Interview With Ajay Ahuja

Ajay Ahuja It was only last week that Ajay Ahuja appeared on “Inside Out” for allegedly conning people out of their hard-earned cash by selling duff property deals. Since the report, his name has been running riot on the property circuit. While he’s still hot topic, I thought I’d try and get my filthy little mitts on him; giving him the opportunity to give us his version of the truth. Because let’s face it, the media isn’t going to give us both sides of the story…

The Interview

1] After watching the video and reading your response to the video on your blog (link removed because website no longer exists), I actually sympathised with your situation, because it was clearly a one-sided show (regardless of whether or not you are a scam artist- everyone deserves a fair trial). However, I have to ask, have you noticed any affect on your business since you appeared so negatively? E.g. have any of your current clients mentioned anything, or pulled out of deals because of it?

Funnily enough no reaction from our client base. Most did not see it as it was a regional programme. Our current client base are happy with our service. If anything we saw a little surge in business.

2 a] In one particular case shown in the video, you offered one guy a property that was worth £150,000, but the Ahuja Group said it was worth £247,000, and you were able to give it to him for £177,000. My maths isn’t the best, but had he of taken you up on that offer; he would have gotten royally fucked. Agreed? Yes or No?

Firstly the flat they showed him was not the flat we sourced him. If you watch the programme they say “similar” flat. The flat we sourced him was on the ground floor which is a bigger and better flat!

Secondly in Scotland you HAVE to have the property surveyed before you can market the property. It is called a Home Report. The recent survey we had from a RICS surveyor was at £247,000. This would have enabled craing to buy that property no oney down. The person they had on the TV was an Estate Agent NOT a surveyor.

2 b] Your explanation was that you used a 3rd party source and they used some surveyor to price it up. I’m assuming that wasn’t the first time you used a 3rd party source. So essentially, a lot of your clients could be unknowingly sitting on properties that aren’t actually BMV. I’m sure a lot of your clients didn’t bother getting a second professional opinion like the guy did in the video. I’m sure you disagree… and this is where you explain why my instincts are wrong…

BMV is a mechanism to buy properties no money down. You need the survey to be in excess of the purchase price. The surveys are carried out at arms length by a chartered surveyor. Market value is subjective hence the problems but the KEY part of it all is minimising your cash input to a deal.

ANYONE can come and put a market value on any properties you own with a plus or a minus 40% to what you think it is worth. Market value can be:

  • Forced sale value
  • Auction value
  • What someone is willing to pay for it
  • Recent sales price
  • A price per sqft of recent sales
  • A commercial price to earnings value

There are so many ways you can value a property hence the disparity. All we try and do is be prudent. We give the client our opinion (which they know is only an opinion) and recent sale prices of similar properties. Our clients are EDUCATED PROPERTY INVESTORS so it is for them to come to a decision. We present data.

3] The guy from Landlord Action, Paul Shamplina, mentioned that there are many more pending cases from unsatisfied customers. So I assume there are more rough times ahead for you. Can you shed any light on these cases? Do these people have legit cases against you?

No one has legit cases on me. Judgements were found on me in default. No court case has ever taken place. I am in the process of setting these judgements aside and I will be defending these in court. Watch this space.

Investment is never an exact science. When things go wrong which have nothing to do with us people like to sue us. Take for example a property we find and then:

  • The tenant stops paying the rent
  • The roof needs repairing
  • The boiler needs replacing

This happened over a period of 12 months. Is this the property sourcer’s fault? If the tenant lost their job is this our fault? The survey did not indicate there was a problem with the roof. We do not inspect roofs! Is this our fault? The boiler broke down. Things happen. That is part of being a landlord. We do not assume the risk of ownership. We just find high yielding deals.

4] Have you been in touch with the BBC before or after Inside Out was aired? If so, what was said? Were any harsh words exchanged? Did you punch anyone in the face (or want to)?

Please see what we sent the BBC (link removed because website no longer exists).

5] There was a bit of confusion about the whole mailing address thing, and for some reason, the media tried to make it appear sinister. So clear it up for me, why do you have a mailing address, with no offices or assets? Do you actually have any physical offices where your employees operate from?

They were outside my offices! I have a contract with a company who provide all my staff. There are 10 on the payroll. This company lease space of a company called Amphenol. Amphenol are a military contractor. When a camera turns up to a military location all hell breaks lose. They would not let the BBC cameras in under any circumstances. The company I contract got in to trouble with Amphenol and I had to remove the word “Amphenol” from my website. This is why I removed the address from my site. I still have my office and we are still very much open and operating for business.

6] The Ahuja group source properties that are BMV to those that are willing to pay for the leads. But you don’t actually give details of the properties until you have received payment. With a business model like that, don’t you think you’re opening yourself up for a lot of dissatisfaction? don’t get me wrong, I think the people who invest in such schemes and then complain are idiots, because they knew the score/risk. And if they didn’t, that’s their problem.

Imagine if it was the other way round. We market a deal, 10 clients say they are interested and we give them the address. I can assure you that when one of those 10 say they want the deal the deal will be sold. This is because one (or more!) of the other 10 have gone behind your back and gone straight to the owner and bought the deal. Its called cutting out the middle man. We do not have exclusivity on our deals or if we do it is only for 48 hours max. We have learnt the hard way so we NEVER disclose the address.

My business is for proper investors. I buy properties based on 2 variables:

  • Property size
  • Price

I do not need pictures, post codes, condition etc. I own 200 properties but probably have only visited half of them I do not need to see them. If a surveyor thinks they are mortgageable and worth the money then that is good enough for me. For my clients we present as much info as we can but most of our clients do not need to visit either. Its bread and butter properties. 1/2/3 bed flats and houses in small towns and cities. Nothing more than £80,000 most of the time. Very boring properties!

7] Are you still worth 15m, even in today’s climate? Because I swear you’ve been supposedly worth 15m for some time now, even before the recession. Surely you’ve lost a few bags of change along the way. don’t worry, if it makes it any easier- you, your wife and I can hold hands and all say it together, “the recession has made me less valuable”

My portfolio stands at 194 properties. I do not carry out valuations on them but lets say they were worth £15m at the peak. A 20% reduction has been seen max over the last 2 years. So worst case scenario a reduction of £3m. So £12m to £13m value probably. Maybe a bit more.

8] Stretching from the previous question, I’m just going to ask straight out, ARE YOU STRUGGLING FINANCIALLY? I’ve read that you’re not as comfortable as you used to be due to the recession. I made a facetious comment in my previous post about you driving an old shape Benz, which didn’t seem to fit the lifestyle of a man worth £15m.

Is there any truth in your financial struggle? Or perhaps we’ve all got it wrong, and you’re still living life like P-Diddy.

Let me put it like this. Back in 2007 my rents were £55k and my mortgages were £40k and I lived in a 4 bed house.

In 2009 my rents are £60k and my mortgages are £16k and I live in a 8 bed house. That’s £44 gross per month!

The car you saw was one of my cars. I also have a Porsche Cayenne Turbo and my wife drives a Smart Brabus Convertible (her dream car).

I love old Mercs. The old Merc you saw is a CL500 and I love it more than my characterless Porsche!

(Here’s a pic of P-Diddy and his sweet pimp ride)

Ajay's Porsche

9] Have you actually ever been worried about the condition of the property market? I’m a subscriber of your newsletter, and you always seem so upbeat and positive (I guess you have to be, since you’re trying to sell a product). But I find it hard to believe that you’ve consistently been so positive throughout the entire recession. Haven’t you ever thought, “Shit, I could lose it all?”

When you have interest rates sitting at 0.5%, Libor at 0.6% and most of my borrowings with Mortgage Express it would be pretty difficult to cock it up! Things are very good for investors right now.

The time whilst the rates were at 5% and the recession was hitting was a tough time but you hang on in there. That is what business is all about.

10] Are you still buying property right now, or have you taken your foot off the gas? What/where was your most recent purchase?

I have bought a couple of places in the last 3 months. A 1 bed bungalow, East Ayrshire, £17,650 and got a mortgage for £21,000. So a cashback and a 20%+ yield! The other one was a 2 bed flat, Motherwell, £25,000 worth around £40,000.

Interview Over

Well, there you have it, folks. What did you think? I thought he avoided a few of my questions quite well, but that was expected. But the majority of his responses seemed reasonable!

I’m still in no real position to judge Ajay’s business acumen because I don’t know enough about his operation, and probably nor do you. No matter what you hear or read, it probably isn’t always the entire truth. The sad truth is, we, as humans, like to talk and hear about bad press rather than the good, which maybe what works against Ajay.

But one thing is for damn certain, anyone who is grossing £44k per month must be doing something right, even if it’s through wrong. Now, I wonder how much of that is net…

I’d just like to thank Ajay Ahuja for answering my questions and clearing a few things up. From the word go he was accommodating and willing to answer all the questions I threw at him, and I appreciate that.

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Corinna Cope 27th November, 2009 @ 08:21

Ajay -

No response (here or to me personally)?

No deals either (from you ro your team)?


The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 27th November, 2009 @ 10:07

Communication seems to be a real problem here =/

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twattybollocks 27th November, 2009 @ 10:41

I agree BUT is it because Ajay is just being a T*at or because he is not prepared to discuss this in open forum?

I have my own opinion on the matter as you can probably see from my previous posts!

Extract from ajay's post above:

"This thread starting off as reasonable debate but ended in hysteria and frankly scared me off!

I want to work with people who want to build portfolios but if you are not given the chance then how can I?

Corrina - you refused my offer for me to personally oversee your case. My team will continue to send deals and I hope a couple will meet with your expectations".

Corrina - according to Ajay's post you refused his offer to oversee your case. Arbitration would seem to be the way to go BUT it looks like that most of you just want to get your teeth in and try to get some money back when you should have considered the risks more appropriately in the first place!

The more you bleat, whinge, threaten and cadjole in open forum the more bonkers you all appear - whilst Ajay (looking like a complete c*nt) sits back and appears to do sod all. As they say any publicity is good publicity - but not being business people you would not understand that!

Anyway - keep up the diatribe cos I'm having knee surgery next week and I need something to amuse me whilst I am off counting my piles of gold and thinking up ways of extracting money from the criminally dim!! Thinking about writing a book - anyone want to make me an advance cos it would appear there are hundreds ney thousands out there still willing to part with their hard earned with little thought to the consequences.

Going to dedicate to book to "Ajay Ahuja - a man of vision who planted the seed, plucked the fruit when juicy and ripe and then fucked off"!

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 27th November, 2009 @ 10:57

Well, he doesn't seem to be contacting them on or off the blog, which I imagine to be frutsrating for those who are yet to receive a complete service.

Regardless of who is right or wrong here, surely the only way to resolve this is via communication. But it doesn't seem to be happening...

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ed 27th November, 2009 @ 17:04

Maybe twatty he has gone quiet because he has absolutely no defence for his actions.
It is a bit sad that you find this to be a joke to be honest.
People where only going for what they where told where genuine deals. And as I have said previously, it is hard to do any kind of duediligence when you are given very little info on a property.
Now maybe that is where people have been foolish, but Ajay does portray himself as a totally above board property sourcer.
But I have already mentioned the fact that I was offered properties in Manchester with CPO's against them, which indicates a total lack of research by his team.

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Corinna Cope 30th November, 2009 @ 07:43


You have still not been in touch with regards "personally overseeing my case".

I have still not received any suitable alternative deals - in fact I have not rceived any comms from you or your staff.

Any comments?

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John Standring 1st December, 2009 @ 09:14

Hi, Corinna Cope.

How he can make the excuses he does is unbelievable. He is a nutter, prob a psychopath. Very strange man. He has truly lost the plot. He is a serial liar that truly believes what he is saying is true and correct. It takes personal dealings with this nutter to truly realise how bad he is.

Allot of his stuff is correct for himself but if makes false promises of yields and being able to complete on deals when he can’t, his contacts cannot trade with you (the buyer) and nothing stacks up the he should return fees. Otherwise it is taking money off people for no return. Correct me if I am wrong but that fraud.

I have still not received any suitable alternative deals - in fact I have not rceived any comms from you or your staff.

If you are treated very badly by a company and I mean very badly like no contact for weeks, no deals and no chance of deals or no chance of compleating any deals that stack up as promesed, why should you have to trade with them. Or even want to carry on trading with them. Once the trust has been shattered and you know that they do very little for you, what is the point. They do not earn there fees in allot of cases so should refund.

We want completed deals not hypothetical situations that only work for the very few people. When you have looked at many deals and they do not stack up that it you have had enough crap and enough is enough.
•A person with a personality disorder indicated by a pattern of lying, exploitiveness, heedlessness, arrogance, sexual promiscuity, low self-control, and lack of empathy and remorse. ...

Just as a side note, on Crime files on TV. Fraudsters are called psychopaths.
Please note this has been copied off the internet. Regarding The Joker.

Interpersonal/emotional, characterized by:

• Superficial charm [true]
• A grandiose sense of self-worth [no, because his sense of what he can do—what he's worth—seems accurate]
• Pathological lying [true]
• Tendency to manipulate others [true]
• Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse [true]
• Shallow feelings [hard to say for sure]
• Lack of empathy [true]
• Doesn't accept responsibility for his or her actions [true—although he "claims" responsibility, he seeks to evade any negative repercussions of his actions]

The most amazing thing, however, is their selective memory. A psychopath might not remember the promises he made to you yesterday, but he will remember something from the past if it suits his purposes in some way. They often do this whenever they're confronted or caught in a lie.

What is very disturbing about psychopaths, besides their sense of special entitlement, is the complete lack of empathy for normal people, for "antisocials (psychopaths) seem to lack a conscience, feeling little or no empathy for the people whose lives they touch...the antisocial effortlessly resists all regulation, unable to see beyond his self-interest or to adopt standards of right versus wrong." [Black, XIII].

Do you believe that most fraudsters are psychopaths or do they just exhibit anti-social behavior?

Hare: There are many reasons why people engage in fraudulent behavior, some related to economic necessity, cultural, social, and peer pressures, special circumstances, opportunities, and so forth. Many of these people are small-time criminals just "doing their job," and their victims are relatively few in number. Much more problematic are fraudsters whose activities reflect a virulent mix of personality traits and behaviors including grandiosity; sense of entitlement; a propensity to lie, deceive, cheat, and manipulate; a lack of empathy and remorse; an inability to develop deep emotional and social connections with others; and the view that others are merely resources to be exploited - callously and without regret. These white-collar psychopaths often are heavily involved in obscenely lucrative scams of every sort. They lead lavish lifestyles while their victims lose their life savings, their dignity, and their health - a financial death penalty as one law enforcement officer put it. The public and the courts have difficulty in appreciating the enormity of the damage done by these social predators, and because their crimes often do not involve direct physical violence, they may receive comparatively light fines and sentences, and early parole. The money obtained from their depredations is seldom recovered, leaving the victims and the public bewildered and convinced that crime certainly does pay when committed by those whose charm, egocentricity, and deception disguise a flabby conscience.


John Standring.

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ed 2nd December, 2009 @ 09:58

Mr Ahuja seems to have gone back into hiding.
Shame he cant spare us some time to answer questions posted on here.
Here was happy enough to use it to defend himself initially.

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John Standring 2nd December, 2009 @ 16:59

Hare believes that individuals who suspect they are working with a psychopath should also take steps to avoid becoming their next "victim."

"The most important thing is to be aware," he says. "Once you take that position you are in a better position to deal with them."

John Standring

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John Standring 2nd December, 2009 @ 18:38

Snakes in Suits is a compelling, frightening, and scientifically sound look at exactly how psychopaths work in the corporate environment: what kind of companies attract them, how they negotiate the hiring process, and how they function day by day. You'll learn how they apply their instinctive manipulation techniques-assessing potential targets, controlling influential victims, and abandoning those no longer useful-to business processes such as hiring, political command and control, and executive succession, all while hiding within the corporate culture. It's a must read for anyone in the business world, because whatever level you're at, you'll learn the subtle warning signs of psychopathic behaviour and be able to protect yourself and your company-before it's too late.

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John Standring 2nd December, 2009 @ 18:43

Funny how Ebay has Ahujas booK Listed with Snakes in Suits

Funny that!!! Lol the truth is out there.

Regards John Standring.

, Business Management, New, Used items at low prices on
Property Hotspots Around the World Find th | Ajay Ahuja, £8.99, +£1.99, 1h 51m ... Snakes in Suits When Psychopaths Go to Work Book, £8.99, +£1.99, 2h 49m ...

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ed 3rd December, 2009 @ 11:46

i wonder if its worth doing another interview with ajay to see if he is able to defend his actions.
he is also yet to clarify exactly what his team of professionals do to justify the fee he charges.

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John Standring 3rd December, 2009 @ 13:04

Hi ed, Like I have been saying he is a lying creep. Prob a money white collar psychophath.

03:24 - 1 year ago

A scene from Big Money Hustlas!
Watch this video on
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Watch video here

Lol J R Standring

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ed 7th December, 2009 @ 15:55

The latest word from mr ahuja.

£4m is a big number even by my standards! So why am I mentioning this number? Well it is the total approximate value of the properties we matched with out clients last month.

We did 55 properties last month which is a record for my team. It works out at around 3 properties a day. My target is 20 a day or 400 per month. So we are 15% of the way there.

The good thing is the property dealers are taking notice of us. It is nice when they start coming to you as previously we have had to go to them. I am hoping the tide has turned so that we are beating the dealers off as we have too many. But I must not get carried away.

I wonder if he will publish how many of these "deals" actually close?

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ed 8th December, 2009 @ 14:29

you seem to have gone very quiet mr ahuja.
i see from your latest email that 55 souls have handed over a "sourcing fee" to you.
will you also publish how many deals complete?
or is that not good press for you?

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ajay 8th December, 2009 @ 14:36

around 60-70% complete. so around 30-40 I expect to complete based on history. The ones that fall out get replaced. Our fall out rate is a bit higher than norm but that is expected due to what we try to achieve with the financing and that some clients simply change their mind.

Hope that answers your questions!


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ed 8th December, 2009 @ 14:54

lol...based on those kind of figures, i am very surprised that none of your happy clients have been on here or any other website to defend you.
I am still waiting for a justification as to what your "team" does to justify your fees.
I remember seeing one of your marketing mails stating that it took less than 30 mins to produce a report.
What level of work is done to justify £3k?

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ed 8th December, 2009 @ 14:56

Also, if the deals get replaced, why do you still have clients taking you to court?
I see that you are promoting HMO's again.
Have any of them been passed to Miss Cope?

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ajay 8th December, 2009 @ 15:17

£3k is to get the deal.

That is why people use us. We get the deals. Those who can get their own deals have no need for us!

£3k is not for the writing of a report. We do not sell reports, we sell deals!

We have had over 1,500 clients in our 5 year existence. You will always get unhappy clients even if you are the best run business in the world.

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John Standring 8th December, 2009 @ 18:13

To all

To ed, Corinna Cope, twattybollocks, Anuj Gupta. How are you doing any news.

How are you doing with Ahuja.

I passed finance so payed for 17 deals. Finance changed, no deals, Ahuja no refund in two years. Fact. No deals stack up for me fact. I am expected to take anything. fact. But after waiting for months who would want to deal with Ahuja.

Things like no names policy. 3 weeks just to get the manager of your accounts name. Then they do not
know the deal I have with you.

When I met Ahuja he said I could have a copy of his working spreadsheet (his) I asked many times and nothing. How much would a copy spreadsheet cost Ahuja? Ahuja send it to me please you have 25k of mine, you have my email address. Thats a copy of your full working speradsheet or sheets. Inc formulas, you know what I mean. Asking your office does not get a result maybe they have not passed the message to you! But you get these messages dont you (Ahuja).

Could sorce for them, no reply. fact. Yes I could. No replies.

Just comenting from experience. Otherwise I would not belive it myself.

Lots more later. bin busy for a few days. 07973322589

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ed 8th December, 2009 @ 20:41

Mr Ahuja,
What you consider to be a "deal" is not exactly accurate is it?
A deal suggests that all the work has been done beforehand ie the property has a confirmed survey, the finance is in place, the agent is aware of the fact that the property is being offered to a client..etc
I am guessing that there have been cases where you have taken a fee for a supposed deal that has already been taken by another sourcing company.
Do you give a refund in those cases where there is no "deal" to take advantage of or is it a case of once the client pays, you keep there money & promise them an alternative?
Not exactly the actions of "the best run company in the world".
Why do you never give refunds?

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ed 18th December, 2009 @ 22:44

Just had the latest up to date email from Mr Ahuja.
The Scotsman Article, they are reporting about me & my clients.
What he doesnt bother telling you is that the article was done a year & a half ago & he has sent the same old mail out time & time again.
Do you not have anything new to say ajay apart from you dont give refunds?

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I paid sourcing fees to Ajay too 4th January, 2010 @ 20:05

... turned down one deal and ever since then can't get my (large) sourcing fee back or refunded. Or even a good deal - been asking and emailing for over a year and AA doesn't answer except to say there are no refunds! His staff actually apologise for him on the phone and say things like, please just keep applying for a refund on the website, I'm so sorry.

I can't understand it. I met him on one of his roadshows - I was so happy to meet him after reading his buy to let books and reading his columns. He was a proper role model for me, and I still can't quite believe what he seems to be doing. I still really hope I'm wrong. He seems like such a decent guy when you meet him. But if he is, then why wouldn't he offer you new deals when you've paid a hefty sourcing fee? We're not ALL difficult/ liars/ fantasists/ stupid?!!! Surely it's just black and white wrong to take money under false pretences?

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ed 4th January, 2010 @ 22:24

a very simple answer is that if he has a good deal, he is not going to give it to someone who has already lost there money to him.
he will want to get a new client for new money.

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John Standring 7th January, 2010 @ 15:09

But does this stop him from owning a accounting company.
Does he own an internet accounting company. Where is it?
He wouldent want to do accountancy anyway as you have to earn your money. (Work) He has found an easer much less regulated way. Take fees do nothing. Maybe pay back 1% that he is forced to do a couple of years later.

Look at this an example of Ahujas excuses for not refunding

from a solisitor, "You will see that Ahuja has applied to the Court for summary judgment (i.e. for judgment in his favour) on the basis that (a) your case has no merit since the fees [paid to Ahuja] were non-refundable and since you have failed to comply with the Court’s directions."


If this isent fraud I dont know what is.

Of course he pays up if he looses his case in court, NO HE DOES NOT HE JUST LAUGHS AT EVERY ONE. He ignors judgments etc.

Keep well away from this man and Company.

If you get a judgment against him and you go with the balif to collect, he phones the police and says its not fair. They look at the paperwork and say it is that is the truth of the matter, I know I have first hand experience of Ahuja + you can see his intent to pay on TV BBC Insideout London.

John Standring

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John Standring 7th January, 2010 @ 16:04

I paid sourcing fees to Ajay too wrote this on 2010-01-04 20:05:48

Blog 126

Hi got lots of info for you. Call me on 07973322589

What does he owe you, what has happend to you?

My email is

Could help you with a money claim etc. Let me save you 2 years waiting.

Regards John Standring 07973322589

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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 08:24

Will someone put this stuff on singing pig + Landlordzone.

new web site called Action Fraud, may be intrested in your cases. Please pass this new site on to others.


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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 08:39

After realising that there was no way out, Ahuja agreed to hand over around £10,000 to refund two of his clients Dawn Lawrence and Judith James, plus an extra £3,000 in costs.

Watch the episode here on iplayer

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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 09:52

Have you seen the web site action fraud which reports directly to the police. They will also give you a crime number so seem to be taking it seriously. The police have been in touch with me 3 times. They are starting to investigate Ahuja. Great stuff.

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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 10:21

Silent Fraud
Silent fraud occurs when a defendant fails to disclose material facts. To establish this, plaintiff has the burden of proving each of the following elements by clear and convincing evidence:

•The defendant failed to disclose one or more material facts about the subject matter of the claim;

•The defendant had actual knowledge of the fact(s);

•The defendant’s failure to disclose the fact(s) caused the plaintiff to have a false impression;

•When the defendant failed to disclose the fact(s), the defendant knew the failure would create a false impression;

•When defendant failed to disclose the fact(s), defendant intended that plaintiff rely on the resulting false impression;

•The plaintiff relied on the false impression; and

•The plaintiff was damaged as a result of the reliance upon the false impression.

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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 10:32

National Fraud Authority chief executive Dr Bernard Herdan says: "Fraud can be devastating to a victim, especially the most vulnerable in society.

"It can leave a person without any savings and completely destroy a person's livelihood.
"So I welcome the vital insight this series of reports have given us into the experiences of fraud victims.

"I am totally committed to improving the support they receive, starting with the launch of Action Fraud - the national fraud reporting centre."

The authority was formed last year as a partnership between public organisations such as the police, private ones including banks and help groups such as Victim Support.

It is part of the department of the Attorney General, Baroness Scotland, who says: "What victims most want is to understand what fraud they have suffered, where they can report it and what steps they need to take to reduce the likelihood of becoming victims again.

"Providing this will help reduce the repeat victimisation that fraudsters are getting away with all too often."

Having one point of contact strikes us as an excellent idea. Until now, the range of organisations involved in fighting fraud has led to massive confusion.

Only recently a reader asked us if she should report her situation to "The Department for Fair Trading Standards", creating one non-existent group out of three real organisations.

So we'll end on a festive note by wishing Action Fraud all the best - here's hoping it can help make life hell for conmen in 2010.

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John Standring 12th January, 2010 @ 12:01

Now I'd like to take Ahuja on with a class action representing all the victims," "But we need a firm of solicitors who will act for us without charge because it's in the public interest."

Any lawyers fancy helping? We'll love you forever if you do.

John Standring 07973322589

Its gone quiet are you all snowed in. Internet still works. Any comements, anyone contacted Fraud Action. Lets geta Class Action Against Ahuja.

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Samlir 13th January, 2010 @ 18:28

HI Guys
I'm another one of his victmis!!!
I've tried to get £5310 back from 2 property deals that didn't stack up.Any information on how to sue this gut would be grately appreciated


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John Standring 13th January, 2010 @ 20:26

Hi Sam

Call me anytime got loads of info.

What area are you from?

My Email address is

Regards john 07973322589

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John Standring 14th January, 2010 @ 13:21

Anjana Ahuja
Feature Writer, The Times

Anjana Ahuja has been a feature writer on The Times for nine years, reporting and commenting on science, medicine and social affairs. She sits on the Science in Society Committee at the Royal Society, and the editorial committee of the BA magazine. She has written for magazines, including Science in Parliament and Elle. She holds a PhD in physics from Imperial College and was a judge in the Science Book Prize in 2001.

A space physicist graduate from Imperial College London, she edits the science page of the newspaper and is called upon to write on topics as diverse as genetics, cloning, alcoholism, the origins of man, the Internet, space travel, parenting and bio-terrorism. From 1998-2002 she organised a series of Times' Science Lectures with the Royal Institute, designed to highlight junior researchers capable of becoming stars in their own field. Many are now professors and outstanding public communicators of science. Anjana serves on two committees that aim to improve science communication with the public - the Royal Society and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. She has also been a judge for the Science Book Prize, and has herself been shortlisted twice for Best Feature Writer in the National Science Writing Awards.

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Jimbo 25th January, 2010 @ 16:05

Hi John

I found your email on another thread but I haven't been able to get it to work.

I've also been stiffed by Ajay so looked to the internet for help and found all his dirt. I've only just seen the BBC thing.

I've left a message for Paul at Landlord action but he hasn't got back to me yet.

I'm just looking for some guidance because I'm up for a fight and sympathise with everyone else.

Any advice is helpful



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CC 26th January, 2010 @ 09:12


Please contact me at the following address:

email at corinna-cope dot com

and I may be able help you with your claim against Ahuja.

Regards - Corinna

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John Standring 26th January, 2010 @ 17:47

Hi Jim bin out today,uk

or 07973322589 anytime.


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Mark Barrow 2nd February, 2010 @ 15:29

Has anyone managed to get hold of Ajay Ahuja's home address?

Please email me at

Many thanks,

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Tariq Adams 5th February, 2010 @ 18:31

It's taken AGES to get to the bottom of this email, and what worthy reading it has been....

A Viewpoint: Ajay is in the wrong, for screwing people over.

Victims: Your in the wrong for trusting it was a good thing without considering the possibility of the deal going WEST.

At fault: Your both as bad as each other.

I invest personally in property that i find, and that i have sourced to me for a fee, none of it has EVER been pay up front, and there have been some amazing deals, so why would you even bother to try to trade on the dark side....



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The Cho 15th February, 2010 @ 17:21

I am a newbie at property investing. I have spent the best part of 2hours reading these threads. Beats working on a dreary monday.

I am on The Ahuja Group client list. I have thus far purchased one deal. The first deal that i commited to was drastically down valued and i was expensed with the survey fee. The ahuja group fee was kept on account, and they found me a deal in about 6 weeks. The property was down valued, but the 3rd party sourcer managed to keep the deal alive. I didn't here much from the Ahuja untill the deal exchanged.

Maybe i was lucky... Everytime i called the office i managed to speak to someone or get a call back.

I do agree that it is impossible to do any due diligence before you commit to the deal, and this is unreasonable and frustrating.

I hope you guys find a decent resolution.

well thats my 2 pennies in the pissing pot! :-)

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Paul 25th February, 2010 @ 11:57

is this all real though?

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John Standring 3rd March, 2010 @ 17:40

NITINBABU VRAJLAL wrote this on 2010-03-03 16:25:45

I am a victim of AJAY AHUJA.

Waiting for court decision regarding my money claim.

please be warned this: He is big fraud please don't hand him you hard earned cash as i did (stupid of me!)and i am now crying running after him and he is enjoying life with my money and of other innocent peoples, but i trust in GOD and unfortunately he is also a son of GOD!!! but he will have to pay!!!!i would like to get him face to face to say something to stop him doing these to other peoples but i am doing this to warn all peoples to be carefull.
thanks 15

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tommy marshall 18th April, 2010 @ 17:38

Ajays latest newsletter is all about how smart he is and how dumb journalists are.

Unfortunately for Ajay the public are able to see right through his lies and scams.

Ajay boasts that "The BBC’s job was so bad it got removed by Youtube and the BBC itself." on this page:!/

However he is a liar as the broadcast is still easily available from the BBC here:

Just scroll down to Video - Property dealer

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totallypeedoff 20th April, 2010 @ 19:07

As well as Ahuja has anyone had any probs with Connect IFA ltd?

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Samlir 20th April, 2010 @ 19:11

yes i've had problems with connect IFA.Ive basically told the woman that she a robbing bitch.I've told her she knows full well what ajay is up to and is quite happy to keep taking £400 for mortgage arrangement fees knowing that these deals are not going to go through .The she just says tough it's in the t's and c's you cant have your money back

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richard scott 21st April, 2010 @ 16:18

Have to say some of you people are plain dumb. I've read ajay's books, there great. Helped me make a load of money. I'm a property millionaire innit! However, the saying a fool and his money are easily parted. Comes to mind here.

Handing over 5k with out signing a contract. Expecting your money back. When his written terms state no refunds, Like that's going to happen. You think you pay x amount of money and he will find you wonder houses, in nice middle class areas that make huge bucks each month.

No doubt many of you plebs want your money back because 'gasp' he finds houses... poor people live in. Some of these people might not 'gasp' even, (or ever), worked and are on benefits. You people are lazy and stupid. Half the fun is looking for the properties your self. Not getting some one else to do it for you!

Its not marks and Spencers!!! (refunds) Think about it if these props he sources where so great he would buy them himself. He does this sourcing thing to make money out of stupid people. To dumb and lazy to do it them selves.

Just a thought, before you hand of 5k to someone... do some research. Google the person. Make some checks, get some refs, make a few phone calls.

I've had very small dealings with ajay's company, bought a pdf file for a 10 bucks about buying properties in the usa. Was good.

But pay someone money 2k to 5k, to source a property I could find myself. From a man who had to shut his own forum down because of the abuse he got from, 'dumb disgruntled customers'. I think not... All he does is look on rightmove!!! You can do this yourself, you don't have to get someone to do it for you!

Suing him wont help much. Your just end up suing a shell company with no assets and prob no link to ajay. County court law is rubbish. (try getting money from an evicted tenant). Its easy for the person owing the money to get out of paying anything. A few shell companies will stop it affecting there credit rating as well.

You people live in middle class bubble and think everyone else is like you. Good and honest. There not! If you think your going to get rich by reading the property section in the daily mail on a sunday, doing a google search and handing money to get someone to do it all for you. Quit now and stick to the insurance job.

Yeah he rips people off. For years, on the net, loads of complaints. Connect ifa are fine though. You should not have to pay them a fee unless the deal goes though, (least 3 years ago they did that).

Buy his books, understand them. Do it yourself.

Smarten up!

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mike 25th April, 2010 @ 19:58

I questioned the director of the company that does all the customer service/sales side of the business why a replacement had not been found for an existing customer, the reply was "finding replacement properties is not a priority".

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John Standring 26th April, 2010 @ 07:54

Hi Mike, may I ask who you are and does ahuja owe you money.

the reply was "finding replacement properties is not a priority".

This is amazing how they have the cheek to carry on. No shame, they are money psycopaths.

Please everyone keep well away, + if they owe you CC them. On principle and tell everyone.

Regards John 07973322589

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John Standring 14th May, 2010 @ 18:48

Daily Mirror

Daily Mirror Penman & Sommerlad Invistigate. Have a look and send in your story.

Doesent this remind you of someone. Lets all write into the Daily Mirror about you know who.

Practical Properties Portfolios Ltd racket wound up
By Nick Sommerlad on March 2, 2004 7:56 AM | No Comments
A property racket that made £100million by conning investors into buying dilapidated houses was smashed yesterday.

The scam involved 11 companies which persuaded people to invest in rundown and sometimes uninhabitable properties in the buy-to-let market.

All 11 were yesterday put into compulsory liquidation.

Three thousand victims were lured into the scheme with a promise of a 15 per cent annual return on their outlay, plus renovation and management of the property and a guarantee of tenants. But the operation, led by Practical Properties Portfolios Ltd, "grossly misled" investors, Leeds High Court heard.

Khanar Qureshi, for the Department Of Trade and Industry, told the court that much of the renovation was never completed.

"There was a shortfall in terms of tenants, rentability and accountability," he said. "The company is lacking in plausibility, credibility and business sense.

"If it were allowed to continue, the wrongs that were allowed to take place would be compounded by more investors being added to the situation."

Representing the 11 companies, Giles Mainard-Connor said they admitted that "albeit inadvertently, there was a possibility that there was a misrepresentation" in the expected gross return on an investment.

He added that the companies accepted "there are a number of things they did that they got wrong but they weren't irreparable".

Winding-up petitions were issued in March last year and opposed up until last month.

The other businesses shut down were: PPP Ltd, Napeer (Holdings) Ltd, PPP International Ltd, Napeer Housing Ltd, Blue Bell Maintenance Ltd, Blue Bell Housing Ltd, Let Protect Ltd, Aaron De Veere Ltd, Gold Medal Construction Ltd and Jan Speed Consultancy Ltd.

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Donna 22nd November, 2015 @ 14:30

What he like with private renting is it a proper tenecy? Seen a three bed house but not sure what to do.

















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