time and place
  • A viewber attends on your behalf (The Viewber collects the keys, or alternative key holding arrangements are possible)
  • Receive feedback directly to your inbox immediately after the viewing
Price From
£44.5+ VAT
More Info

Please note, I try my best to keep the information of each service up-to-date, but you should read the T&C's from their website for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Inspection clauses in Tenancy Agreements

Most tenancy agreements will have ‘inspection clauses’ specifying that the landlord has permission to access the premises to conduct an inspection. For example, here are the clauses which are found in the tenancy agreements available from this website (and the one I personally use):

12.2 The Landlord reserves the right to enter the Property at any reasonable time on giving not less than 24 hours’ prior notice to the Tenant:
12.2.1 to inspect the condition and state of repair of the Property;
12.2.2 to carry out the Landlord’s obligations under this agreement;

However, in my opinion, I don’t believe the clauses are actually required, because under Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, it states that it is the landlord’s legal obligation to:

  • keep the structure and exterior of the property in good repair, including drains, gutters and external pipes
  • keep installations for the supply of water, gas, electricity and sanitation in good repair and proper working order
  • keep installations for space heating and water heating in good repair and proper working order

In any case, the inspection clauses are usually in all tenancy agreements and I wouldn’t use one without them, just in case.

When the tenant refuses entry

This can be tricky and terrifying.

An inspection can feel quite intrusive and often tenants don’t feel comfortable with strangers walking around their home. So it’s easy to understand why they might be reluctant to allow entry. Of course, they could also be refusing entry to hide sinister activities, which is definitely a more worrying prospect.

But what does the law say about the issue? Under Common Law, all tenants are entitled to live in “quiet enjoyment“, which essentially means the landlord /agent (or anyone on behalf of either) must ask the tenant’s permission before entering the premises. But what if permission is asked and it is refused, even when the landlord/agent is willing to arrange for a suitable time for the tenant?

From my understanding, the landlord or agent cannot enter the premises without permission- asking for it alone is not enough, the tenant must agree. If the landlord or agent enter without permission it could be deemed as trespassing and harassment. I believe the only exception for ‘forceful entry’ is if there is an emergency. Section 11 says that if there is an emergency the landlord can enter without permission, which I’m assuming is something like a heavily leaking/burst water pipe or fire. Kind of ironic actually, because one could argue that the inspections are designed to prevent ’emergencies’.

It’s also worth noting that if the tenant refuses entry, and as a direct consequence the property is in worse repair at the end of the tenancy (because the landlord wasn’t given access to assess the condition and state of repair), the landlord may be able to claim against the deposit.

Finally, if the tenant does unequivocally refuse access you may want to consider whether or not you wish to renew the tenancy when the fixed term comes to an end. I would personally serve a Section 21 possession notice, so they have to vacate at the end of the tenancy,

For more information on this matter, please go to my blog post about tenants refusing entry.

Be respectful when scheduling your property inspections

I want to end this blog post by highlighting the importance of communication and respect. Ultimately, valuing your tenants. Good tenants will make or break your profit margins. Rightly or wrongly so, they hold the key to YOUR success.

It’s important for you to appreciate your tenant’s right to live in quiet enjoyment, along with understanding that your property is their home. They are paying for that privilege.

In most cases, tenants will be more than happy to accommodate inspections, but only if it’s done with courtesy. Don’t just assume you have a right to enter the property, you don’t, so respectfully ask for permission. Be generous and flexible with your time and make sure it’s convenient for all parties.

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Carol 13th January, 2013 @ 02:40

I have a tenent who rents a room from me in my house there are not locks on the doors, I went into his room today as he gone out yet again and left his bed from window open as I suspect he was still smoking in his room after me reminding him this was not permitted verbally and in writing, then to my horror things got ten times worse, as shutting the window I noticed all the ash scattered every where looked to my right and there was drug paraphernalia all over the table a spoon, wraps, white powder and all figures of ammounts of money written on a pad under it I had my suspicions he was taking drug but now I knew he is dealing in drugs what should I do I have taken photos. But don't know what to do for the best next, I approached him about it he got all defensive, I told him if he could not comply to simple house rule and the law of the land then he would have to get out. Then with in two minutes of speaking with him he had gone out the house four times within the space of twenty minutes and had one guy back to the house who only stayed ten minutes obviously all drug deals!! He then went out again, so I decided to take a further look in his room I only needed to open on draw and the everdiance was tremendous, per-made wraps an ash tray full go butts and a wad of cash. I then approached one of my other tenents and she told me he had admitted to her he was now not only taking drugs but also selling them. Please help me I do not want my door smashed in by the police, or someone coming in to rob my home to get his stash not fair on me or my other two house mates.

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l davies 5th October, 2015 @ 15:25

my letting agent does a weekly inspection which i find very itrusive and she says things
the windows need cleaning the floor needs hovering the grass needs cutting

its driving me mad

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 5th October, 2015 @ 15:32

@l davies

Weekly inspection?!?

That's definitely excessive, and it seems like harassment.

You do have a right to refuse entry!

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Laura 12th October, 2015 @ 12:30

Me and my partner work nights, can we refuse to have an inspection done in the middle of the day? For us this is an unreasonable time of day as we are always asleep. We have no problem with an inspection early morning (or evening if it's absolutely necessary) but we have had trouble with some landlords not agreeing to this.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 12th October, 2015 @ 13:19

In my opinion, it sounds unreasonable to refuse.

All you need to do is disturb your sleeping-pattern for ONE day, for an inspection which will realistically take no longer than 30 minutes. Is that really too much to ask?

I'm sure you don't go undisturbed for other tasks ALL year round during your precious sleeping period (which is during the day).

Sounds like you're being difficult for no real reason. As said, just my opinion.

But yes, you can refuse :/

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Baezo Lettings 14th October, 2015 @ 12:50

@ Davis, As an agent, I am quite shocked that you have been having weekly inspections. We inspect properties quarterly, simply because we believe a tenant's private life needs to be respected.

If an inventory is carried out prior to moving in and a reasonable amount of deposit is paid followed by appropriate checks of tenant background and a signed document that shows they read and understand the 'End of Tenancy Form' then I see no reason why this weekly check is required.

We advice you read your contract before refusing visits as this might backfire at the end of your tenancy.


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rita 18th January, 2016 @ 09:17


Does the tenant have legal right to insist upon being present at the an inspection? My landlord has requested one, by an external authority and the agency will be here to represent her, so I want to be present too. Do I have the right for this demand and how does it work with arranging for a convenient time for every party?

Thank you for your help

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 18th January, 2016 @ 10:18

Well, I don't think there is a legal right per'se. However, since no one can enter the property without your permission, you can allow entry while you're only present...

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Victoria 4th February, 2016 @ 11:14

Little History; decided to let out our house instead of selling brother in law and girl friend wanted it, what could be better??

Foolishly didn't make a list of what was in the property or take photos after all it was my brother in law.

After causing damage to the property we have asked them to leave we now found out he isn't legally living there the rent is paid by the dole as if she is a single mum.

She is now refusing to move out we have issued a sec 21 and she is on a roiling tenancy. She was given two and a half months notice. She also claims the damage was done before she moved in.

Help please

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Robko 8th March, 2016 @ 23:33

Once the notice expires complete N5b form and submit the possession claim. So long as your notice is not defective and you have a valid AST, you should have no problems.

Any problems let me know.

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Johnno 18th March, 2016 @ 16:38

So you're saying that if a tennant who enforces his right to want to an inspection at a mutually convenient time they should be served an eviction notice.

You are a fucking cock.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 18th March, 2016 @ 17:08

Who said that and where?

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Clem 6th April, 2016 @ 21:37

for an inspection are they allowed to convert my room into a living room? And remove all my belonging Just for the landlord inspection?

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Jason 26th April, 2016 @ 17:36

@Clem - it sounds like they are subletting your room, especially if your things get moved when the landlord comes round. I assume you live in a HMO (house of multiple occupancy), do you have a lock on your door and do you have a tenancy agreement?

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Tracy 5th May, 2016 @ 14:48

In answer to comment 5 how would you like to work nights and be woken up at midday ??? Have you ever tried to get back to sleep after being woken up after a hard night shift ? Obviously not! Try doing a few night shifts and then let someone bang on your door midday then get back to sleep for a shift that night.
And comment 11 well done you I couldn't of put your last sentence better myself

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Ronnie J 20th May, 2016 @ 20:54

My tenants gave notice because one is incapacitated & hospitalized (her other daughter & sister are moving her out). Her co-tenant was her son-in-law (SIL) [his wife/her daughter passed away during tenancy and he remained] is also leaving. I notified everyone of the pre inspection, SIL attended. I don't find anything in the California Civil Code or handbook that says any tenant must attend a final walk through. I scheduled one and told them about it, trying to be helpful to everyone due to her illness. But SIL doesn't want to attend. Am I correct that they do not need to be present during a final walk through and I can cancel it with just him? She's not responded about the pre inspection.

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Andy B 11th July, 2016 @ 21:43

Me and my partner just moved into a property, and less than two weeks later our new letting agent is already asking to visit the property for a "standard periodic inspection", even though there was nothing in our lease about such an inspection. We're still busy unpacking, what possible use would an inspection be at this point? <_<

They also failed to create/issue an inventory (We took timestamped photos when we moved in), and the inspection dates sheet they gave us in the tenant's welcome pack was blank and unsigned.

Has anybody else experiencing something like this before? ...

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Simon Pambin 12th July, 2016 @ 12:32

Two weeks is a bit soon but it's not unusual to have an inspection early on, to check that the tenants have settled in and haven't started trashing the place. Given the agents' failure to do a proper check-in, if I were you I'd treat it as an opportunity to get the condition of the property documented: get them to sign a copy of your photographs and any notes at this early stage so that you don't find yourself arguing the toss over whether that mark on the wall was there when you moved in.

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Donna 29th July, 2016 @ 05:06

I have a question--- WE had a notice that Orkin was coming on Wed. to inspect but it didn't say what time he was coming ! I don't sleep well/ I only go to bed at around 5am and I guess that he and the apt. building manager entered my apt around 9am/ I was in bed and when you come in the apt you can see right into the bedroom. The manager left that man come into my apt while I was in bed sleeping and I didn't have covers ! It was embarrassing and I think it was a break in my rights of privacy. I mean; what if I didn't have any clothing on ! I didn't hear anyone knock or holler in the door or I would have heard then What can I do about that I do have rights !!!!!!

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Laura 30th July, 2016 @ 12:26

If they let you know and you didn't answer the door I'm not sure you can do anything. In our tenancy agreement it says they will enter our house for an inspection if we aren't home or don't answer the door. I'm guessing yours says something like that too and if you signed it then you gave them permission. Have you tried talking to them and saying you were uncomfortable with that happening and asking them to arrange a specific time or to call you when they are there next time? We work nights and when they give us a whole day as a time frame we always call and ask for our inspections to be early morning. They are always happy to come when we ask.

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Odette 24th September, 2016 @ 22:52

"In our tenancy agreement it says they will enter our house for an inspection if we aren't home or don't answer the door."

Its just simple means that this tenancy agreement is illegal :))))

if you sign agreement that somebody can rape you every monday , do you think that he has right rape you every monday ?????

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Lee 6th October, 2016 @ 11:48

These inspections need to stop if we all as tennents come together and refuse on mass in the millions then they will have to stop these home invasions they are a cruel reminder that you dont own your own house and its still theres since these intrusive attacks on our lives started i cannot settle in any property i rent. All propertys should be owned by the goverment these landlords think they are something else they look up and down on you i have fought and fought these nazi scum for years now and won on a number of occasions i just feel for the vunerable how are they treating them i send my child away everytime these nazis come round i just dont want him to feel the humilliation we feel in the end i will always move out with my deposit in hand fuck them up for a few weeks not letting them in then i move giving them weeks of no rent its great please if anyone reading this can do the same to these scum landlords it will soon stop then we can rent and live in peace!

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Lee 6th October, 2016 @ 12:01

I am responding to the people who have had landlords come into there propertys without being told to why dont you get yourselves a big machette (that you use for gardening chopping stems ect) you could run at them and whack them as hard as you can right in the face mistakingly taking them for a buglar you can attack a burgler so why not an invading landlord mine has not come into my house without telling me or i would attack them with no question i have an acute anxiety just reading these comments you could just attack them as if they were a burglar it is legal now how did you know they were a landlord when your woken from your sleep come on this is a dangerous game i am sick of these nazis landlord checks will soon stop or the rental market will have to they need to stop treating us all as if we are unemployed chavies my landlord costs us as a family around £150 everytime they check us because of work and childminders they are the ultimate scum of this earth

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Lee 6th October, 2016 @ 12:23

1st comment by carol is an unbelievable lie just to justify these nazis to come in your house no drug dealer on this planet would carry on if you confronted them about finding drugs come on who would be so stupid what a load of shite

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Tim 4th November, 2016 @ 17:54

Oh dear!

After reading Lee's comments (above) I can see why the Landlords pre-tenancy checks are essential.

Imagine being saddled with that as a tenant!?!

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Fabian 19th January, 2017 @ 14:21

'I want to end this blog post by highlighting the importance of communication and respect. Ultimately, valuing your tenants.'

If you truly want to value and respect your tenants, you might want
consider if suggesting they could be 'living like primates' is treating them with dignity and respect. Just sayin'

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Fabian 19th January, 2017 @ 14:56

*to consider

You might also want to bear in mind not only the Human Rights Act, but the Equality Act 2010. Our previous Letting Agent sent a letter stating they would be carrying out an inspection and gave the date and time. The letter never arrived and unfortunately, they got their dates wrong. It was a month early, so we were taken completely by surprise. I am disabled and I was using the toilet (with the door open as I was on my own) when the Letting Agent just let himself in with a key. I thought he was a burglar who had stolen the key and I was in a very compromising position. I had to call out in a panic that I was in the bathroom and get him to wait in the hallway because I couldn't reach to shut the door. I was so humiliated. A reasonable adjustment would have been the courtesy of a phone call. I have never refused an inspection. I might have had to negotiate day and time so it didn't clash with hospital visits (and I could ensure the property was spotless), but I've never refused. They did call after that, but it still causes me a lot of anxiety even though it was 4 years ago. I have a cardiac aneurysm so it's actually dangerous.

Please don't go in with the attitude that we are difficult and we live like primates. And you know what's more 'tricky and terrifying' than you being denied entry? The stress caused by the knowledge that you think we're beneath you and you can decide on a whim at the end of the inspection to make us homeless. We really want to work with you, not against, so please treat us with dignity and respect. Everyone feels uncomfortable with strangers walking around their home, but what we feel during an inspection goes far beyond this. Even when we know we've done nothing wrong and everything right, there's so much riding on it that it can still induce a state of near panic. This is not guilt because we're doing something wrong, it's a fear of losing our home. If you could reassure your tenants and tell them it's not your intention to make them homeless and you want to work with them as a team, they will be less likely to panic and refuse entry. They won't then worry because there's washing up in the sink. I've delayed inspections so that I can get the property spring cleaned from top to bottom and shampoo the carpets. None of this was necessary, I was just scared. My anxiety levels ramped up as soon as we were given an inspection date and only ever subsided at the end of the inspection when the Letting Agent said she was happy.

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Lily 2nd February, 2017 @ 22:27

I'm having my first ever flat inspection tomorrow by the letting agent and I'm really anxious about it. I've given the carpets an extra vacuum and the sinks and bathroom a thorough descaling. But I have a lot of stuff that there just isn't space for so I've basically just shoved all my junk into drawers and cupboards. Should I expect the agent to open wardrobes and cupboards? What about lifting up the toilet seat?! I just don't know what to expect. The previous tenants were right slobs and left food stain splashes all over the kitchen which no amount of scrubbing was ever able to get rid of and I did note that in the inventory. I've always kept the place as clean as possible but due to the previous tenants it's a little bit shabby, as in the carpets are a bit worn and there are patches of missing paint on the window sill, things like that.

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Andy 3rd February, 2017 @ 07:58


Providing your flat is tidy and generally quite clean, there shouldn't be a problem! The inspectors won't go rummaging through your sock drawers, wardrobe, etc; such would be an invasion of your privacy. They are there to look for any damages to the property and prioritise any necessary repairs. They are not there to see how you live your life. I've rented for 6 years, been through 4 different agencies, and also rented privately, and I've never had any problems.

The inspector should enter the property then walk into each room systematically and check walls and utilities (sinks, toilet, bath, shower, electrical sockets, etc) for any damage. Inspections are also a great time to report any needed repairs to the inspector such as problems with the boiler, washing machine, fridge/freezer, etc.

I hope my response alleviates a little your worries of your inspection!

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kirsty nicol 26th February, 2017 @ 13:48

Does anyone know whether a landlord can film a property inspection after the tenant has moved into the property with all their belongings?

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Marcia 27th February, 2017 @ 22:01

To Lee...I am glad you are NOT my tenant. The owner of the property I manage is an older gentleman and a retired Marine and does not deserve abuse from some one like you.
Now to address the reason for inspections. We inspect properties for many reasons. Including, and not limited to:Water damage, electrical issues, safety issues and yes cleanliness (do we ask the tenants to clean with a toothbrush, no....but nastiness leads to the next reason) if the home is disgusting (food, piles of trash, clothes everywhere) this leads to bugs and rodents (we are in the South and bugs happen here). It is costly to get rid of these pests and the tenants just can't be bothered to get a pest control company so the landlord has to do it and with 36 rentals and $75 per treatment...that is alot money.
We are respectful of our tenants and we request the same from them. Which includes treating our property with respect. Often the damages cost more than a security deposit!

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david 8th March, 2017 @ 12:26

I have an inspection coming up from the housing I don't have a problem with this but am I able to refuse them entry in my bedroom as I should still be entitled to some sort of privacy?

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Karen 28th March, 2017 @ 16:36

I've lived in my (rented) flat for nearly 6 years and in that time the agents for the landlord have inspected the property approx. every 6 months. The flat comes with white goods and oven/hob so the agents will look inside these to see how clean they are, as well as kitchen cupboards and drawers.They also lift the lid to look inside the loo and look inside my wardrobe, cupboards etc (furniture which does not belong to the landlord).They also take photographs/videoes on a tablet.
I find it invasive.
The last time they came, they 'forgot' to email/text me beforehand and I was asleep in bed when they came (I'd just come out of hospital after an operation). Embarrassing. I put security bolts on the inside of my door after that- they hate this. I hate that they have keys.

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Kate 13th July, 2017 @ 16:05

I have just had a very intrusive flat inspection, and I'm mad as hell! The agent always gives me notice, and always says I don't need to be at home because they have the keys and can let themselves in. For the past 8 years I have been telling them not to give my keys out to other people, yet they still do it, so I always make sure I'm home for the inspection, which is every 3 months, but this means taking a day's holiday, since they won't give me a time, not even morning or afternoon. They say it's not possible!! Each time it's a different inspector too, and I'm just meant to trust them??? I don't think so! Today I waited until 12.40pm for the girl to turn up. By this time I was really hungry, so I was in the middle of cooking my lunch. Her phone rang, so she answered it, and I told her to tell the person on the other end that she would call them back, but she carried on chatting as if I were invisible. I told her I was cooking, but this didn't speed her up. She took about 50 photos of everything I'm my flat from all angles. She even took a photo of what was in my fridge! Then she started opening cupboards in the bedroom and said she had to take photos. I went nuts and told her to stop. Okay, the boiler is in a cupboard in my bedroom, along with a lot of private things, mainly clothes, but why take a photo of that, when the agents send round a boiler inspector (more time off work) every 12 months? Then she cheekily said "haven't you had a flat inspection before?" To which I replied "Yes, and none of them were as intrusive as you!"
I've met my landlady a few times, and she's really nice, and always replaces things quickly if they break down, but I don't know how to get in touch with her. I've looked on the landlords register, but I can't find her because there are so many flats at the same address, and the agent won't give me her contact details. I would love to speak to her about this. The agents don't answer their phones, or return calls when I leave a message, or reply to emails. So far I have been courteous and polite, but I feel I have no privacy. At the moment there is a slump in the housing market in the city I stay in, so rents have gone down in the area, and there are many vacant properties. Unfortunately, I signed an extension on my lease for another year, so I can't move yet, and when I hear some other horror stories, it makes me wonder if it's worth moving, since I do live in a nice area, and I have relatively quiet neighbours. I just want them to understand that they have a set of keys for an emergency only. The last time they gave my keys to a gas man, then emailed me afterwards. I came home to find my toilet seat up, and on closer inspection, I found he had urinated all over the back of the toilet and on the floor!

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Nick 21st August, 2017 @ 11:58

Me and my partner are currently renting and we believe that the estate agents have entered our home to do an inspection without permission. We have contact them to ask them for details to confirm when they did there inspection took place. They confirmed that they keep a diary and a record of inspection but will not confirm to us when they came to the property. As we haven't received anything in writing i just want a record. I am not looking to cause any issues with the estate agents as other than this incident they have been very good.
I have been looking through different Acts but cant seem to see if we are entitled to view the documentation they have on our inspection. Any help here would be appreciated.
All i'm looking to do is say that i want to see the evidence of the inspection and here is the law that says i'm entitled to it. If at all i am.


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MAB 21st September, 2017 @ 20:40

I'm about to do my first inspection with my tenants. They have been living together in the house for 6 months. I've been to the house recently to sort out some issues with the garden & the house is a total mess. Rubbish everywhere & their stuff piled up everywhere as they don't have many wardrobes or storage & there are 2 adults & 5 children living in my 3 bed house. The guy lived there before with his mother who moved out to let his new pregnant girlfriend & her other kids move in. It wouldn't have been my choice but they said they couldn't afford a bigger place & would make it work. I've given them plenty of notice for the inspection in order for them to get organised. My question is do I have a legal right to make sure they are home for the inspection? It was arranged that they would be there & now they say they can't be. I want to be able to discuss things with them plus I don't want to be accused of steeling. What should I do?

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Carly 23rd October, 2017 @ 11:34

We have just completed an inspection on our property (tenants have been in almost 4 years) and found the bathroom to be in such a state - tiles and grout mouldy & mould has popped the seal around the bath and there is significant water damage to the kitchen ceiling due to this. I don't understand why they hadn't mentioned it sooner! Do you have a template letter I can use as a 'warning' for them to pull their socks up? They took all advice we gave them & said it wouldn't happen again but I really think we should document it. They have agreed to pay for a plasterer to complete the work to the kitchen ceiling when the area has dried out too. TIA

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Andrew 30th January, 2018 @ 12:19

Hi, is there any requirement on me as a landlord to provide a copy of an inspection?

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Dave 3rd March, 2018 @ 12:02

Hi, I have just inspected our flat the tennant was pleasant but the flat is a tip with black bags of junk everywhere. She is living there with a bloke and their two children (under two). The flat is way too small for all these people.
I don’t think they should be living there they need a bigger place.
I suppose in the end it’s all about values they seem quite content there I feel they need to move.

What do I need to do next.

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cathy 5th June, 2018 @ 11:07

Hi, I have two tenants who moved into my property 3 weeks ago and unfortunately, I had to go and do a few minor repairs(them being negligent however as I do take being a private landlord seriously and always do repairs within 48hrs notice. I am in shock at the state of the property already with stains on the carpets and the general cleanliness of the house is already dirty and disgusting. the garden hasn't been touched either and the grass is overgrown and weeds in the beds. I do have it written and signed SHTA that states they are responsible for the upkeep. how do I go about addressing this? I had planned on doing an inspection in August but feel it would be in my best interest to bring it forward to June?
Also, Can I write additional clauses into the already signed agreement, or will I have to wait until the agreement expires and we sign onto a new one(that if I agree to allowing them to stay)!
look forward to hearing back from you.

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Stuart Robertson 13th July, 2018 @ 10:21

Hi All

Grateful for assistance.

We just had a periodic inspection report.

I have asked the agency for a copy of the report but they have refused to give it stating that it is for the landlord only.

Is this legal, we don't want to cause trouble but I don't believe I am being unreasonable either. I just like to have it for our records - especially since the inspector mentioned to me on the day that he had never seen such a clean and well kept home.

Thanks very much


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Kay 21st November, 2018 @ 23:52

To Lee

I am a landlord and amazed at your attitude. We treat our tenants with the utmost respect.

Instead of going on holiday, we used our annual leave to completely redecorate the property ready for our tenants, while our own home remained neglected. We stayed at the property and spent our holiday, plus numerous weekends, sleeping on the floor with no furniture, and working from as soon as it was light, painting and scrubbing until 9pm when the sun set. Then it was time for us to eat our box dinners.

The day our tenants moved in, we left a welcome pack, new home card, chocolates and a bottle of wine for them, as well as treats for their cats. Every Christmas we send them them a hamper and we haven't increased the rent in over 4 years.

Yes, we could easily just spend all of our hard-earned money on ourselves, having holidays and nice clothes, and then come our retirement, just put our hand out like a lot of others do. But no, instead, we are paying our way, thinking ahead, being responsible and preparing for our future, at the same time providing a home for someone else.

We are not wealthy but we do work bloody hard!

So think, Lee, before you pass judgement on all of us landlords - without people like us, there would be a lot more homeless people, and a lot less money in the pension pot!

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Ben wimal 12th October, 2019 @ 20:07

I just moved into the property, but agent confirmed over the phone; property will be given a good makeover and repair dame in the bathroom plus inside and outside will be cleaned spotlessly and sanitized.

Upon my entry property was not as expected as it has bad smell, carpets have tough stains and smell all over the place, bathroom floor tile loosen and damage, paint colours difference and not same shades between new and old spot cover ups, fault bulbs damage white goods, oven and extractor fan unit smelly and greasy, lot more

Basically, it is not safe for me to live nor any kids due to defects, unhygienic condition along with interior and exterior were not good condition

Regards to key collection from an agent I wasn't given any inventory check-in documents, however when I'm in the flat to take stamp picture the previous tenant came with his boy and gave an excuse to access

Old tenant fixed bathroom curtain pole then he said he did little clean up for the landlord while he is obliged to do so. However, he left the extra key to me which had and I noted he tried access even he legally out of flat more than a week.
But I was offered tough terms and conditions contract while previous tenant or landlord or agent did not comply nor well maintained if the previous tenant had the same contract. The funny part is my contract terms or condition or expectation can not match prior hand over me while the property us out if conditions than we were agreed to offer.
Problem is now I believe
1) I believe my contract is breaches of contract
2) how do I get an independent person to do inventory and condition.
3) right now I am run out with my previous property notice time and I can not accept the property with bad conditions! What do I do? I mean legally and accurately? This cost my time and extra expenses plus inconvenience??

5) what option I have now?
I'm totally confused 😖

I would be grateful if someone can advise A to Z process

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Deborah 26th January, 2020 @ 00:35

Do you have any advice for me. My landlord asked if he could enter my property to fix the curtain in my bedroom which I had reported broken. I said yes for him to go in while I was at work. He fixed the curtain but also decided to look around while he was there. There is a small patch of mould which I regularly clean under one window which he took a photo of to send to me to complain. He also took photos of my bedside table on the opposite side of my bedroom to the curtains which he then proceeded to pull out and take a photo of how the wall paper was beginning to rub away slightly where the table had been touching it. He took photos of plugs. Windows ledges with nothing on them in my opinion (so not sure why he took a photo of that) and a dusty air vent in my bathroom. I feel he has invaded my space and carried out an inspection when he was only meant to fix the curtain. It’s got fairly bitter and I’m also now worried that he will try to take my deposit when I move out because of what I consider fair wear and tear. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a bedside table and my bed against the wall but he wants it all pulled forwards. The house was newly decorated when I moved in 3 years ago so where tables/bed are touching the wall it is worn away slightly but no holes or any intentional damage. Not to mention that I don’t feel he had the right to take the photos in the first place. What should I do? I know lots of you are landlords and not coming from a tenants perspective but could you let me know your take on this please. Thanks

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Daniel 17th May, 2020 @ 09:58

All tenants, even well-behaved ones, do live like primates. All humans are primates.

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Abi 4th July, 2020 @ 07:13

Hi, is a check-in considered a full inspection?
Thank you.

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kerry 30th July, 2020 @ 17:28

i rented a property 6 monyhs ago paid 6 months up front gt black mould everywere leak in the 2 bedrooms ask for wrk to be done the next thing is get served section 21 really dont know whay to do my last rented house lived there 21 yrs land lord sold up went aboard gutted but couldnt wish anyone good luck as them

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Raymond Cornes 4th August, 2020 @ 13:44

I would interested to know in respect of s11(b) it states: to keep in repair and proper work order for Gas, Electric and Water, does this mean I have a duty to carry out an inspection of the electrical system under 1(b) or not,

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Robbie Roth 7th March, 2021 @ 15:00

Will property inspections be in person on 1 April 2021 or will estate agents still doing them by phone?

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Faz 21st May, 2021 @ 21:40

Do the checks do a thorough check on the front door when they are coming in and the locks. I had my door busted in by the police because of an abusive ex partner I am looking to get the door changed/fixed before end of my tenancy but I haven’t told letting agents what’s happened

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Ray Cornes 22nd May, 2021 @ 14:01

Ben wimal , I recently read you comment, and I would suggest if the dwelling is in that much of a state to contact an Environmental Health Officer at your Local Council, the officer will visit your dwelling and assess if the state of your dwelling amounts to a Statutory Nuisance, if so the Environmental Health Officer will give your Landlord a reasonable time to repair your dwelling upto decent standards, if your landlord make no effort or when the Environmental Health Officer visits again steps may be take by the Environmental Health Officer to start legal proceeding against your landlord in court under the Environmental Protection 1990 part 3,

law states a Landlord must keep the Dwelling in a decent standard of repair throughout the term of the tenancy,

You could all the above yourself but as things stand you would best getting an Environmental Officer on Board to work with you, it is different for me as I will not be pushed around by a landlord, nor his Agents. they would been in court along time ago as I am very well up on Housing Law,

As for running out of your dwelling I would strongly suggest against this as you will be making yourself homeless, unless the dwelling is causing you ill-health as this would be an argument for re-housing. thank you

















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