Apparently It’s A Terrible Time To Invest In Property

Bad Time To Invest In Property

Since the property market started sagging like your Nan’s tits I’ve received an influx of emails from smug individuals, many of whom are presumably trolling, but also genuinely gloating about the unfortunate situation I must be in.

While I appreciate everyone’s concern, it’s a little alarming that so many are quick to rejoice over the idea of other people failing. Surely this says more about their mental health than the health of my property portfolio?

But what’s more alarming is that other people know my finances better than I do!

A couple of days ago I received an email from a chap that was attempting to convince me that it’s financial suicide to attempt to make money in property,so presumably he’s accusing me (and every other property investor) of making a loss.

If that’s the case, it’s a pretty ballsy statement from someone that literally has no clue about my personal circumstances. Granted, I think that it’s considerably tougher to make cash in this current economic climate, but you got to be some kind of dip-shit to presume everyone with skin in the game is making a loss, right?

Thanks for the encouragement John…

Here’s the core of his comments:

your an idiot.

As Joe Kennedy famously said “When the Shoe shine boy is giving you stock tips, sell!” Similar situation with yourself.

Good blog though. Gave me much amusement, especially now. It will allow young educated people such as myself who deserve a home to do so, rather than morons like yourself getting involved in a business you know nothing about.

I own a property myself outright, so have little to worry about.

If you are in a steady, highly paid job, im sure interest rate hikes wont bother you too much but in a bear market like we are in now, its financial suicide to attempt to make money in property.

50 billion injection to the financial market & .5% knocked off interest rates still led to a 5.25% fall in the FTSE today. The rate of decline in property prices has not even begun to flatten yet (look at the stats). Do you not think that, perhaps your days are numbered?

I will refer you to a graph which has been repeated through-out history, from the Dutch poppies of the 16th century to the Great Depression in the 20th, and everything in between.

Link to Lifecycle of a Bubble on

From reading your blog, it would be safe to say you got in on the boom in the “delusional” stage.


I initially laughed because, “your an idiot.” was shortly followed by “It will allow young educated people such as myself”

Ahhhhh, self-proclaimed intelligence (from someone that’s clearly a spanner). That’s not hideous or cringy at all.

Anyways, he linked me to some junk on the website (I didn’t concern myself with clicking on the link). The fact he used an article on HPC as a point of reference was very telling. As I’ve touched on previously, the community is largely formed by fanatical lunatics, all eagerly waiting for a property crash like they’re waiting to witness the resurrection of Christ. Bunch of dummies.

Having a rational conversion with this character was unlikely, but alas, I made one small attempt knowing it was almost certainly going to be a waste of precious time.

I tried to explain to him that despite the downturn, I’m still turning a profit from being a Landlord, and I’m hopeful that any incurred losses in equity will eventually recover (as it always has done so far). Needless to say, my words landed on deaf and stupid ears.

Predictably, the lunatic knows my finances better than I do. The conversation essentially went as follows:

Me: I invest in property.
Stranger: You must be losing money.
Me: No, I’m not.
Stranger: Yes, you are. I know you are.
Me: Ok.

There’s no point arguing with that logic.

So let’s move on.

I noticed that John initially said, It will allow young educated people such as myself who deserve a home to do so

But then went onto saying I own a property myself outright, so have little to worry about.

Does that sound contradictory to anyone else? Does my mate John own a property or not?

Answers on a postcard, please!

Right, so let’s discuss Ron…

Ron kindly sent me the following email:


I’ve been reading through your site and I’m sitting here laughing to myself because all your efforts will be pointless when the property crash comes and cleans you out. Doesn’t that bother you the fact you will have nothing left and the fact you are giving people false hope? Don’t you feel guilty for encouraging other innocent people from going bankrupt like you?


Fuck you, Ron, you blubbering little shit-bag.

Only joking. Now, seriously…

What’s with the people that want others to fail, anyways?

I genuinely don’t really know what John’s or Ron’s (or people with a similar mindset) actual problem is, because I’ve never been able to relate with people that want others to fail. I find it baffling.

I have no problem with people wanting the property market to slow down so more people can jump aboard the bandwagon. But the problem is there is a breed of degenerates that enjoy the idea of a declining property market because it will result in losses for those people that want to prosper through property. These people are not necessarily enjoying the property slowdown in itself, but rather the failure of others.

In any case, I just want to make it clear that just because the market is in decline, it doesn’t mean that everyone is losing out, and it certainly doesn’t mean that making money in property is ruled out.

One of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett, famously said:

Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.

John’s sage insight versus Warren Buffett’s. That’s a toughie!

BTW, I’m not really advising anyone to be greedy, I’m just saying there are always opportunities.

As I touched on earlier, I do believe that back in the day (early 2000’s), any old fool could turn a profit from property (at least, it was easier), when the property market was going through an almighty boom. Perhaps that’s what John was inelegantly alluding to.

And yes, a lot of fools are still profiting because they purchased at the right time (maybe I’m one of them?). But who cares? Good for them/us. Why the hate?

Personally, I’m in a good position, whether that’s down to skill or good fortune is up for debate. I still know of many landlords snapping up bargains, and I certainly wouldn’t discourage the notion despite the plummeting market. I’m in this property game for the long-term, so it’s not like I was anticipating a few crashes and booms during my stay.

I really don’t think there’s an “unprofitable” time to invest in property, it’s just a case of buying the right property and selling at the right time. But that’s a different topic for another blog post. To be precise, my BTL property buying guide and my eBook for new landlords (free PDF download).

So now that’s all cleared up, perhaps the doom and gloomers can get off my tits.

Of course, I won’t hold my breath.

Right, I’ve had my little cry up.

So, how are you doing?

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SR 7th May, 2008 @ 12:56

It's great, always that find people who are quick to point out where investors have gone wrong - sitting in their bedroom of their parents house, bunkbed still there despite their younger sibling having left years previous, with LFC 1991 squad picture and 5 Star posters - who are THE least qualified to offer an opinion on the current market.

My own view - there will be no property crash, a correction probably but check out economic fundamentals and yes, look at property investment with a mid to long term view!

Keep up the good work with the site!

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Shazia 9th May, 2008 @ 07:19


He's a bit bitter it seems, it's quite possible he's suffering great loss in the property market. Perhaps he's just letting off steam or something. Ron, I hope things honestly work out for you however by degrading others and their hard work, and questioning their credibility when you obviously know jack shit about them, you really aren't doing anyone any good. Speaking from personal experience there is much you can learn from this site, just stop being so damn pessimistic and cheer up. Go grab some apple pie or cheesecake even; always takes me to cloud 9.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 11th May, 2008 @ 20:44


Thanks for the support. And I agree whole heartedly, I don't think there will be a crash, just a much needed correction. When the last crash occurred in the early 1990's, the circumstances were much different than now.

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noble jones 14th October, 2008 @ 09:58

I wouldn't worry about the doom mongers. I'm just getting into property NOW. It's the best time. Everyone is scared prices go down and intelligent investors say I'll have that one and that one thank you very much. They don't understand the market - as long as you're not overstretched you're onto a winner

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 14th October, 2008 @ 10:49

Hey Noble,

I also think it's a great time to get involved.

As Warren Buffet once said, "Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy"

The key definitely is not to overstretch, and identify the key threats!

Many thanks, and good luck!

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Jenkins 14th October, 2008 @ 14:40

Alright mate,

Love the site, I'm 25 and have a few properties and I also am sick of the doom and gloom merchants. In reference to the fellow who was babbling on about FTSE's the decline of this, that and the other....I feel for him, I truely do everything is cyclical (love that word) including property. So when the poo waves part we shall come up smelling of roses! If your ever in Manchester drop me an email, be nice to chat face to face. All the best.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 14th October, 2008 @ 15:07

Hey Jenkins,

I'm glad I'm not the only one bored of the gloomers!

I don't really spend much time in Manchester, but i'll def let you know if I'm ever about.

Take it easy

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Pedro 18th October, 2008 @ 10:02

I can't believe you posted that guy's email address. You put your email address on your website, and you unfortunately get emails from people you don't care to hear from. But to post someone else's email address on your website because you think they are a tit is just taking the piss.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 18th October, 2008 @ 12:49

Oh come on, Pedro, don't be like that =/

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bub 18th October, 2008 @ 19:42

Why not put your accounts on your blog so they can see how well you are doing? That should shut the jealous underclass up.

Pedro is sort of right though don't you think? Your comment box says this: "E-mail (required - never shown publicly)", but you have shown it.

Ah well.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 20th October, 2008 @ 08:40

Ok Ok ok, you guys win- I feel guilty now (even though that guy was a bit of a knob). Email address has been removed!

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Uncommonadvice 20th October, 2008 @ 16:27

Go for it mate. I've just increased my portfolio to 7 properties, and I'm beginning to think that I'd be better with 17. The only issue I foresee is suffering a prolonged void. By maximising my portfolio I can hedge against this.

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John 23rd October, 2008 @ 09:58

Its nice to see some recognition from you. I clearly made an impact! Im less impressed at your referencing of what Iv been saying. In your article, you twice sticthed together items I mentioned and took them completely out of context in order to mislead readers.

As to making email addresses public. This just goes to show how low you will go when you cant formulate a reasonable response. Luckily morons like yourself are predicatable and the registered email address doesnt exist.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 24th October, 2008 @ 07:05

If I stretched anything out of context, it's probably because you weren't articulate enough. I'm sure if I copy/pasted your entire comment, it would read the same.

I thought my response was just fine.

But I agree, displaying your email address was uncalled for (even if it wasn't your actual email address), and I apologise for that. I removed it not long after I posted the article.

Regardless, "Your an idiot"

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Joe 27th October, 2008 @ 13:11

Fair enough. I would be annoyed if people kept on putting me down like that. But instead of writing articles on them just ignore the comments. Your only fueling the fire. Amazing blog!!!

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landlords suck 6th November, 2008 @ 00:39

Every a-hole in this country wants to get rich for doing nothing, and usually at somebody else's expense, but they dont think enough ahead to realize it takes more than buying a cheap piece-of-crap house and renting it to some poor person that cannot afford to own a house, all they care about is early Retirement, and thinking they are going to make a fortune. What happens next is the reality problem. And the reality is that buying junk means you have to fix stuff all the time, and there goes all of your profit. Buying a decent house means you are not going to make a profit, so Rental properties are almost always pieces-of-crap that nobody in their right mind is going to buy to live in themselves.

I have been on both ends, and trust me, most of the people that rent houses to others, are nothing but a-holes who dont give a rats as_s about the tenent, so boo-hoo, cry your f-ing heart out and see if the poor people in this country give a s_hit about your problem, because you probably dont care anything about the tenent, just care about how much money you are NOT making....
All of you Slum-lords can kiss my backside...
put yourself in the tenents shoes for awhile, and think about the poor stupid idiot that is renting your cheap piece-of-crap, and has to put up with your B/S everyday, and because they signed a Lease, they dont have a choice...

Well you ought to be glad you didnt rent your crap to me, because my Landlord is going thru more s_hit than you can believe, because their rent checks have been going to court-escrow for 3 months now because they didnt want to fix their s_hit-hole house, and now they have bad credit to boot...
Yaaaahhhhaaaaayyy Meeee!!!

Chalk one up for the tenent...

one more thing... I hope the new Prez f's things up worse than it already is for u a-holes, then maybe the housing mkt will be down where it should have already been anyway...

oh, almost forgot, dont bother Commenting back, because I wont read it anyway... just wanted to pi_ss on your parade...LOL.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 6th November, 2008 @ 07:46

heh, I actually WORKED to save up the money to put down deposits. It's called "investment"- how is that doing nothing? HEAVEN FORBID, someone wanting to get rich by investing money. My god, are you like 15yrs old?

I'm a good landlord, and my properties are decent. Whatever experience you've been through doesn't mirror my situation. Imagine that?

Anyways, son, keep on renting, and make someone else richer :)

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HouseofCards 17th December, 2008 @ 03:26

Some fantastic comments!!

Watching these get rich quick idiots go under is literally making me piss myself.

To think the owner of this blog considers himself superior to tenants because he 'owns' the house. (Not quite lord of the manor yet mate) Anyway im sure he is secretly sobbing watching the deposit he put down drifting away in lost equity.

Also loving the piece about shit rental houses. Never a truer word spoken.

LOL.... Twat. cant wait to see you fail...

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 17th December, 2008 @ 08:30

@HouseofCards: You're the epitome of what kind of character i'm talking about.

You know nothing about "my situation". You're only as wise as what you read on the news or hear from your neighbour, because you evidently didn't read anything in this article. Great.

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HouseofCards 17th December, 2008 @ 14:24

Oh believe me, I have read all of this blog. I admire your drive and honesty and you clearly know your stuff, however to me you are incredably delusional and over optimistic regarding the future.

Your equity is decreasing. Why dont you simply admit that fact. Of course you will say long run, and safe purchase system, buying under market price etc etc... but its deeper than that.

There is no guarentee the market, or the economy for that matter will pick up next year or the year after. We are clearly heading into a world wide version of the Japanesse 'lost decade'. If 0% interest rates cannot move the world economy forward, what can?

In Japan, asset prices fell 90% from thier peak and even handing people money in the form of vouchers didnt kick start the economy because they merely saved it. If this deflation hits the UK, and it is looking more and more likely, buying a house is the last thing you want to do knowing it will be worth less and less every year. (You dont catch a falling knife!) Not only that, rents will collapse so your system will leave you with more to pay in mortgages payments than rents received.

I dont think you will fold as a result because your not leveraged up to the hilt but many people are. I think you will realise, property really is not the guarenteed earner it has been.

Im expecting something rude in response, as is given to everyone critical. However, I would honestly like to know your opinion on this matter if you have one.;)

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Jools 21st March, 2009 @ 20:22

And how many buy to let houses do you have house of cards?

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Jenks 23rd March, 2009 @ 09:40

I'd like to share a quote with you all from Theodore Roosevelt that I have up on my wall, I think it sums up very well what sets the risk takers appart from the rest and why we do it:

"It is not the critic that counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man has stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so taht his place shall never be with those cold and timid soles who know neither victory nor defeat"

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Jools 23rd March, 2009 @ 12:07

Nice one Jenks!

Risk taking is part of the job description. There are two choices - work for yourself and keep your destiny in your own hands or work for someone else and be placed at the mercy and whim of some bean counter. Who is in a more risky position at the moment?

1. The landlord with a good property portfolio with risk spread across various properties.

2. The employee who under the current financial market has no control over his bosses, sales figures, corporate re-structuring, knob head bankers etc..

The more people bleat and bitch and whinge about me being a landlord cements my opinion further that I have made the right move. If I screw up then it is down to me but at least I sleep soundly at night knowing that I will never be made redundant at a moments notice.

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Aunty P 11th April, 2009 @ 22:16

House of cards, I've read your comments on another page and you sound full of hate. Why do you bother to visit the site when you so obviously hate landlords? Go and find something positive in your life, give out some happiness and see your life improve. What goes round comes round and when all that ignorant shit you give out comes back round it's gonna knock you flying.

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Slaughter 27th April, 2009 @ 14:19

Haha - the property investing filth are now getting an education.

The enemy is getting a financial kicking.

The crash is only just getting going.

It is financial slaughter for the landlords mwhahahahahah.

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Aunty P 27th April, 2009 @ 18:32

I don't know of a single landlord who is "getting a financial kicking". And I know a few hundred landlords!

People need homes, the government doesn't provide them, landlords do. It's one the few businesses that aren't suffering at the the moment.

Dream on Slaughter.

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Jools 27th April, 2009 @ 19:30

Hey Slaughter - it's because of tossers like you I really love this job!


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spongebob 27th April, 2009 @ 21:12

Hmmmm, I know of a few landlords in Liverpool who are hurting - but mainly because they are 'outsiders' who bought properties expensively in areas they didn't research properly. (some even bought properties unseen and have never been back since and yet they still expect market rate returns on delapidated properties)

And I know other landlords who bought up streets (literally) for a few thousand pounds ten years ago and which, even in the current climate, are still worth several hundred thousand pounds. Also, they are getting fantastic rental returns (I know because I manage their properties).

Some of my bolder landlords are already actively buying in Liverpool and I'm tempted to buy some myself - the ONLY thing preventing me is the fact that I am predominantly London based and may need to return permanently in the very near future

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property troll 28th April, 2009 @ 07:56

I'm constantly amused by the barrack room economists particularly from within the financial community. I met a fairly senior banker from credit suisse last year who proclaimed that my property business was in peril because the housing market would "fall off a cliff in 2009" due to lack of liquidity then last month a "fund manager" told me I wasn't selling the property I am actually selling because there are no mortgages. Where did these people get their education! Landlords you are in the right place at the right time, more distressed stock on its way but demand is high.Take a look at but remember rates will rise in a couple of years.

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Cheshire Cat 21st June, 2009 @ 23:09

Markets this, economy that, rar rar rar rar!!

Still need a home whatevers on the cover of the daily rag.

Inflation nibbles away at out beloved pound, price of everything goes up in the end, ask your grandad. The wise man would prepare for base rate rises.

I love your site, and the shits it drags out of the closet.

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property troll 22nd June, 2009 @ 07:23

I love this site everyone is gloves off and going for it. The problem is the history of predjudice in the UK housing market. Tennants feel they are the disposessed and are praying for a revolution, Landlords have a vested interest in the status quo. So youre never going to agree which is great. Interesting how many young Trotski sympathisers became capitalist monsters once they succumbed to the work ethic and the wonders of business.
Owning an investment property isn't immoral or insane it is an investment. Being a tennant is fine because you don't have to worry about house prices or interest rates and can put that energy into a happy and wholesome life.
I own a few properties myself but it isn't my only driver in life and most of the people I rent to I get on with.
I also pay the rent on my daugters student rooms and we have a good old moan at times but Id rather not own that house with the cast from "the young ones" in it.
Sorry for sounding like I have splinters in my arse but sometimes you have to look at things from the other perspective difficult if your young and just out of Uni but far easier with the wisdom that time and life experience brings to you.
Or do we ever learn.

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Rich 28th July, 2009 @ 10:25

Ok, so "The Landlord" started buying his portfolio end of 2006, a couple of months before the peak, since then prices have come down by between 10-20% depending on area, but he claims he is still not losing money...? I am assuming that he is then conveniently disregarding the equity loss that most definitely has happened since and that he looks at rental payments v. mortgages. In the upturn all the talk was about how much richer one had become, all based on the capital appreciation. Now this seems to be different. It's a 'long term' investment. Long term indeed. Further, saying that now is the time when the experienced players make a killing is also amusing, coming from someone who started less than three years ago.

This is not really an attempt to be smug, simply stating the obvious that property investment is not an area for easy money. Just like all other investments it requires skills and determination to be successful in the long run. Sure, amateurs can be lucky and saved by the market as was recently the case with property until the start of 2007. Like stocks, someone who jumped on the bandwagon late (2000 for stocks or B2L in 2006/2007) stands low chances of making decent risk adjusted returns for a very long time.

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property troll 28th July, 2009 @ 11:42

I think it will be a while before some of the property investments made since 04 make any capital returns, all property investments have to be long term because of the high transaction costs. Nobody is guaranteed returns in this life, cash will be costing money right now.
The great thing about creative accounting is that as your properties reduce in value the yield on their real value increases. Magic!
Property price slumps happen every 17 years historically so my plan is to develop a portfolio over the next five years and never sell anything again.

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 28th July, 2009 @ 12:30

I had property before 2006, I just started buying property on my own from 2006.

Anyhow, I purchased a property for £145k in 2006, and it's valued at 175k right now. That's not bad. That's just one example.

And equity loss is taken into consideration, just as rental income to make repayments is taken into account. In the short term i've lost equity, which is self-implied, I hope. But i'm recovering slowly each month as I reduce debt with rent. It's a 10-15yr plan.

I also purchased well BMV, which I guess you conveniently ruled out of the equation.

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John 2nd August, 2009 @ 16:52


I am the proud subject of this article and it is amusing to see some of the responses so far down the line.

I will reiterate the fact that 'the landlord' has yet to go into his equity standing of which I believe to be of core importance and interest to many.

Secondly something which I never pointed out is the fact that housing slumps tend to last many years, the last UK example was 6-8 years. The world was able to pull the UK out of that particular one and inflation eroded debt much of the debt anyway.

We are now in a period of deflation and could be for some time so debt is increasing relative to everything else instead of eroding it. Added to that, the world (including the UK) are de-leveraging after a long period of credit expansion. Therefore a housing slump could exist of a more lengthily period than history might suggest.

This is something 'the landlord' and other landlord readers of this site tend to ignore.

Finally, to the people who believe this is my ideological attack on capitalism, get over yourself. I am merely trying to point out the irrational exuberance that got so many people in trouble in the states and all over the world, but seems to still exist within readers of the blog.


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stephie 11th August, 2009 @ 18:20

well i rent i think with the right landlord you will get a dame sight further than buying yourself well for me n e way.i haven't settled yet so for me to buy is a waste of time im not tied into selling a house for less than i paid for it and i don't have the hassle of trying to sell it if i had enough to buy to rent i would too. so landlords well done and keep Ur tenants happy.and to all u do gooders kiss ur bosses ass after u finish ur 50hour risk r there to be taken

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sycorax 13th August, 2009 @ 07:32

Lots of other people who couldn't sell have had to 'become' BTL landlords in 2008. Talk about a high learning curve! For them, the rent may not even cover the repayments, or barely, but I am sure that within the next 5 years, once debt has been overpaid and I have been able to remortgage to a better deal, hanging onto our place was the wiser move. it has given us the chance to move up a rung to a second BMV house rather than stay in a flat, and to do that up and hopefully increase equity there. And I know that my tenant has an easier life and better living conditions than me! ll mod cons - the quality of rented accommodation out there now is really high. So if I was under 25 and wasn't a trustafarian, I'd be renting and saving till I could buy at auction. Happy and wholsesome life indeed! Sadly anyone planning a family and needing bigger housing has to adapt and try to protect their property, hanging onto it in the hope that things improve by 2011. Trying not to think about the concept of a 10 year slump! If there is one, guess we'll have to keep repaying and renting out!

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Cheshire Cat 13th August, 2009 @ 22:32

Hi Again Landlord, hope your well.

I have a theory i'd like to "publish":-

The UK has not got alot going for it, the only thing holding this countrys finances together is the finance industry (cant believe i'm saying that!) and the value of our real estate. We don't manufacture really, we don't export, we don't mine.... we're just a paperwork excersise really, a big fat debt machine.

I have a feeling that whoevers at the helm of our boat realises that keeping those two gravy trains rolling is the only option. If that means shimming up a stagnant ecomonmy for the next decade or even two, thats better than a 1980's style propery crash. Even at the cost of jobs, savings, exhange rates, blahh....

I feel they will put off a property crash at all costs, even if it does slowly drive this country into the ground. Good for the present and capitalism, but maybe in 100 years time, our kids will read books of the old "Great Britian", while the world they live in feels more like Kazakstan.

On that note, i'm buying a house, and I hope it to be the first of many profitable ventures.

Show me Love,

Cheshire Cat

The Landlord Avatar
The Landlord 14th August, 2009 @ 08:19

Hello there Cat!!
Well one thing is for sure, it's in the Governments best interest to keep the property market alive, because as you said, we've got nothing much else!

Congrats on the purchase! Now is definitely the time to snap up those bargains!

Love, love, love!

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Cheshire Cat 14th August, 2009 @ 09:32

What do you think of all these underhand shenanagons?

Seems like the current trend of Dodge insider loans, Northen Rock and the Cheshire Building Society did the same tricks.

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SocialMike 10th September, 2009 @ 10:27

Landlords are great - they mean we can sell our properties just before the crash and have somewhere to live whilst reinvesting the proceeds into better performing assets :D

Remember: we're all renters until the last mortgage payment is made; and no money is made until the cash is in the bank.

Owning property is becoming more expensive and (legally) onerous by the year. One could even ask (and I'm surprised more don't), who *really* "owns" your house when the Govt reaches in and dictates what you can and can not do with it (or how and when it can be sold)?

And I can assure you, the bods at the Dept of Energy & Climate Change, CLG and the EU are looking at (yet) more radical proposals.

By 2015, I'd wager, we'll all be asking: who actually owns my house?

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Sabine 25th September, 2009 @ 20:55

Good god, what is it with english people and their hatred of Landlords. If you can't afford to buy a property, you will ahve to rent one. If no one buys property to let out where are you going to live ? I come from a country where house ownership isn't reagrded as a right and not that many people do own their property. On the other hand there are few "private" Landlords, most of them are buy-to-let. This is great, as they don't turn round in 2 years and tell me I have to move as they are selling. I hate the way I am treated as a tenant in this country (even though my current landlady is lovely and can't do enough to make me feel comfortable). As a tenant I am effectively living in temporary housing, which is very scary and gets expensive after a while (moving house cost money, deposits need to be paid before the previous is returned etc). My nan has been renting her flat since 1953. It is her home. Thats the other thing which grates me in this country. If I rent a place from you, it is your house, but it is my home. I don't want to be told what colour and if I can repaint the front room. Other than structural work, it should be up to me how I decorate the place. If Mr Landlord didn't just see me as a temporary mortgage payer who will be removed as soon as the housing market picks up, maybe he wouldn't mind so much. If people who used to live in the property and now rent it out for whatever reason would understand that it is now no longer their home, maybe things would be easier. And maybe not so many frustrated tenants would hate their landlord. Because people tend to rent for long times where I come from, tenants don't mind doing-up the property they live in. And they don't ask the landlord to pay for it. (within reason - if something needs to be done as it is run-down or broken, the landlord pays. If you just feel like re-painting because you prefer to live in a day-glo living room, you pay yourself). Rented properties are usually looking just as good as owned properties and people are proud of their home. But then, they don't have to fear that they will get chucked out again in 12 months time, they can be sure to still live there when they draw their pension, if they so wish...

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Fos Glos 11th October, 2009 @ 20:14

Some of the posters on here are great with their high five "can't go wrong with property".
All very well to dismiss HPC, but you do look a bit silly if you are just as dogmatic on the pro property side.
Property provides a small return in the long run. Now and again you can make a killing but that's at other people's expense which isn't very nice is it?

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james 20th December, 2011 @ 17:31

If he only has a very small deposit and most of its mortgage then all he will be paying off over the years is the interest repayments on a low value/rent property!

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Benji 20th December, 2011 @ 18:03

The idea is to make a profit. If all your doing is covering interest and costs youre doing something wrong.

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Mikey H 24th August, 2012 @ 18:46

What happens if all my properties go down to £1?

Will I cry? No. I do NOTHING!

The tenants are paying off the mortgage - I get my home's paid off in 12-15 years time (first one is already paid off, actually 2nd one in 5 years time... actually... hey ok less than 12 years time). Cool.

Hmmm... I need to buy some more before everyone else does.

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ubendem 26th March, 2015 @ 19:58

Investment is a business. You seem to be quite good at it. Like you, I have done well. Mostly due to hard work, being careful and having a great partner.
There are risks, and benefits. Ups and downs. I have made on average 4% above anything Standard Life could offer me in 2009. I am considering getting in a bit deeper, but only what I can afford.
My friend Manny, used to sell fags at school 50 years ago. He made about three fags for every forty he sold. Manny is now very very comfortable.
Oh, he still smokes, but only really good cigars.
All the very best in your endeavours. Just do what you can, and do it well.

















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