Best Practices for Maintenance & Repairs in Rental Properties

Maintenance, Repairs & Decorating BTL Rental Properties

Man, oh bloody man, can I tell you horror stories that will make your toenails curl and your bank balance collapse into sudden cardiac arrest when it comes to maintaining a rental property, including:

  • Painting and decorating
  • Preparing in-between tenants
  • Managing repairs and damages
  • Wear and tear
  • Unforeseen emergency issues (e.g. leaks)
  • … and so on, and so on, and so on!

Believe you me, if it can break, bend, melt or become unrecognanisble, it likely will.

Alas, there’s no escaping this element of being a landlord, even if you’re the type of landlord that palms off the day-to-day management to a letting agent. This is one bear trap you cannot wiggle out of, even if you try. I tried.

Fortunately, there is a silver-lining to all this, and this that I’ve dealt with enough ludicrous situations to write a book blog about it, from horrendous mould outbreaks to sloppy tenants that seemed to have a passion for breaking every fucking thing.

After years of getting it wrong and learning to get it right, I’m confident this section contains useful articles for both new and experienced landlords on the best practises to help decorate and maintain efficiently and cost-effectively, while firmly keeping durability in mind.

Ultimately, the importance of preventative maintenance in rental properties cannot be understated – the link between maximizing ROI and the best practices for decorating, maintenance and repairs in rental properties is closer than most landlords initially realise.

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