Oh dear, it seems like the renowned BTL portfolio landlord Ajay Ahuja has been investigated again, but this time by a pair of cheeky undercover journalists from Sky News. The report was aired yesterday evening (28th April 2010), but on the 18th of April, Ajay mentioned something about it on his blog, so I knew it was in the coming.
It was only a few months ago that the BBC did a report on Ajay Ahuja and investigated what a few of his customers labelled as a “Property Scam”, so things don’t seem to be getting any better for him. Shortly after the BBC incident, I did an interview with the man himself to get his side of the story, which you can checkout here.
Ok, so here’s the latest report by Sky News (update: the original report by Sky has been removed, so now it links through to an article by LandlordZone discussing the matter):
It looks as though bits and pieces of footage were patched together (naturally), because they didn’t really give him much air time. However, he’s clearly leaving behind a trail of unhappy customers.
The concept of “research” is apparently a lost art
If I was ever going to invest thousands of pounds into a product/salesman, I would conduct thorough research. I wouldn’t just bend over, hand over my cash and hope for the best. But I get the impression a lot of Ajay’s customers did exactly that.
If you do basic searches in Google for “Ajay Ahuja” a lot of warning signals flag up, so what amazes me is that so many people are left wondering where they went wrong. Perhaps they should have done a little something called research.
Don’t get me wrong, being ripped off sucks. And if Ajay is ripping people off (i.e. not giving people what he promised), then I hope justice is served. However, I am saying that somewhere along the line, perhaps the victims need to take a little responsibility.
I mentioned that Ajay talked about this investigation on his blog before it was aired (most likely to get the first word in and warn people), and here are the key points…
Update 1: The original and full blog post has now been removed from Ajay’s website.
Update 2 (31st May 2017): Ajay Ahuja has recently been in touch and said he does not want me quoting his response to the investigation. As a gesture of goodwill I have removed the extracts of his response I had originally quoted.
Well, I hope Ajay kept true to his word and loved what Sky put out on TV. Although, I’m not entirely sure I’m convinced… are you?
So, does anyone give a crap?
Below is a graph displaying how much traffic I have received from Google over the last few days for the term “Ajay Ahuja”. As you can see, after appearing on Sky News, more people started to give a fuck, so to speak.
Apparently there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but i’m not so sure about that.
Have a great Bank Holiday weekend everyone!! If all goes to plan, I’ll be eating well and getting laid. Unfortunately, barely anything goes to plan. xx
Disclaimer: I'm just a landlord blogger; I'm 100% not qualified to give legal or financial advice. I'm a doofus. Any information I share is my unqualified opinion, and should never be construed as professional legal or financial advice. You should definitely get advice from a qualified professional for any legal or financial matters. For more information, please read my full disclaimer.
This guy is a scumbag...
The law of the land should put him down now...